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HildaOgden - OG Cleaner

Well-known member
I'm not getting tattle vibes from this one but I could be wrong. So inch says it's his wife's tradition 🤔 and a sheep defends by saying its lonnies first 11/11 like it's his 1st Xmas!!!!

Then there is the sheep tagging SS about the pjs!!!

Fuck me sideways the hinches are a pair of complete and utter cunts!!! But there must be a reason she hasn't deleted and blocked tho 🤔
Someone’s written “Lennies first 11/11 such negativity”

F U C K ME!! It’s Remembrance Day, not Christmas. These people are unbelievable. Disgusting.
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The doggo huns on that post are doing me in. If anyone I knew used the phrase ‘fur baby’ or ‘fur brother’ etc I would excuse myself and never speak to them again. Ps Ming the Merciless wants his eyebrows back

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Chatty Member
Note how she’s says “finally hear his little voice”. But he screams wheels on the bus and wakes up Lennie? 🤔 the lies of it.

PS. Soph, it’s not just going to be magically solved in a day. You have to be consistent with it. First step, spend time with him xox
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She should feel disgusted with herself for previously lying about his speech! My daughter is the same age and we are with SALT, I’d NEVER lie and say she can something she can’t. She’s pretty much non verbal but it’s doesn’t define her!

It’s hard but it’s just how it is. I wouldn’t change her for the world. I’m my daughters biggest fan and I’m so proud of her. Hinch should be the same. I couldn’t give a flying fuck if my mates kid who’s 18 months can recite fucking Shakespeare. I don’t compare, kids grow at their own rate. She shouldn’t be fucking feeling sorry for herself or ashamed which she clearly is.

STOP making it about you Zoph. Poor Ron, he deserves much better!
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Her lies started on the first page of her first book.
The "village of Maldon".
She hasn't stopped lying since.
One day my Johnny's gonna burst.
Just saying.
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Our youngest had speech delay which I couldn’t get any help for until the 3 1/2 year check with the Health Visitor. It was Pre School that helped me to get her assessed as she had major temper tantrums too. She was diagnosed with speech & language delay, had 6 sessions of SALT then a SEN in place (this was many years ago) when she started school for her to have support in a small group. I had to fight tooth and nail for that. I taught her to read myself doing extra work at home and she overtook many in her class. Obviously it was day in day out working with her each night and left me drained. It was the education system that got us through to the support but the cutbacks in the local NHS left us high and dry.
Then at 10 years old things were still not right and we ended up getting her assessed again to have the diagnosis of Dyspraxia. When I researched it it flagged up all the symptoms that we had unknowingly experienced. She caught up on speech and language but other things went wrong and her mental health illnesses are so acute that she will not leave the house. So in short, it was the state educational system that supported us but I had to constantly fight for her. It’s a lonely, depressing experience when you have a child with additional needs. She was bullied so much through school. I dread to think how someone thrust into the public domain from birth is going to cope with cruel taunts from his peers later on! You can’t be with them 24/7 to protect them from other children and in this age of cyber bullying, the less you share the better. So if you are reading this Mrs Hinch, please bear that in mind as it’s no fun with a 24 year old constantly having to watch them to make sure they haven’t attempted suicide because of the sheer torment they experienced at school (and online) for being “different”. One who is too scared to walk out of the front door in case someone verbally assaults them. It shouldn’t be today’s “trolls” you should worry about - it’s the ones in years to come after the poor little mite’s life has been documented forever and a day online. I’m not a troll or an unkind person - I have written here in the vain hope that you actually read this and take on board what so many have been trying to tell you for months.
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The people asking where the PJs are from are the type of cunts that continue shopping and ignore the fact that everyone around them is paying respect. She has outdone herself here, what an absolute prick.
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Just seen her latest…. Don’t spout shit that he can talk perfectly well then! If you would have just addressed it in the first place no one would have any issues!
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For me it’s the


Ok hinch. Nighty night. Have a rest. You’ve worked hard today. And hard all week. Actually aside from 8 mins on heart fm you’ve done fuck all.
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As someone who works with people in the public eye I seriously can’t believe that her agency aren’t tearing their hair out over the inappropriate content she posts.
We’d be seriously talking about completely taking over the social media from any of our clients if they did what she does. She’s a liability. She’s going to go too far and get dropped sooner rather than later.
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What gets me is how many “I”s are in her post. There is no “Ronnie is getting frustrated” or “he seems unhappy being unable to communicate and we want to better his life” or “it’d be lovely if he could communicate with friends and tell nursey staff what he needs” or anything about Ronnie. It’s al about how she’s desperate and she’s wishes something will stick. I get as a mum you would be, it must be incredibly tough. But her motivations seem on herself not him and others. It’s a meltdown rant rather than an act of warmth.
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Newcastle 101

