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I’m baffled. Why last night she was saying she thought the birth was imminent, yet still hasn’t bothered to pack her bag and has no intention of doing it until tomorrow 🤨 If her midwife (and/or her own body) has given any indication that labour is imminent then she should be taking it seriously and being prepared. I’m not really baffled, I’ve clocked that this count down to baby actually arriving is very important and gives her huge opportunity to ramp up engagement and get the sheep on tenterhooks, sending her messages and regularly visiting her page and stories 🙄
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Shoe's on the other foot. How does it feel love? Your army can't get you out of this one. Intelligent, strong people with a backbone are standing up to you (the author herself and us backing her).
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She actually can’t credit that properly because ultimately she’s copied it. If she were one of my students I would have told her to rewrite it completely in her own words. Genuinely. She can’t get out of this with that half arsed “tribute” at the bottom. Delete and start again Hinchy.
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Has she deleted the comment already? I can’t see it
It's still there, you have to scroll close to the end though. She better credit her the cheeky cow ! How embarrassing as everyone keeps saying to her 'well said' when it was a copy and paste job. That is such weird behaviour why pretend you've written something when it can be easily found on the internet as someone else's words ?
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Michelle is totally coming for Soph! Latest post with a slim version of Chicken strips and non-chemical products :)
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It's not as though the plagiarism is 'accidental' and just the use of a well known quote that is thrown about, or a handful of words that could almost be coincidentally put together in the same fashion! That quote was parts of multiple paragraphs that she's removed words from the first sentence to keep it relevant to her own agenda, even lifting the side note in parentheses to the original audience!

How embarrassing for Penguin and the Gleam literary team! Their 'Number One Best Selling Author' caught passing off other people's work as her own! Funny how the press won't pick up on that though...almost as though she is essentially product placement in placed pieces normally 🤔
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All this just shows how unprofessional she is. Influencers spout about women supporting each other and here she is not bothered to even credit the woman she stole the quote from and tried to weave into her own. It is so shady. If she didn't know who'd written it (although not hard to find out) she could have said she found the quote online. Her integrity is not even hanging by a thread. I'm so glad she's being called out. There is no reason to be intimidated by her. Intelligent, capable people are not scared by her as they don't worship her like her sheep do. They have integrity and aren't going to let a z lister get away with taking advantage.
She hasn’t even lifted a quote. She’s literally rewrote an article which had Rebeccas name smack bang in the middle of it. She knows exactly what she’s done
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Just been through some of the post trying to find the comment from the original author so I can like and comment but OMG I got so pissed off with all the hinchers arse licking and saying ‘so well put!’ ‘You tell em Soph!’ ‘Say it louder for the people at the back!’ ‘I love your words!’ SHE DID NOT WRITE THIS YOU IDIOTS, IT’S PLAGIARISED FROM AN ACTUALLY INTELLIGENT PERSON!!!

Ok I feel a bit better now.
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Looks like my comment has been deleted on her plagiarised post. I didn’t say anything unkind I just replied to the lady saying I hope she gets a reply and that it’s not the first time I’ve noticed her do this. Why the hell can’t she take and criticism and why does she ignore things when she is in the wrong? She’s already pissed me off today because she’s proven once more what kind of person she is. Why don’t other people see it?? She’s still got so many people fooled including the media and other influencers. She’s always slagging off her trolls but she’s just as bad as them deep down. Just better at hiding it
Absolutely agree. I follow a lady on Insta who is a young farmer and has a following of almost 17,000. Earlier on in the week she had a story up about a salt lick that she had put out for her cattle. She came back on stories (not sure if it was later that day or the next day, but pretty soon after) to say that she had received a lot of messages from people telling her that the salt lick was dangerous because badgers were attracted to it and this in turn caused a risk of cattle getting infected with TB. She thanked everyone for letting her know and said she had taken the salt lick away immediately.

She didn't a) ignore the messages and block people or b) come on and moan about 'trolls' and abuse.
No, she freely admitted that she didn't realise at the time that she'd made a mistake and was appreciative of people telling her for safety sake.

Can't imagine Sopha ever doing anything like that.

On another note, baby is definitely going to be 'born' this weekend. She'll disappear off her stories for the next couple of day and all her sheep will be frantic :rolleyes:
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Chatty Member
Whatever filter she is using tonight is making her face look far too long. It's like a foot with fake eyelashes on. I see she's had the eyebrows done again too.

I am not buying this "IvE nOt PaCkEd My BaG" nonsense. Why is it all sat in the crib then? She's collated everything just whack it in a bag and get over yourself, stop half arsing jobs and claiming you're the Queen of getting shit done! If she was truly "anxious" about it you'd be packed and ready to go surely? I'd have packed my stuff when I did the baby bag. (Even if it meant I was packing a new toothbrush/deodorant/toiletries so I could use my current ones whilst waiting for the Mad dash to the hospital)

Plus from earlier today, the STATE of her fucking sofa. What a dirty slob. Who pulls their lashes and nails off and stashes them in the sofa cushions. She's that manky it wouldn't surprise me if you told me when she wiped her arse she just stuffed the used toilet roll in the corner behind the bog brush. 🤢

Also, plagiarism. Blatant plagiarism. And that "theres a good article on this website" is such a non-apology. We cant let this go tbh.
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That’s what the rumours were. Someone that knows her came on here and spilt loads of tea. She wouldn’t eat so they had to get her to count smarties and colours.
And to think the hunchers started filming themselves sorting their smarties into colours like it was cute 😖
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I reckon, Madame Hinch, Destroyer of the ecosystem and CEO of plastic pollution, is laying low as it's Earth Day today.

She has no place in Earth Day.
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Why does she sometimes take Thursdays off insta and sometimes doesn't? And why does she sometimes announce it and sometimes just disappears? I'm sure the Thursday before last she was like "it's Thursday guys so I won't be on my stories" like we should all know that's a thing... then last Thursday she was storying away.

I don't care whether she takes it off or not but it's her job so she should be consistent and keep her followers in the loop, especially when so many of them claim that watching her stories do so much good for their mental health.
Think it depends on what shitstorm she’s left in her wake in the days before 😂 some days she’ll brazen it out or go quiet so her sheep worry. Also depends on what SS is doing, can’t have anyone taking the limelight 😂
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