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*Deep sigh* I've had to come on for a wee rant. I can take a lot of things in my stride but I have to let this out to someone before I cry or scream. I work in a supermarket which probably says it all but today I have really struggled due to rude customers and a bully of a manager. I work on a meat and fish counter and today whilst I was cutting a steak earlier this afternoon, a customer remarked, "My knives at home are probably sharper than yours and you've cut one steak thinner than the other, I should have just cut it myself at home!" I just glared at her yet the temptation to say something was too much. I know we're supposed to remain professional at all times, especially in challenging situations, however we're only human at the end of the day and if someone is going to be rude to me for no reason I'm not going to stand for it.

I had already warned her that the steak was going to be tricky to cut! 🙄 At the end of the day I just laugh at the pettiness of it all, there are literally thousands of people dying and you're complaining about a steak, get a life! On top of that the bully manager overheard me and my colleagues discussing the rude customer and he came out with, "discussing it on the shopfloor is unprofessional!" Sadly not many of the managers in our shop have our backs when it comes to rude customers so we're expected to kiss their backsides and just put up with the abuse!! People in retail really aren't paid enough for half the crap they have to put up with! I don't really know what to do because I work so hard in my job, I take great pride in it and the majority of customers love me as I'm kind and helpful but I rarely receive thanks or appreciation from management for my efforts. I feel like my lazy colleagues get all the credit whilst the hard workers get nothing. I know all retail is basically the same but the company I work for is a high end supermarket that prides itself on how it looks after it's staff. What a joke!

Sorry, I just had to vent to someone as my partner is never really that interested and that's the other thing - I need this job sadly as he lost his back in June! Next year I must look for a new job, I deserve better. I tried to keep this short but once I start ranting that's it!
Thank you so much for going into work each day, your brave and must be near breaking point by this time in the year.
Yup dealing with the general public is one of the most challenging jobs and your not paid nearly enough to put up with their crap.
Hope you have a more peaceful few days and stay safe x x
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Chatty Member
Do we reckon Ronnie got one of those chav-mobile kid's Audis for Christmas and true to form Sopha is pretending she hasn't purchased an Audi for one of "her boys"

Absolute bargggggg cos Henners could use it as a mobility scooter to take some of the strain of his joints?
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Not something she’s made me buy as such but the worst thing Hinch has ever introduced me too has to be cleaning_with_mario😂😂 Hello ma lovlies the threads collide I know you guys are lurking🤭😉 Both utter fucking twats btw Mario if you keep gutting that wee flat hun you’ll have nothing left of it !!!
That silly cunt blocked me. I’d never even viewed his page but he must have seen that I liked a criticism about his beloved Queen.
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Chatty Member
Who here thinks the first posts of the New Years will be
1) motivational quote or even a message from Grinch herself about how hard last year has been and hoping for a better year but we have got this because we are all in this together in the same storm but different boats
2) Fake postman watching
3) two man team
4) a picture of her eye fucking herself
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I kinda think you are right. In normal times the influencer probably had a longer shelf life but now with Covid and the year we have all had (and let's be honest, probably another year of more hell) I think the shelf life is fast approaching the sell by date

In what world is it ok to have people flaunting their money when most people are now struggling to even have basic things such as food.

Their time has now come to walk away I think

Edited as I pressed enter half way through
I see that Peter Crouch and Abby Clancy got backlash after posting pictures from their recent trip to Dubai, including their 9 year old travelling first class. Abby ended up taking the pictures down. It really is crass to be rubbing your wealth in people’s faces when so many are struggling financially and emotionally. So unnecessary. Just keep it to yourself.

At least those two have actual careers, so those people like Hinch who only make a living from showing off their lives cannot survive for much longer surely? Not without a complete rebranding.
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How the actual feck have I come back to 20 pages to read and she’s not posting level tattle that 😂😂
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under the ivy

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2021 predictions:

- charity drive for diabetic donkeys or similar, where she posts a just giving link and her hinchers donate but then she says how much money ‘she’ raised
- utility room and ‘on schweet’
- Heinz sponsorship and Ronnie gets baked beans for breakfast lunch and dinner and she posts her recipe for baked bean cheesecake
- she goes to a wellness retreat to have the pastry trolls surgically removed from her conscious
- either her or SS give up their mortal body and live on the back of the other one’s head like Voldemort. I feel hopeful that 2021 could bring these sort of developments.
Diabetic donkey could be Henry’s new nickname
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I just don't understand why the radio silence. Even if she is no doubting breaking every rule going, she could be using her platform for good just now.

She uses her parents for childcare when she's filming nonsense around her house (that most other people have to get on with with kids literally hanging around their ankles), so why not use that childcare to actually then use your time for good. (She could even be posting about it whilst in her parents' home illegally if she's just careful to use the 'create' story or an old photo!). I am not Vicky Pattison's biggest fan (even less so after she decided to take her followers into an MLM), but last lockdown, her influence meant she was able to make sure that some of the elderly in her area had food (not necessarily best diet but it was something) when other arseholes were out there clearing the shelves. Even once the panic buying died down, it meant these vulnerable members of her community weren't going out and putting themselves at risk due to sheer desperation. She could be using her platform and influence to make sure older people are fed, young mums have the cleaning products they need to keep their homes safe, multiple charities by now could have benefitted, etc. There are far more people struggling to get the basics due to fear of leaving home, carers being pulled to other responsibilities and the ongoing job loss and furlough. I don't expect her to solve the problems on a huge scale and I don't expect her to be able to do everything for everyone, but a start could have been encouraging her own 'fans' to follow the rules/laws and to actually use her influence (and the responsibility that comes with that!) to have had at least some positive impact throughout all of this. If she was a single mum with a new baby, maybe I wouldn't have this expectation, but she has a stay at home husband, parents providing childcare to a toddler as and when it suits her and clearly has more than enough ability to be sending out emails asking companies to help support her as Vicky did (I wouldn't have necessarily needed to see her packing boxes herself but she could have had a lot of pull with companies! Hell, some of the companies she was more than happy to accept freebies and the likes from she could have asked for donations in lieu for such a project instead in exchange for a mention!)
She doesn’t give a shit about anyone except herself

