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She’s pissed me right off with this. Why on gods green earth would she ever think that using an app to help his speech ever replace actually helping him?! It isn’t going to be an overnight fix, these things take months, you have to be fucking consistent! Why the fuck would she moan about having to do the exercises, flash cards, signs etc with him? You’re his fucking mother? Surely you’d wanna do if all day every day, watch YouTube videos of signs, get involved with him, just talk to him and read books and sing songs, speak to every health visitor/nursery/GP to get him help so that at the end of the day she can say she tried EVERYTHING she possibly could to help him.

my nephew had speech delays too, turns out he was deaf. Our entire family learnt to sign to help him, we all watched YouTube videos, took online classes, helped each other, so we could open his world. (hes 8 now, and absolutely thriving. Recently learnt swear signs. I love it)

Soph is so self obsessed, lazy and an utter fucking cunt. Ronnie deserves so much more.

Sorry for the long rant lads, shes pushed my buttons tonight and she needs a slap.
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14 bacon rolls

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I don't get it. Has she just regurgitated the same caption and same style photo with Lennie as the one with Ron two years ago? Fucking weird
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A "tradition"?? fuck off ya cheese melt!! You have done it twice! Traditions is where you repeat it every year, yet I don't recall last years picture!!!
Not once have I ever thought on these kinda days to grab my kids and get pictures! Not once! And yet my kids understand the importance of remembrance day and to be grateful.

Honestly this two are fucking idiots!

Another thing.... all the comments she gets from her "fans", posts she's tagged in asking her to share and yet she always finds the negative comments!!! Hunnnnay, please please, leave Instagram and spend time your time with those you love instead of pulling me apart online and in my direct messages... thank you hunnay -(all my own words, I didn't plagiarise 😉😉.
If she’s done it twice, if definitely a tradition for Soph! Do you remember her tradition of taking Ron to the library then going for a bean and cheese slice sausage roll afterwards? She did that once!!!
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Wow. I know we always say “who is that?” Over her many different faces …. But seriously ….
who DAFUQ is that??
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FFS since when has a baby's "1st 11/11" been a thing???!!! 😡🤦🏼‍♀️ they're desperately trying to justify her using it as a sales opportunity and for content as much as they can 🙄 morons!!! 🤬
She could have laid Lonnie down with a couple of planes in a #gifted #ad outfit to commemorate 9/11 if she’d thought about it. She’ll be gutted to realise the opportunity she missed out on when she reads this later.
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I stand corrected.Paula thinks Lonnie's photo is "hot".
She must be right,seems a decent sort.View attachment 860993
The thing with all these ❤ Comments or comments like ‘hot’ or ‘so cute’ they’re made by bots. I was surprised to discover when I first joined insta you can buy followers. Then I watched a YouTube video showing not only can you buy just followers, but the upgraded package means they comment AND like each other bot comments. That’s why ‘hot’ has 25 likes. For a bit more money they’ll actually write a few words. Most are done from China or Eastern Europe/Russia. Doesn’t cost much. So when you look at her comments, it looks a lot, but it’s probably only about 100 real comments
Oh and Fanny good shout on Marcia being her
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Nothing further from that moron since her very insensitive post this morning then? I would like to think she's ashamed of herself but if course she isnt. She has used her favourite child to advertise pyjamas on Armistice Day. What is more staggering is the amount of people asking where they're from and the woman who made them commenting gleefully about them. This, among other things is what is wholly wrong with Instagram. Shameless advertising stripping any meaning from one of the most important days in history. I've had enough of her and her blatant disregard for anyone other than herself. 😪
I honestly want Instagram to permanently close down. It’s the only way to stop these vile, morally-bankrupt parasites dead in their tracks.
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And I have no tolerance for people who act ashamed of their kids and rather than say nothing actively come out and LIE that their child can do something he clearly can’t and is NOT an embarrassment to her insta fake life!!
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The fact she copied word for word her old caption, which will have taken seconds to copy and paste, but no doubt spent ages positioning Lonnie and editing/filtering it so it looks Insta worthy just shows how disgusting and insincere she is. All about the aesthetic not the words or meaning.

And deleting comments which don't lick her bum? They're not swearing or calling her names, how fucking precious is she?