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Purposely left that reply so she could play the 'troll' card. 'please please leave me alone'
Tearful video on the way... 'I can't even mark remembrance day (sell pj's) wivout gettin trolled 😭
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HildaOgden - OG Cleaner

Well-known member
I am by no means an expert in SALT but I am a teacher and I do understand how learning works so I will Wade in with opinions on this.

firstly - it’s appalling that she’s just thrown that story up like that. Poorly typed, looks rushed and desperate and not for the right reasons. This is where she riles us with this topic - she makes out like all is hunky dory. “There” “wheels on the bus”. But it isn’t is. I completely get how frustrating it must be to watch your child battle language. A close relatives daughter didn’t talk until she was 4. They learned makaton and did it all day every day with her. She picked it up eventually and was much happier when she could communicate finally. One day speech came. But makaton was amazing in the interim. Her comprehension was excellent. We have no idea whether Ronnie actually comprehends what’s said to him and that makes all the difference here.
Secondly - I just don’t believe she has fully invested herself into helping Ronnie. I really don’t. Harsh as it sounds she spends more time doing her make up each day than signing with Ronnie. I wouldn’t ever say a parent is the cause of their child’s speech issue but she and Inch are a huge factor in the reason things haven’t progressed - whatever that looks like. This is not something that happens overnight.
Finally (for now) - don’t parade this all over insta like this. This is not how you seek help. You seek it privately. You find the right agencies and seek them through private messages. You keep your child protected and off Instagram.
no one trolls Ronnie. We all want what’s best for him.
sadly I’d say this is more about lack of likes than anything else.
Remember he recently asked about a man eating paper?
She has the money to go private and get her son in front of a speech therapist faster than the average parent, so why hadn’t she?

She fucking turns my stomach!! She always pulls some sort of MASSIVE victim stunt when she gets caught out and this week she was caught out on her Greggs lie and her selfish, thoughtless Remembrance Day photo op stunt. I’m not surprised she’s posted this about Ron today. But what parent, with her cash, waits till 29 months have passed (not “past”) and relies on app when they’re genuinely worried about their non-verbal son and asks their public social media platform for help? She’s a sly cunt and I wouldn’t trust a word she says.

That woman is deranged. Soph, get help for yourself. If Soph and her family can’t see what’s wrong with her behaviour then god help Ron.
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View attachment 861697

This is the one time she does want to come and have a browse on Tattle you know because she hasn't been on here since God was a lad.
Tattlers have been giving loads of advice from personal experience etc. No negative comments on here about Ronnie and his speech. Only support from what I've seen.
The only negativity I've seen has been from her 'he can speak perfectly well thank you' 'he asked why the man was smoking paper' and 'he sings wheels on the bus'.
Horrible to lie about your own child like she does.
Glad she is reaching out but I hope she takes it on board and this isn't just for engagement.
I do wonder if shoving a phone in his face all the time doesn't help. My SIL used to do this with our nephew all the time. He's 3 now and has very limited speech. But....he's come on leaps and bounds these past few months and coincidently during these past few months she's not been plastering him all over Facebook and Instagram. Just a thought. Anyways....routing for Ronnie ❤
not being funny but she really doesn’t do herself any favours.

speech and language therapists go to university for 3 years. They have to be registered with hcpc and you can find who is registered by searching on the register. I work a lot with slts and they are amazing. They do transform kids speech. Why on earth would she not actually google and see what slts do?

honestly she’s on another planet.

i do work closely with speech impairments to, as you all know as a lot of them can end up occurring with the sort of disorders I work with like autism and adhd. But slts really are very undervalued, under appreciated and we are in dire need of more of these people. A lot of the stuff I learned was from the slts I work with, we often cross one another and plan intervention together if there is a condition which requires quite a lot of input from both of our fields.

im embarrassed that she hasn’t spent time researching what slts do to be honest. Would of been an ideal way to mention rcslt and the brilliant work they also do with adults to as they’ve been over run with long covid referrals causing issues with swallowing etc

fuck sake, your son clearly is struggling with all areas of his speech, receptive expressive social ! Go and bloody read about it yourself instead of relying on your huns who can barely spell their own name!

also the woeful ignorance of asking for anecdotal advice like every speech impairment or nd condition is the same is just ridiculous.

using autism as a example Stephen shore once said if you’ve met one person with autism you’ve met one person with autism

every diagnosis is different and will need different intervention based on many variable factors.
Furthermore let’s not forget she does not need to rely on nhs slts and can pay for private therapy.
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