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That weekly ‘tadaa’ list looks more like a way for her to recall what she’s posting on her stories each day in my humble opinion.... 🧐
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Chatty Member
I’m calling the gender reveal. I’d bet any money, to tie in with the 4 million sheepbots, she announce that and the gender my revealing the nursery decor that she’s suddenly stopped talking about. You’re welcome 😘
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I think shes finally had her day. She is posting less, we are bored and her fb groups seem to be seeing the light.

when she posts shit that causes trouble it seems like her management can’t be bothered to clear it before she posts it.

all the days off are building and the non reveal of the gender means fans are losing interest.

i think gleam know she has had her day but are waiting for her to retire away from instagram so they can claim she was a success rather than they had to drop her because she became worthless to them.
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‘That’s 4 million showers cleaner than there was before’?????????
Did we not fucking clean before Sophie came to Instagram or sommet, am I missing something? Lost the fuckin plot the lot of them
I’m old enough to be her mother. How on Earth did I manage to clean anything before she started this stuff a few years ago? 🤷‍♀️
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Cucumber and eggs

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What a flipping list though. Isn't that what we all do and more, on a daily basis? Sometimes even before we start work or even after a long day in work. Pretty poor considering their both home! She should be ashamed to earn so much and do so little, regardless that she's pregnant. Alot of us have had children, alot of us are trying to have children, but im sure we all worked/will still work pretty hard in our jobs when pregnant and then have housework and possibly other children to care for! She just sits on the sofa and chucks in the odd pre record with questionable "cleaning". She has a husband at home fulltime also. How she got her platform and gets all these people wetting their pants over her, ill never know.
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Who's dafter...? Those who are stock piling and selling them on as " exclusive and limited edition" or those who are buying them at inflated price? 🤔
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*Sorry replying to someone from last thread as it closed just as I hit reply!*

Something one of my friends told me is to spray bleach or that Astonish mould and mildew blast onto cotton pads and place along the grout. Leave overnight, remove and it will be white. Our old house was realllllly bad for mould no matter how many times we opened the window or I cleaned. It did work and less effort than scrubbing. Not great for environment, I did cut them all in half so I used less, but nothing else I'd tried had got the grout white, small bits of cloth would work too I imagine.
strips of toilet roll or kitchen roll laid in the grout lines and then mould and mildew product poured along. Do at night, leave until the morning, remove, wash the floor. I start my own cleaning account this weekend...😂😂😂
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What’s going on!

Active member
So today -

Homeschooling became too much for me and trying to figure out dojo, finding the correct reference text etc and I broke down and cried. My poor son wrapped his arms around me and asked why I was upset and how do I explain? How do I tell him I’m so worried about his future as he’s missed almost a year of vital education and that try as I might I am not a teacher? He’s now off playing and I am actually cleaning my anxiety away trying to calm down.
This has literally brought tears to my eyes.
I absolutely take my hat off to every home schooling parent, you are doing an amazing thing for your kids.
You can only do what you can do, and the love that shows in your message is more important than everything.
Children are so resilient, and like little sponges for absorbing info.....he’ll pick up again when schools reopen I’m sure, until then, you are doing a fantastic job of supporting his learning 💖
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It pisses me off when folk say they are having a panic attack. No you are feeling slightly anxious, we all get that from time to time. A panic attack is horrific. I’ve only suffered twice in my life and I really wouldn’t want to get another one. I feel sorry for anyone who goes through them regularly. Just shut up soph, you have no idea!
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She’s moved the bowl that was on the table to put her bowl of cereal in it’s place. What’s the point of having crockery on the table if you’re not gonna use it? I thought the whole reason she kept it out was coz it doesn’t fit in her cupboard but it seems she already has another set of plates and bowls in there.
I'm just gonna say it

She looks like she STINKS
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I don't have crotch goblins myself, but what kid likes to be out in the garden when it's cold and pissing it down, "sweeping" the rain? Never heard anyone do that before. 🤔 Do kids do this sort of thing and their parents stand back and film it, or is it her just being a dingbat again? 🤷
I agree with her when she says kids will like what they like and they can find enjoyment in the weirdest of things. More power to Ronnie if he wants to stand in the rain sweeping. The issue for me is her pure laziness. She never seems to join in, the play is never enhanced to make it more fun or into a learning experience. Why isn’t she getting out there with him and interacting with him. It just looks like a lonely life. We don’t need to be breathing down kids necks 24/7 but he looks like he just entertains himself because nobody else will. Probably why he torments the dog so much. There was no reason she couldn’t have shoved some shoes on and splashed in puddles with him, even for 5 minutes for the purpose of a video would be a start. God forbid her hair gets wet
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Good to see people are calling Hinch out on twitter for the sealant over mould piss take.

They will sell this house at some point and some poor bugger is going to have to deal with all the crap resulting from her bodged attempts at cleaning. God knows what they will find under all that sealant when they remove it 🤢
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