She's really rattled me with this today. Sorry.
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Where's our pol @Pollyanna263 , hope all is OK ❤
Thank you ❤ And @MissBijou

Lots of shit going on hereNothing massive but loads of small ish things just have me overwhelmed and struggling to get through the day if I’m honest. Haven’t had the emotional energy for anything above the very basics with the kids and poorly dog.

Just saw Hinch’s story about speech therapy so sneaking back in to say who’s finally got to her??

I don’t know when I was last on. Maybe Tuesday? I don’t think I can even begin to catch up so will try and follow from here xx
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Chatty Member
Imagine being a world famous cleaning influencer who has to get her children watched so she can do a basic tidy up.
Imagine being so gullible as to find Soph an inspiration
so much so that now there are thousands of Narnias housing a whole family of cloffs yet Soph never mentions her little cloff friends or her Narnia no more cute outfits for poor minkeh.
If someone wrote a fiction book about this tap wanker and her rise to heroism and fame the publisher would say it's to far fetched no one would believe that people could be so vulnerable as to fall for such a character...
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I can’t believe she dedicates her life to promoting literally ANYTHING and earns big money from all that- not to mention her catalogue of shit books yet can’t just take Ronster to a private session with a therapist?! What’s up- don’t want to throw money at something that would actually improve your sons quality of life?! It’s just madness, I can’t believe someone in the public eye would ask her 100k followers (because that’s probably the amount that’s genuine and not a robot) about this subject- how about stick your hand in those poor quality Tesco ‘lounge pants’ and pay for some help

We are far from rich as a family financially, in fact we could be classed as working poverty right now but I’d spend every penny I had on my kids. If they needed treatment I’d pay for it, I’d starve if I had to, to make sure they got the care they needed. She has the opportunity to do this for Ron and could of done this months ago and hasn’t. She’d rather whore herself out for a shit lounge set for Tesco and leave her kids suffering. Her priorities are fucked up. At the first sign of ANY issue with Ron she should of been making appts with GP’s, private SALTS, and even his nursery can signpost and help with it. Instead she’d rather bury her head, lie through her teeth and then get the huns to feel sorry for her.

Soph, you are despicable. Your son needs you, it’s not about you, you cunt.
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Wasn’t there an occasion when he did a little screech about something and her response was “all right, all right, oh god” in a panicky/impatient tone. If that’s how she’s always reacted it’s not surprising he’s speech is delayed, she always seemed to totally overreact rather than remain calm and actually parent him 🙁
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The truthful comments must be getting to him 😂
A tradition since 2019? Surely a tradition is a yearly thing every year? She’s done it twice with a year gap. That’s a not a tradition you set of absolute brain dead morons
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She elongates her naturally round face so it’s slimmer, pointier, nose is smaller and eyebrows are higher.

It’s hysterical that she thinks nobody notices she’s filtering herself unless she uses Gretel, the mad twat. How fucked up is she to think it looks in any way legit?😂
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Who's waiting for the 7pm meltdown 😂😂 got my Spag bol cooking. Yes Sophie, I am also a mother of 2 and cook proper meals for my kids. I also work 5 days a week, take my kids to their clubs, also have a dog and a cat to look after. And a house to up keep. But you know, you are also so fucking busy, getting paid to click an IG story and that's it. You must be wiped too 😬💁🏼‍♀️
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There is 1000% an advert coming at some point over the coming weeks. She's just started following them and we all know she only follows companies once they've gifted stuff or paid her. They're also conveniently already following her.

I just feel Ronnie in all of this. Nobody else. All the lies she's told about him, even within the last couple of weeks. Poor boy ☹
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Laura Hayes

New member
She’s wound me right up with that post! She will not tolerate the trolling of children?! No-one, certainly not on here, has posted anything negative about Ronnie and his speech delay. If she took the time to read, she’d see that everyone is sympathetic towards Ronnie and his needs and have shared their own experiences and offered advice on how he can be supported. But, no. She just looks at the ones that, rightly, call her out on her lies about his development and cries troll. Grow up, Sophie! At the end of the day, your child’s development is not our business, but the reason people discuss it is because you put him out there for engagement and create a story around him which suits your narrative. Take him off social media and concentrate on giving him the support he needs to develop to his full potential, whatever that may be.
She won’t tolerate the trolling of children but she’ll tolerate weird as fuck/potential porn accounts liking, commenting on and doing god knows what with her children’s public pictures. Sound. Makes sense 🤷🏼‍♀️🙈
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