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Is she really sat under the kitchen counter when she was crying?! Where the fuck is jaymeh?! Fucking look after your wife! She should not be that distraught over a gossip site .

Whats this about deleting the wiki page?!
Somebody came onto the thread 1 day and tried to delete everything on the wiki page and signed off all the best trolls or something to that effect. I'm sure others here would be able to correct me if I'm wrong.
Didnt work tho 😁
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Wow... That troll tale of woe fiiiinnnaaalllyyy reached its crescendo today. Yawn. Obvs trying to get the focus off SS was not happening and her minions are jumping ship so she upped the anti. Nearly on par with SS work ethic with her efforts this week. But after always declaring that she DOES NOT read here, to then show post after post this week, i believe there will be brows raised higher than hers by the barmy army. And the rest is preaching to the coverted im afraid SOPH. I think an 'and me' campaign with tattle would show Sopha how many of us use to enjoy her but so are glad Tattle brought us to our senses. Today was a pathetic attempt at damage limitation but i think it will be the worst thing she has done for BRAND HINCH!!!
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i am pregnant and due next month. Theres no way i could sit cross legged like that without being crushed to the chest off the baby! She literally doesnt look pregnant at all .. i dont believe a word they say
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Not being funny and I bet we've all gone shopping and bought random shit that isnt classed as an essential journey. But the fact she's got 4m follwers and is in the public eye, should she really be broadcasting that she's gone to B&M and bought a fucking tortoise statue for her garden, along with other cheap tat that she doesn't need and then asking her followers if they're doing a hinch haul today. Beggars belief honestly. Thought we were still in a lockdown 🤷
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How many changes of clothes r we going to have today.
Make up video - white top
Make up picture - Black sleeve
Shopping - black sleeve
Jamie’s pic - white top n trousers
Her goodnight pick - Black top n trousers
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Christ, so she's gone from no nails with Ron, nails done for her makeup bit now shopping with no nails.
It's little things like this I used to miss and now can see how fake it all is
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Next up for Ronnie’s activities:
-make moon sand with flour and oil, let Ronnie use forks, a sifter, cups, toys, to play. Put it in a bin
-metal cookie sheet and colorful magnets to start teaching letters and colors and animals
-outdoors: get a bin, squirt an entire can of shaving cream in it. Mix in a bunch of toys like little dinos or army guys so they’re hidden. Get another bucket of water. Ronnie gets to dig around in it to find the toys and dunk them in the water to see what they are

There you go! Activities for the next few days. I’ll settle for 10% commission please
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A crazed hincher was kicked out of a local group this morning. They were posting about tattle saying it should be illegal and people needed professional help. People replies and offered her a grip or telling her most posts were fair enough points about a seller on Instagram and she flipped 🤣 She posted a few screen shots out of context to manipulate and people found that she had been saying bitchy things about Boris Johnson. Hun you're the pot calling the kettle black 🤦‍♀️ awwks babe. If I wuz hinch I'd be embarrassed about the dimwits she has funding her.
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The reason she has done this now is because she has NO content. She hardly cleans anymore, her new interior design isn’t going down well due to covid and the fact it’s crap. Her clothes? Meh. So what’s on vogue and ‘trendy’? Trolls. We’ve had the Caroline Flack documentary, Jessie from little mix etc. I find it disgusting personally, that she’s jumping on this bandwagon just to stay relevant. People gossiping on a website is not the same as what those others got. I thought about it overnight and I admit I’ve got very angry over it. That she would stoop this low just to ‘one up’ SS and keep herself in the papers. Love, you do nothing except pimp out your lovely wee boy and you’re new CC when it comes. Why don’t you just go away and take a good look at yourself
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Two messy plays in one day...That kids head is gonna be spinning by the time he goes to bed 😂 As honestly nice as it is to see him playing, smiling and having fun, I am not convinced that this isn’t a set up for a future troll story. She’ll be crying saying, “some of them aren’t too nasty with their comments, so I actually decided to take on board some of their comments & some of their constructive criticism and they STILL pull me apart! The cooking instruments are dangerous, I used paper cups (to save the environment, because they are always complaining about the amount of plastic tat), I didn’t let him get wet enough, I let him paint when wearing all white, the fingerprints look too big to be Ron’s. I can’t win with them guys. They still pull apart the things, even they suggested I try.” (Insert her sobbing in the dog bed, under the units, kitchen lights off, face lit by phone flash/torchlight).

IMO, if she had taken some comments on board, then fair play to her and I respect that. BUT after comments today, it does give her the ammunition to say the above.
Well said. I can't stand her, and she misses the mark almost every time, but there was nothing wrong with his water play this morning. I do feel that sometimes (and I literally hate myself for saying this) that she can't do right for doing wrong.

I've had my kids standing on a dining room chair on the kitchen floor with a bread and butter knife 'helping' me peel potatoes and carrots. They've all run in the garden bare foot and hurt their toes, and they all played on the lawn where my old cat used to shit. That's life with kids and I'll bet so many people on here have done similar, because that's also life.

No I'm not going to the rave thread, and I don't need to claim temporary insanity. The difference is, there's dislike with her, but perspective does need to be given because as you said, it gives ammunition to her and her sheep.

Now, to claw back my troll status 😂
Having had 3 kids and allowed messy play, I have never seen such organised painting on a child. Mine looked like they'd rolled in it, and so did the floor, walls, hair 😂 it was never neatly blobbed in neat adult sized finger marks.
I'm sure she did this before with something to try and prove she didn't mind mess, but I can't think what is was? 🤔
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Hey Jamie, the Hinch motto, “Be kind or be quiet”. You can’t silence people just because you don’t like what they say. But still, we saw you encouraging Ronnie to “go for the other jug, son” so maybe the next lesson is “son, if you ever say or do something someone objects to just tell them to shut up?” 🤷‍♀️
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Utility room with brand new washer and dryer I’m guessing
Ah yes I forgot about this! Tbh I'm still convinced she has another house! We have known her tricks for too long now! Anxiety/crying post then a few days quiet followed by a reveal of some sort!!!

I don't get the whole crying in to your phone thing. Last thing I do when having an anxiety attack or crying is think "ill record this, I'll talk about it" normally too busy remembering to breathe.
Shes such an arse!
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Chatty Member
Who film’s themselves crying?
If an influencer crys and doesn't film it then it's a missed opportunity to have that footage in their back pocket for the next time they need some attention 😆.

Sadly I'm not even joking, this is what the whole industry is about - manipulation and whipping up attention.
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Mo Harris

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She didn’t seem at all arsed that she’d chipped that turtle having just spent £20 on it. Money is just nothing to these people.

I couldn’t be bothered to ring every single item up, but there’s over £60 worth of landfill fodder there. I seem to remember her buying a picnic blanket last summer, so she didn’t need another one. She didn’t need a third oven glove, or anymore fucking solar lights. That eyesore of a ‘veg patch’ definitely doesn’t need any windmills adding to it. I’m sure they’ll soon be blowing away in the wind along with that plasticky garden sign when she realises how crap it all looks. 🙄

I just despair for our planet while ever her wasteful lifestyle is seen as something to aspire to by so many! 😔
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All the basic fiat 500's saying omg how is tattle legal and then when you click into their account they're saying the same about other people. Can't teach stupid 🤦‍♀️. You can't demand gossip is banned for certain people you like ya idiots 👑😆
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