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Just goes to show she can live her life without uploading to the gram everyday, I wonder if she has enjoyed it or if she’s gagging to get back to it and all the validation from the Hinch huns.
Would be nice if Ron has got to spend some time with her without a phone in his face but wouldn’t put it past her to have been recording content the whole time anyway.
The only people that know she’s still on her phone is Jaymei and Ronnie. She can’t be without it😂
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Thanks @mammaof3 💕

From previous thread, some characters (real and imagined). There must be more. So far we have:

Laura with the big kitchen
Becky with the big wardrobe
Maxine the superfan letter writer (Sopha)
Dear old Nigel from ASA

editing to add:
Joanne from Pampers
? From Pinkstuff

did the imaginary nurse who offered shopping have a name?
I believe it was Mimi 😂
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*Deep sigh* I've had to come on for a wee rant. I can take a lot of things in my stride but I have to let this out to someone before I cry or scream. I work in a supermarket which probably says it all but today I have really struggled due to rude customers and a bully of a manager. I work on a meat and fish counter and today whilst I was cutting a steak earlier this afternoon, a customer remarked, "My knives at home are probably sharper than yours and you've cut one steak thinner than the other, I should have just cut it myself at home!" I just glared at her yet the temptation to say something was too much. I know we're supposed to remain professional at all times, especially in challenging situations, however we're only human at the end of the day and if someone is going to be rude to me for no reason I'm not going to stand for it.

I had already warned her that the steak was going to be tricky to cut! 🙄 At the end of the day I just laugh at the pettiness of it all, there are literally thousands of people dying and you're complaining about a steak, get a life! On top of that the bully manager overheard me and my colleagues discussing the rude customer and he came out with, "discussing it on the shopfloor is unprofessional!" Sadly not many of the managers in our shop have our backs when it comes to rude customers so we're expected to kiss their backsides and just put up with the abuse!! People in retail really aren't paid enough for half the crap they have to put up with! I don't really know what to do because I work so hard in my job, I take great pride in it and the majority of customers love me as I'm kind and helpful but I rarely receive thanks or appreciation from management for my efforts. I feel like my lazy colleagues get all the credit whilst the hard workers get nothing. I know all retail is basically the same but the company I work for is a high end supermarket that prides itself on how it looks after it's staff. What a joke!

Sorry, I just had to vent to someone as my partner is never really that interested and that's the other thing - I need this job sadly as he lost his back in June! Next year I must look for a new job, I deserve better. I tried to keep this short but once I start ranting that's it!
Since this pandemic started customers seem to be extra arseholey in shops ❤
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I wonder if they still use their couple coaching cards?
Did she not have some about parenting too or am I imagining that 🤣
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Sat here contemplating her and all she is about and actually for a little moment felt sad for her

She is a sad little woman really when you book it down.

The youngest of all Ma and Pa's other kids and the for chubby one at that, soends her whole life living in the shadow of the more intelligent and go getting older sister and under the oppressive thumb of Ma. Ends up fat and not loving herself, so much so that she resorts to drastic measures of having a gastric band on credit, then has to have even more surgery for loose skin, definitely a nose & boob job and go inky knows what else. This is how much she hates how she looks.

She then has an affair to get someone else's man, rather than finding her own, and seems to have chosen someone who can lavish her with all she craves, as she seems that is all that will make her happy. How sad, empty and shallow does your life have to be really?

She then purposefully sets out to become famous and rich, as again the pattern is that the more she is adored by others and the more material things she has then the happier she will be. Even sells her own son to get her to the top.Totally missing the real point of what life is all about.

She tries to hang out with the already rich and famous, yet is always second fiddle to likes of SS and that clearly bothers herself is just so sad, desperate and so extra it is actually pathetic 😔

What an absolute sad lover
Now that should be published as the MEmwahhhh 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Ooo I didn’t realise it was a 4-parter I missed the first couple then, I thought it was good last night and showed the rise of celebs for the sake of it like hinch
You’re good as last night was the first one. It continues though this week.
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You’ll have to do lots of detective work to understand the Mario lingo on his thread first took me about a week, but once you understand the jokes it’s honestly the funniest thread on here! ❤
I’ll take on that challenge. Give me something to keep me occupied in the winter evenings. Thank you for the recommendation ❤
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Rip it up make some clofths. You can give them names or regift too one of your ‘kids’ just like Princess Sopha 😂
If I started referring to my friends as 'kidz' I think they'd probably not speak to me again seeing as we are in our 30s! Seriously, what planet is this woman on?! 🙈🙈 All those chemicals have obviously damaged her brain! Xx
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I’m trying to work out if they decided to go to bed at 8.00 pm on Christmas Eve because soph was in a rage that SS had stolen her Christmas thunder when she got that text 🤔
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Inch gets home from work (yes, I know he doesn't, just for the purposes of comedy let's pretend) - "you alright love, why are the blinds still shut?"
Grinch - "haha I forgot to put it on the list, what am I like"
Inch - "haha what are you like. So anyway, Where's the baby?"
Grinch - "ah shit, he's still in his bed I forgot to put 'get ronniebigbib out of bed' on the list"
Inch - "shall I call your mum to come over to help tomorrow?"
Ronniebigbib 😂😂😂
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of course she lurrrvvess it! Nothin that grand here, the local community group are going nuts though because someone’s having fireworks in town and apparently their dog will commit suicide if there is one more firework display this year

it’s all go in my town!!

Have you got the Hinch endorsed firework projector to shine onto your house at midnight???? I’m not sure what else it does but she loved it (of course) and it was just right for them 😂
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