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Well-known member
A “best selling author” who plagiarises actual credible people left right and centre with not one shit given until she gets called out on it and then it’s a half arsed attempt at brushing it under the carpet. You’re a massive crook Sopha in literally every way 🤥
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It’s the capitalized ‘CERTAINLY’ that’s making me giggle. She really thought she wrote that!! Cheeky chops.
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Don't want to take the attention away from the quote stealing but this made me chuckle...from a take the piss group on fb
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Henny Penny

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So so glad she’s been called out for lifting the quote. Loving these strong intelligent women fighting back! Hinch has too often got away with things, usually by messages that are intimidating from what I’ve seen. About time she was was heald accountable 💪🏼
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Chatty Member
The reply to Stacey's comment is still there & has tried to contact Hinch every way possible!
Well come on Hinch own up you're wrong. You do it all the time. You're no wordsworth you have a VERY limited volcabulary. Time to acknowledge you steal other peoples words & ideas to fool the sheep.


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She only shows herself cleaning the sink and sometimes pining her toilet (but never actually cleaning it). She tells us she’s cleaned. Why not show us, she is a cleaner, famous for it supposedly. She is a phoney who exploits her child for freebies.
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Eugh, I don’t want to stick up for her or defend her in anyway, but what is the Dr saying she plagiarised? If it’s the comparison is the thief of joy comment, google says it was originally thought to be Teddy Roosevelt that said it first? Unless it was something else she wrote in the paragraph, I don’t know if the doctor can claim that as her own?
I doubt that an American Dr with a PHD, would waste her precious time trying to contact Hinch unless she felt she has a valid reason too🤔
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I’m soooo happy she actually got called out for the plagiarism, annoyingly the comment from the original author doesn’t seem to be getting much attention and is lost within all the arse lick comments so I feel it will just be ignored.
Really hoping the author doesn’t drop it tho and takes it further.
All these things she keeps doing are going to contribute to her downfall. Keep going soph, it’s going to get harder and harder to brush over your fuck ups.
I’ll remind the author tomorrow by acting like I’ve only just come across it 😂
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I wonder why she’s chosen old Stace as her victim 😅 perhaps it’s because no other celeb worth their salt gave her the time of day and so she has to roll with it now. Aww babez. I’m not a fan of SS tbh and don’t follow her but just has a sneak at her Insta and from what I can see her new home looks a dream 😍 completely the opposite to that grey monstrosity the BFG of Maldon hides in. No wonder she’s green around the gills. The passive aggressive swipes at Solomon do make me smile 😂 if anyone is a nasty little troll it’s our Grinch. Love seeing her slip and show everyone her true colours. For me it’s the copying of SS’s every move with the 😉 face to follow 🤣 And I bet she thought Stacey would be her golden ticket onto the big screen but alas no such luck for poor old So-phlo! She’s had to settle for a shit shodcast with her oaf of a husband J Chow 🤣
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Mum of two

VIP Member
On the comment Stacey put I can’t see the replies apart from the recent ones from the psychologist and a couple of others.
can anyone else ??
View attachment 542492
I've had a look as well, it appears that littlehousecalls comment has been deleted!
New quote for you Sofa.
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!"
(Sir Walter Scott, 1808)
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Bla bla bla yawn

Well-known member

She’s edited her original caption to admit it’s a lifted quote but not from where. And she’s also being salty about it. She’s such a dick.
it isn’t just the “comparison” quote shes plagiarised, it’s the actual body of the caption too!!
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She just “hopes” for a good birth. Have you put the work in for one Soph? Cos you know many of us do. I had a SHIT traumatic first labour. Awful. Awful. Awful. Took me a long while to get over. And when I was pregnant with my second I knew I needed to make sure my second birth went better. The thing I needed to do was talk about positive birth stories. I needed to go to a class with other second time or more women. And I did. I needed to learn how to breathe. I needed to learn how to keep my mind calm and focused. And I did.
my second labour wasn’t easy (are any??). It was long and hard. But I was calm and controlled throughout. I did it on gas and air - I begged for an epidural though - and that birth fucking healed me.

I don’t want to turn this into retelling birth stories but this is the kind of shit she triggers me on. She could be HELPING women. Instead she smugly brags how she’s done it on “no pain relief” - a LIE and “Assumes” it will go well again. She should be helping others. Such a waste of a platform. So damaging.
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Henny Penny

VIP Member
It’s not often I read so many comments on her posts. It’s really terrible isn’t it?? 🤯😩 just seen someone tell her Ronnie is advanced and so done say he has great motor skills and is good at chores! 😬
So glad that lady called her out for stealing that quote!! Good on her!!!
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I studied for 7 yrs for my qual. And plagiarism is a nono. You can study in uni for 7 yrs and get booted out at last minute for citing work by others without referencing them... As in The Harvard Referencing System. You even have lectures on how to do it. So if this was my litriture she has plagiarized i would be sueing her fake ass!!!
I'm currently on my final year at uni and got an absolute massive bollocking in my 2nd year for forgetting to reference. I was told it was my first and only warning or I'd be kicked off of the course and not allowed to reapply. Fricked me to death and now I triple check everything 😂😂
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I think I’ve realised what the source of the rant is now. Someone clearly pointed out her content is stale which is why for the past two days she’s tried to do things in a different order instead of the usual routine but the funniest thing is, it’s still just the same old stuff. Dog, baby and shining the sink. Different toilet, same shit essentially.
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