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My daughter told me all about Hinch when she said she spent 3 whole days cleaning our little bungalow while we were on holiday. I admit I see cleaning as the most time consuming and boring activity ever so logged onto Instagram to see what this paragon of virtue was all about, It took me about 5 minutes to realise she was talking a load of crap and the ones following her and taking it all in were imbeciles. I am happy to say my daughter saw the light too and now criticizes her more than I do :) Stay safe folk x
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For someone who claims to "just looooooove" all of her followers, her radio silence over the festive period, which has been so so hard for so many, shows what an utter arsehole she is.
She doesn't use her "platform" for anything other than lining her own pockets. She really is an utter cretin.
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Jesus on a bike, I'm reporting the bots as fast as I can too!
Thanks for the reminder! I have a cunning plan! Not sure if the followers list is in the same order for us all but if it is we could all possibly be reporting the same bots over and over. If you type in your initial or any other letter in the followers search bar and work through the names that show up then it just might give us more bot coverage 😉. Of course if you're on one you could work through the alphabet 😅 oh and don't forget numbers and symbols, lots of bot accounts with them too!
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The Traveller community always have the biggest and OTT funerals. Never a coffin, always a casket. I imagine when Henner’s goes his funeral will be on a par with Princess Di’s. Procession through the “little village” with Sopha following behind wailing in a black wedding dress complete with black veil
Thats twice today you have mentioned poor Henners shuffling off, your not lurking around Maldovia with a poisoned sausage are you?
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Shall we get some predictions for 2021? I predict.....
unfortunately another collab and a pair up with SS
I predict a home range of some sort. It will do kinda well to begin with but won’t sell out and won’t sell as much as they think then the sales will slow down and eventually will end up in the bargain bucket.
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Happy last day of 2020 you nusty croissants! 🥐😘
I’ve been having a Deep Rest this week - skim reading and eating all the crunky snacks, chocolate, mince pies and drinking 2 litre bottles of gin coke 😆
We’ve been Tier 4 since Boxing Day so walking the dogs to death, hoping that balances out the above list. Doubt it. BUT WE ALL PUT ON SOME “WAIT” OVER CHRISTMAS!! 😉
I’ll try to chirp up a bit more today to push us over the edge to 300. I had the honour of the 200th thread title but honestly my brain is pickled (cough gin cough) so not sure I’ve got anything 🤦‍♀️
ATVFV dahhhhlings 😘
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Remember when she took ronalongadingdong to the library and she took a photo of his library card and gave away her phone number or something like that. Poor Ronnie never got back to the library which was going to be a regular thing for them and it wasn’t down to covid. She can’t sustain any thing
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F the dust.

VIP Member
Not a rant..but a sincere post. Wishing you all a much better happy New year! You've made me laugh so much and a few of you're the reason I still log in😉 All the best ya filling trolling animals x
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Hello tattle bastards, let’s get this to 300 for 2021!

What was the moment you realised that hinch was an utter twat?
I don't think there was a moment in particular, but way back before she birthed Maldon's answer to the Messiah, I remember her and Vesty doing the couples coaching cards 🤮🤮 And my God I have never cringed so hard. I couldn't enjoy her videos after that. The pair of them are sooo self indulgent!

I started lurking on Tattle around the time RonTuftyMansBlessim was born. I remember all the speculation of whether or not she would share her baby with her followers. Oh how little we knew 😂
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I first came across here when Hinch was banging on about how she was trolled. I did think you were all dickheads at first but then I started to see the light. Everything that was said on here was becoming more obvious on her stories so I decided to join and here we are. I love reading here of a night time. I hope Stacey and Joe are the gift that keeps on giving. I love how much they must be pissing off Hinch at the moment. I enjoyed Stacey's little montage this morning.

I still can't believe Hinch is only a year older than me. She looks at least 40.
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We might not like her but who can deny what she has done is genius?
She can't clean,sew,cook.She's no good at crafts,humour or even speaking.
She has launched 4 pointless books,2 being so far removed from the truth,a blank note book,and a child's compendium.
She's lied,cheated and deceived throughout her "career".
She's misrepresented herself.How did it happen??
I'm taking note of all the back stories on here and with your permission you will all feature in my novel,I'll obvs use your porn names so not to embarass you.
There was an interesting programme on BBC Two last night called Celebrity in the 21st Century and it was talking about the perfect storm that created celebrities out of nobodies - the need to fill new channels with content, high speed internet giving immediate access to information, turning people into a brand. Last night focussed on the likes of Katie Price, X Factor (and its predecessors) and Big Brother. It’s a four-parter which continues tonight at 9pm, and I hope they examine the effect of social media too.

