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Fizzy bootlaces

VIP Member
I actually can't believe there is someone on her post defending her and actually saying the ones calling her out are the problem & will only make her get trolled more . Do they not realise if she didn't continuely fuck up there would be nothing to get at her about . Is she exempt to being called out ?
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She reminds me of Rebecca Vardy when Colleen called her out "I'm pregnant and this is stressing me out".
Every time she fucks up she mentions the impending CC2 to try and deflect and make people feel sorry for her. 😴😴😴
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She can't give credit now as so many hinchers including her own husband have acted as if the words came from her so it's too late 🙈🙈🙈🙈 I have second-hand embarrassment for Hinch that's pathetic. How hard is it for you either come up with words of your own or credit a quote....extremely cheeky.
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Sorry if I’m kate to the party with this but it explains why Hinch forces her relationship with Stacey 😂 She wants her followerzzz
This blatantly shows that at least half of hinches followers are bots

also I am absolutely loving that she’s got called out.
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She can't feel that strongly about the subject if she can't even write a paragraph about it using her own words, drawing on her own experiences.

I feel like the fact she had to Google an inspirational speech and then copy it without credit shows that it's just another attempt to cry troll and get sympathy, moving attention away from the fact that she shouldn't be exploiting her young child so much anyway.
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I’ve shared her story to my stories. I’ve got a heap of Hinch followers who follow me and if I show even one of them what she’s like then it’s worth it. I am absolutely disgusted. She’s so lazy and unoriginal she can’t even write her own caption. She’s literally copying and pasting because she can’t be arsed. I’ve messaged Michelle too to see if she will share the story and try and get some traction. I bet Rebecca is fuming. That sort of publicity to her if she had been credited would have been amazing and probably quite helpful to all the sheep in the comments with parenting woes
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Dear Sophie. i've known a lot of pricks in my time, but you, madam are a fucking cactus. ripping off an academics work and then adding a shitty edit to a grid post that nobody but Tattle will notice is a disgrace and it has made me so incredibly angry. all of your sheep that said "well said" "spot on" "beautifully put" etc. how can you allow that when those words aren't yours? they are the words of a professional psychologist, who has built a career on serving toddler and children mental health!
go ahead and pretend to be the victim now, you do it so well! but when you are emotionally ready to process us calling you out on your utter bullshit we will be here. even though you haven't read tattle since Shakespeare wrote The Taming of the Shrew. you owe Dr Rebecca Hershberg an apology. publicly preferably, you probably never thought anyone would find out that those intelligent and eloquent words came from someone else.

you are an absolute cretin who has never, ever taken responsibility for your misplaced actions, and it is disgusting, my middle finger salutes you.
If she was any decent human she would just do a quick story and apologise in person, why won’t she? Because she is a fraud and a nasty piece of work who steels ideas from other people
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I don’t think it is disgusting. The family are publicly showing their baby dying which may be their way of coping I don’t know.. but it has ripped my heart out watching it. So I can’t even begin to imagine how that poor family feel.
there is no right or wrong way to act in these situations. This family quite clearly welcome the public support otherwise they wouldn’t keep posting.
I’m not a hinch fan, and I also certainly do not hate her like a lot of this group, however I wouldn’t ever say it’s disgusting that she sent a family of a dying baby a message.
Where on this thread does it say the majority of us hate her? I’ve read 95% of the comments on this thread *a lot of people repeating each other as they don’t bother reading the previous comments/screenshots* a lot of this group can’t be arsed with her nonsense and manipulating the narrative, lies, pre records, story telling and sell sell sell attitude. I don’t agree with making fun of her appearance but the majority on here speak facts not hatred.
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Fizzy bootlaces

VIP Member
I don't think she's been googling stuff on Ron's development . I think she's been purposely googling on how to word a post on how children are all different. She's found this doctor and stupidly thought that she's American and obscure , no one will know
And soph I know you haven't read here since Jesus was a wee lad but she didn't write an article on it she wrote YOUR post for YOU
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Why are all Ronnies toys household chore related? I know role play is fun and that but where’s the building blocks and noisy toys we all love to hate. His toys all seem to be things she likes and wants it really makes me feel sad 😞 she’s making him into a little househusband
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Wow there’s a few folk slugging it out in the grid post comments about how Hinch is so wrong to have plagiarised the Dr’s words 🤣

quite a lot of comments and Tattle mentioned several times 🥳 and tagging Gleam

haha Sopha, this is a right Royal fk up😂
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She’s such a greedy mare. Bleats on about trolls and bullied when she could just leave ... she’s made her millions.

I also find it funny when her and Jamie always say one day she’ll ... go to an award show, she’ll do a clothing range, she will do something that requires modelling. Well then hurry the fuck up bitch because times a ticking - people get bored and move on to the newest influencers in a heartbeat.
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