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If you hate all the trolls so much why stay on social media 24/7. They’ve got more than enough money to go off and live a happy quiet life.

Oh yea because she enjoys the attention too much 🙄

Love that she’s already started putting it out there that they will now move house eventually after saying she would never leave the one they are in now. Bet she’s fuming stace has got that big massive house and pool.
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I don’t comment often because I can’t keep up haha! But in my opinion the ‘haterz’ get to her so much because when she started out on this (planned) journey. She had a LOT more genuine followers who where actually interacting and enjoying her content.
As times gone on and she’s showed herself to be a liar, manipulative, narcissistic, dangerous and god knows what else! It’s getting to her that she can see she is losing the love that people once genuinely had for her. So off she goes scrapping the barrel for something to draw sympathy back but now all she does is upset herself more because no matter what, SO many people now see her for what she truly is and she cant get away from that!!
I also agree she is jealous of SS who is everything hinch wanted to be but hasn’t managed to become. I feel the friendship is very forced now and god it must be so awkward trying to keep up this ‘bestie’ act when now she probably wishes she hasn’t drawn even more attention to SS through their ‘friendship’ which allows everyone to compare them and shows zoph as a wannabe stace who can’t keep with SS!
Just my opinion, whilst I’m trying to drag myself out of bed for work on a Saturday because that’s how bills are paid zoph.
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Chatty Member
Hi guys, so I posted in one of the Hinch groups last night innocently asking about fish tank cleans and also a random comment about Flip and Flop and has anyone seen them and how they're doing and it was declined..
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Have lurked on here since being furloughed whilst pregnant for most of 2020 but today I'm really pissed off. I chose to stop going to the shops and non-essential trips about a month before my due date. We were lucky enough to get regular supermarket delivery slots and got anything else we needed delivered. The biggest risk in our house was my then 3 year old going to nursery but, thankfully, his bubble never popped. Both my partner and I were worried sick about either of us contracting Covid before the birth.

I clearly remember popping to the shops for the last time at my then 38 week appointment as I got IDed (am in my mid 30s so was joyous at that!). Picked up a couple of things for my toddler's tea at 11am mid week and a beer for my partner who had been absolutely lovely that week. For *months* I only went to the hospital for essential appointments and picked up my son from nursery which involved a 10 minute car journey each day.

Then I see this ridiculous woman out at B&M on a *Saturday* and not wearing a mask (assuming by how clear her voice is on the recording) buying more useless cleaning products and a bloody stone tortoise! For some reason her lack of caution has pissed me right off today. Perhaps because it's because my baby turned 6 months this week and has missed out on so much in his wee life already.

Anyway, rant over. But honestly. She does not give a sh!t.

Edited for some extra bits and typos 🙄
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Wee bit off topic here and my last word for today, I promise. I'm sitting here in a farmhouse, in the middle of lambing season. My hallway is covered in wellies, leggings, lambing equipment. My observation is how dirty can her house be anyway when they dont do anything but sit at home. People are saying she never cleans anymore but she doesnt let her child play like normal wee ones do, her husband lays around the house in shorts and flips flops so the place isnt getting dirty. She would shit herself if she seen my place this morning after the night we had lambing, mugs in the sink, floor is dirtier than the barn floor at this stage 🤦‍♀️ there are coats hanging everywhere to be dried out. I come home from work and I'm like wtf happened in here guuuuyyyys ( ye dirty hures 🤣) The dog is leaving the whole place soaking and to be honest I'm not that bothered because it's that time of year and I'll soon catch up everything. To expect a woman who just sits on her sofa to have plenty of cleaning content is a bit if stretch in my eyes 🤣🤣
I bloody love this, our house is the same, we've got a lamb in the warming drawer of the rayburn, another one who has escaped her box and is trotting around the kitchen and just had a shit. I cant reach to clean it up from the wheelchair so it will stay there till cranky hubster comes in. Said lamb is now on my lap reading tattle with me. Mud and straw everywhere, but it's just the way life is. I am very fortunate to a have an amazing cleaner just once a week. ( How grand am i) I do chuckle to myself on days like today and wonder how grinch would cope in this house. For starters there isn't a bit of grey anywhere (we don't count natural hair colour thankyou very much) and the house is awash with all shades of reds oranges and pinks. It would possibly tip her over the edge!🤣 but it's ours and we love it. Lamb shit and all!🤣🤣🤣
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So remember when she/inch posted a photo of her lounging on the sofa and there was two phones next to her? And notice how two of the tattle screenshots are black and two are white? And the black screenshot has the “like” and “quote” button? You can set your phone to dark mode that makes websites look dark. I reckon she has two phones, and on one of them she has a tattle account etc. Plus one of the screenshots she took says “21 minutes ago” which must mean she is so active! Bet she lays on the zofa scrolling tattle and clawing at her neck while inch takes Ron out
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Oh god that last post shes blatently hinted at a baby soon and the thought of a slow montage of easter eggs leading up to this baby in a easter basket with ‘easter bunny has been’ makes me just want to quit social media all together. I just cant
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Oh and the Q&A was on the same day/time SS was on LW talking about her stunning new home.
PS SOPH was that you that said that i looked to deep into a dad telling his not yet twp yr old child to 'go back for the other jug' when he touched a statues breast/nipple? ALL THE BREAST!!!!
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How funny she didn't include the Gretel 'question' in the Q&A highlight after her mistake with the comma was pointed out here. 100% proves she sent it to herself and didn't realise the Eagle eyes here would spot it! Also proves she reads here.
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I’m certain she’s had the baby, and quite a while ago but has wanted to keep it quite for the big reveal and if I’m wrong and she’s not had it, then she’s sitting there playing mind games with her followers. That photo is 100% set up, who in the right mind sits like that whilst about to give birth, also who whilst cutting things up sits there cradling a cardboard box over there stomach like that, she looks so awkward in that photo. This is the reason why people don’t like her, everything is about how she can get more interest/followers.
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Didn't someone say the other day about instead of the toy sink use household utensils and a tray??
It was staged at the beginning when Ronnie was just stood there then ran over to the tray. But fair play, she's been reading here and taken advice
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Chatty Member
Early Thread Suggestion:

Moaning Millionaire Soph pretends shes not rich, Crying "trolls!" in the dog bed like the scene from Blair Witch
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Its honestly sad that the paints on Ron's face has clearly been done by Hinch. No way would it be like that and the finger marks are too big for his fingers.
Ridiculous woman.
Isn't this stuff you should have been doing ages ago? Also noticed she's posted a hell of a lot more now SS has a new house and she's desperate to keep her followers
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Ok so anyone else think it looks like she painted her child to get back at people saying she doesn’t let him get “messy” the finger lines on his trousers are obviously done by them 👀 weird behaviour
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