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Well-known member
I don't know HOW people are saying fatty nipped Ronnie 😂😂😂 no, he really didn't. He will one day, definitely, and it won't be the dogs fault it'll be that cranks cos she doesn't allow boundaries between the 2 - but he didn't nip that day. Henry literally licked him around the ear area, Ronnie found the feeling funny I guess and ran off. He wasnt distressed and hinch might be thick as f but she isn't thick enough to put the video up of him nipping Ronnie.
True. On reflection, I’ve watched it back and it does look more like a lick than a nip. For Ronnie’s sake I’m grateful but it won’t be long before Henry loses his cool especially with extra completion (new baby) on the way
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Has anyone got a picture showing where she hung the solar powered lights? Should they not have been visible in that last story? Or are they there and I’m blind?
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VIP Member
If the possible links to cancer weren't enough! There's a tab "what you can do"... suggests cutting all products and making your own! Soap, water, vinegar, baking soda.

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Chatty Member
It only takes him to have a sore tooth or something one day. Then she’ll be doing a skin graft reel for Ronnie. Silly woman
It drives me insane seeing how she is allowing Ron to get so close to Henners. If anything happens and he bites Ron, Hinch & Inch should be charged for being completely irresponsible parents and dog owners. We’ve said it enough times here! In fact, they shouldn’t be allowed any more pets EVER!
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God it’s so obvious that dog doesn’t like Ronnie being in his face. He’s just looking upwards and ignoring him. She’s lucky Henry is such a patient dog
He really has no affection for Ronnie, it's so obvious, I don't think we've ever ever seen Ronnie show any love for Ronnie or signs that he likes Ronnie, he certainly doesn't, you can see with Rex and SS dogs they seek out Rex and look to be around him and get excited by him and show him affection, Henry really doesnt seem at all bothered with Ronnie and never has, it seems like Ronnie is just annoying him and nipping him all the time
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An almost 2 year old wakes during the night?? Sophie he is not a baby!!! Yes we know u do little to nothing with the boy and by pretending he still wakes at night shows that! She is so clueless to having a child she doesn't even know what's acceptable bullshit anymore.
I had a terror of a baby number 2 but even she slept soundly from 13 months old. She just continuously shows how detached she is. I need to say it again Sophie... RON IS NOT A BABY!!! let the poor guy grow and flourish u selfish cow.
Mine never slept through at two, kids are all different.
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Yep. My little boy is 1 and a half and he pats the dog 🤣😂 80% of the time he’s lovely and does it with a nice force, sometimes he goes a bit too far and we correct him straight away and make a big fuss of the dog, tell him he’s a good boy and give him strokes because he doesn’t react and we want him to know that he’s done the right thing. I would never let my little boy be so far away next to a dog at that level and let him go all in his face. He’s being lovely but pampered pooch doesn’t see it that way and it’s very threatening, almost to a level where it’s like Ronnie is treating him a submissive, which obviously he doesn’t know because he’s a toddler.

And she’s there doing her fake arse cackle, she won’t be laughing when he’s not feeling so patient. Cocker spaniels are really good family pets and known for being tolerant with children but this dog has gone 5+ years without a child in the house so it’s not exactly something he’s been brought up to know.
Yup! It literally takes Henry to have a sore ear (common spaniel problem) or be stiff, sore, scared and little Tuftz to prod him too hard for him to snap. Even if all he does is bare his teeth at him or yelp it'd be enough to scare the little lad! And the thought of him acting like that with another person's dog scares the shit out of me 😶 I think Henry looks like a well behaved (lazy fat) calm dog but at the end of the day he is a dog....she hasn't pampered the instincts out of him by giving him a bedroom!!
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Well-known member
Silver copse?? I swear her fences have been blue whenever she's posted. Or is that bc she's filtered the fuck out of them usually?
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But does she actually say "This scan picture is from today" ?? Because if she is being extra devious she could just say that's a scan picture I never said when it was taken, just thought I would show you as it was in my fancy pregnancy folder.
No but she did go to the bother of putting the date on the opposite page if i remember correctly.
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Active member
I feel like I need a day of rest, If ever there was a classic example of bi-polar, she is
peaking. Up at 5.00 am, manic behaviour and doing but not completing tasks all day. She is going to need close monitoring for the downward spiral.
It's the only time I ever worry about her.
If all that did happened today, I completely agree with you. Although with all the pre recorded stuff it's hard to know, it could four days worth of stuff piled in one too lol
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I don’t think Soph will be doing any tv ads...
Remember when she use to print out recipe cards and was begging to be the face of HelloFresh (box meals delivery) that job has gone to Emily Atack!
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I’ve looked back and that is not a scan beyond 30 weeks. I’m sorry. It can’t be. I even had a quick google of various ultrasounds beyond 30 weeks. What is she playing at?
no one would expect to see a scan photo.You just say “appointment went well. All good”.
Simply because a picture gets her more attention, and she wanted to get that tacky “Soph’s pregnancy” folder in shot
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Well-known member
If that scan photo was genuinely today then she isn’t nearly due at all. I had a scan at 36 weeks due to gestational diabetes and baby was that big that you can’t really see anything on a scan picture, they gave me one but you can’t even tell wtf you’re looking at. For a good side view of the face like that, you’re looking at 27 weeks ish maybe, maybe up to 30
Just what I thought baby gets to big to scan 🙄🙄🙄
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