She can wear a bow in her hair and act simple but she’s a cold hearted saleswoman

She doesn’t care about anyone except her mother, the dog, Jamie and ronalonadingdong in that order
All that crap with SS is fake, it’s to generate money for Gleam but the 🐑 lap it up like fools
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Ah I miss you lovely lot! Being back at work and having crotch goblins on my days off means I have hardly any Tattle time. But I am here to support the cause and get us to 300!

My predictions for next year are an OTT pregnancy announcement, homeware range (I have it on good authority from a friend who is a buyer for ASDA this is on the way, was meant to be launched early 2020 oops 😂 also ASDA won't be stocking it) tears and neck clawing as she send Ronsnomes off to nursery for the first time (with his own little driver and Henchry as his bodyguard) and last but not least making SS wedding prep all about HER.
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Loving this trip down memory lane tattlers 😂
I was drawn in by her at first but the penny slowly started to drop. Her mentioning trollzzz all the time didn’t help and when she would set her ‘army’ on people and sit back. Anyway one day when searching Mrs hinch trolls good old google sent me here! The rest is history!
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I was just feeling grateful for finishing work. A few streets away is a hospital that’s pretty over run with Covid patients atm, and nhs staff that are no doubt shattered and done in. I walked passed and
I was like, if I had a shit tonne of money or won the lottery I’d go in and give everyone a cheque for new year. Total fantasy, but I hope one day I’d be able to do something nice even on a smaller scale. I feel bad for feeling happy I’m done for a few days and can have the weekend off.

Hinch has millions and lives in Essex where there’s a state of emergency - why doesn’t she do SOMETHING for the local community. Some act of kindness. Like SS did at the food bank?? If I had that money I’d be volunteering all the time. I currently try and do a day per month with a food bank. Shameful that Gleam don’t think she should contribute more to charity or be seen to be thinking of others .
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Tried to respond to a post on the previous thread, but just to say that she even had her mobile number for all to see at one point (on an online etsy account or some such, don't quote me on what though)

There is dumb and then there is dumber
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Welcome to the dark side 😈😈

Only joking. We are all totally sane here and don’t douse our houses in flammable shite and we can all remember our kids names here to, not a personalised bit of clothing in site. Atv x

when she disappeared off for a ‘deep rest’ - this is how I discovered tattle. And I am so happy I did!
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I think we should enter 2021 with a clear conscience. Time to confess. What is the worst/most useless thing you’ve bought/something that you’ve done when you were ‘influenced’ by Hinch, whether knowing it at the time, or not?

Don’t be afraid. No judgement here. Amnesty time.

Can I just say that finding Tattle has been pure joy in this awful year. I’ve still got a few friends who follow her and cannot wait until I find the right opportunity to enlighten them.
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We might not like her but who can deny what she has done is genius?
She can't clean,sew,cook.She's no good at crafts,humour or even speaking.
She has launched 4 pointless books,2 being so far removed from the truth,a blank note book,and a child's compendium.
She's lied,cheated and deceived throughout her "career".
She's misrepresented herself.How did it happen??
I'm taking note of all the back stories on here and with your permission you will all feature in my novel,I'll obvs use your porn names so not to embarass you.
Its scary that someone like that can make so much money. This is why I wish for an end to the reality tv/influencer culture
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A woman I work with is a huge hinch fan, kept trying to add me to the facebook groups and always booking days off to 'Hinch' her house. Why?? Dont get it at all, my gran managed to keep a spotless house despite working full time and at one point having 4 kids in the house! She didnt need to take a day off to hinch.

This same woman puts her youngest in childcare on her days off (she doesnt even work full time either so why she needs days off I am not sure ) so that she can hinch properly.

Oh and she has a love, live laugh sign on her wall too. She really is turning into hinch, bragging about what she has and acting the twat. Boils my piss.
Herpes would be more welcome in my life than this prick of a woman. How do you fight the urge to shove a minky down her throat and batter her with a zoflora bottle?
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Chatty Member
Afternoon all 👋
just making my daily contribution.
300 reasons why... We dislike Mrs Hinch ✌

Reason 1 - She’s a cleaning sensation that doesn’t clean 🙄
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VIP Member
2021 predictions:

- charity drive for diabetic donkeys or similar, where she posts a just giving link and her hinchers donate but then she says how much money ‘she’ raised
- utility room and ‘on schweet’
- Heinz sponsorship and Ronnie gets baked beans for breakfast lunch and dinner and she posts her recipe for baked bean cheesecake
- she goes to a wellness retreat to have the pastry trolls surgically removed from her conscious
- either her or SS give up their mortal body and live on the back of the other one’s head like Voldemort. I feel hopeful that 2021 could bring these sort of developments.
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