One thing that stood out last night was how the women they focussed on had ruined their looks with fillers etc, including the female photographer who took pictures for the lads magazines.
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Well-known member
I found Tattle when the Schofield fiasco erupted. Kept seeing the Mrs Hinch banners on the most liked today (Sorry old school,use a pc not a mobile) So curiosity got the better of me and started reading them during the first lockdown, fell down the rabbit hole. Can`t believe how she has got away with so many gaff`s etc but made so much dosh. My opinion is Jamie was the brains behind it initially, due to his background in sales/marketing but it went too big too fast and sofa took over.
Karma will catch up.
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I first followed her as she popped up on insta ads. She was due to give birth around then so not too long.
I quite liked her tips at first, i've said before but the oven liners and the oven shelf edge things were things I didn't know I needed.
I ordered her book of lists too as at that time I thought I needed to get organised.
BUT, I sent it back as realised it was a rip off, and I really didn't want to colour in or do dot to dots of her chuffin dog.
I soon got fed up with her lack of cleaning tips and absolute load of tat purchases like a £3 E bay dress and lunch boxes when no one took packed lunches.
Spaghetti in a jug, a refilled Robinsons juice bottle, using chemicals to clean literally everything all niggled.
I didn't really click that she was selling products to be honest.
Anyway, I never did feel sorry for her, I could see her game and finally googled Hinch trolls, and found you lovely genuine lot.
Then I unfollowed her, although I occasionally have a look if someone posts something on here. But I try not to up her engagement figures.
I try not to be too nasty about her so as people don't call it trolling, but it's hard to be kond when you wake up and realise you are being conned
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Hincherella first came on my radar through my youngest. It was just after She’d had her second baby, was a bit lonely and was ripe for hinch. She would get annoyed if the house was messy, bought loads of products and wax melts. Had ‘show towels’ and got mad if they got used. I didn’t like what was happening and said so. Told her hinch was a fake. Luckily her follow didn’t last long and my daughter sees right through her too. Around this time was the blanket on the plane hoohah and I noticed how, when confronted with what she’d done wrong, out came anxiety and tears. I remember thinking you fake bitch. How dare you. Another insta person had mentioned tattle, I came for a look and never left. Luckily it was only on thread 4 or 5 so I didn’t have to play mega catch up like folk now 🤣
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Hello tattle bastards, let’s get this to 300 for 2021!

What was the moment you realised that hinch was an utter twat?
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I can’t wait for her return after her “deep rest.” I’m not sure I can handle the excitement of it all.
Just thought would post a pic of my favourite outfits of the year 🤮
Sopha in her party dress artistically posed, and Ronzonepunch in his beige knickers and bad Ebay 'waistcoat'
Oh and Obviously she's holding his wrists so he can't punch her for invading his space.


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I think she will become irrelevant! I think 2021 will be the year we see the back of influencers like hinch
I kinda think you are right. In normal times the influencer probably had a longer shelf life but now with Covid and the year we have all had (and let's be honest, probably another year of more hell) I think the shelf life is fast approaching the sell by date

In what world is it ok to have people flaunting their money when most people are now struggling to even have basic things such as food.

Their time has now come to walk away I think

Edited as I pressed enter half way through
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Shall we get some predictions for 2021? I predict.....
unfortunately another collab and a pair up with SS
I think you are right, probably homeware. Something to redundantly display on on your unused dining room table all year round.

The house upgrade will be finalised by Easter, if it’s not in the bag already. Deep rest = packing boxes
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Active member
Evening all, to add to the “how I found Tattle”:
I discovered it via the MOD drama and over time realised how foolish I’d been about Grinch - she had me sucked in to begin with but the closer it got to Ronnie’s birth the more I realised she was literally taking everyone for fools - the ‘glamourous’ photo shoots esp the baby shower, the extension, the Space Tidy, the DLP trip, the endless personalised baby shite, the 1st birthday, the prerecords, the Per Goal Ah debacle, the poor Da Hinch sitting at her cast off kitchen with his knees up at his shoulders, the fieldzzzzz, ah fuckit - I could go on and on.
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