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Nah Ronnie is the cutest. He’s looking more and more gown theses days aw bless him🥺 but also she’s thick as shit. If she could avoid taking the little one out during this pandemic (like either her or jaymay can’t stay at home and mind him whilst the other nips out) his hands straight from the trolley to his mouth. His hands straight from the food packets. To possibly his mouth. He’s a child he doesn’t know bette you twat!
What a pair of fucking idiots those two are 😡

My friend, her boyfriend and their 20 month old child have just all tested positive for covid last friday.

The only place they have been is the supermarket to do the weekly food shop.

Exactly what you say, a child touching the trolly, touching packets etc then touching their face, is more than likely how they’ve all got it.

Tell us again how much you love your son Soph 🙄

Absolute pair of pricks!
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Morning all, why exactly is a cleaner advertising make up this morning??
If I want to know about make up I'll watch a make up blogger not a bloody cleaning account 🤦‍♀️
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Someone said before that Hinch's voice overs are robotic. I agree

'Beep. Beep. I now. PuTTTTT. The. Beeeep. TTttopic. InTo. Beep. The. Middle. Of. The. Pastry. BEEEEEP. *warning* Beep. *warning*. Pre. Records. Low. Need. Thursday. Off. Beep. Beep'
I listened to her book on free trial on audible. Her pauses drove me nuts so I changed the speed to 2x faster and she almost sounded normal!
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Soo I have a theory. Given that she can’t get her dates straight and everything is prerecorded and likely weeks out of sync.. when she says she hasn’t been on tattle since 2019, does that really mean she hasn’t been on in the last couple of days? Cos this content is so dry and recycled I’m convinced she’s trapped in some dull, lifeless time warp and doesn’t even know what day of the week it is, let alone year 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Tbh I’m surprised that when she got married she didn’t get a sneaky photo of her with a poppy on so that every year on Remembrance Sunday she could put it on insta and show her support and of course another chance to show a wedding photo!

Dozy cow probably already thinks Remembrance Sunday is a day where you remember all the good things you have been gifted. Ahh the new carpet smell, do you remember that?
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Pastry trolls, just to try and lighten the mood, what do we think has been Hinch’s best “i haven’t read tattle since 2019 but they make my content” moment??

For me it’s either the nonstop mum says BS or the fact she went running around like a headless chsickeeeen to a food bank at 7pm at night 😂😂
The food bank one has to be the winner!!! Can we do a poll on the next thread??
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Christ last of the big spenders on that venture to Tesco, husband works in Tesco so it drives him nuts that she's blatantly on the beg for a sponsorship deal. Hinch the millionaire donating less than a fivers worth of dog food to the charity bin and making up a hinch hamper for the local school that'll be filled with free shit she doesn't want. Put your hand in your pocket you tight gobshite. And stop trying to make your toddler a forever baby and buy him a pair of bloody pyjamas and stop letting him touch everything in the shop.
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Jameyyyy has gone for fish and chips, that means she's home alone with Tufters. What will she do if he wakes up?.........
Or maybe Ma is lurking in the guest room
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Hi, So over the weekend I was catching up with a different tattle thread.. I have to say everyone on this thread is so so nice and supportive to each other. Also everyone gets when comments are being sarcastic.. on the other thread there was so much bitching and ‘ I was joking / oh ok hun!!’ comments that it made me feel horrible, glad you are all nice guyssss. So we are all in this together, we got this and we are a (two man) team. Enjoy your day.
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Forgive me for saying this if this offends others with genuine anxiety, but I’ve noticed she only mentions her anxiety or panic on mental health days, when other influencers raise awareness or if she’s been called out on tattle for something like breaking lockdown rules, pure idiocy or calling out others and blocking them. Anxiety really seems like a convient excuse for her for relatability and likes, im also saying this as for someone with such bad anxiety surrounding covid, she doesn’t half go out a lot and mix with so many people, it just seems like a load of wank 🙃 Watch her mention it in the next couple of days now I’ve said this, calling bingo now!
It makes me so angry. She doesn’t have anxiety, she feels nervous when she knows she’s been called out on her shitty behaviour. I have anxiety and for me it’s constantly feeling like my hearts beating out of my chest. It’s having panic attacks that make me feel like I’m about to die, because I’m so irrationally terrified that my family is going to die. It’s waking up every night soaked in sweat, crying my eyes out because I have dreams that sum up everything that makes me anxious during the day. It’s not wanting to leave the house because I think everyone is watching me and judging me and hoping I fail. It’s convincing myself that everyone hates me and that I’m a loser. She is just such a stupid bint, she wouldn’t know anxiety if it slapped her across the face 🤬🤬
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I’m actually incredulous.
Did she seriously have the fucking utter audacity to say she struggling to get into the mood for Christmas? Did I actually read that or did I dream it in my post covid Ward night shift, no sleep induced haze??
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Can someone tell me what fucking MEDICAL NEED that grinch has? Because I am positive you are only suppose to go with someone if you really really can't go yourself! Her husband is a stay at home parent, so he or her should stay home with the BABY because there is no need for him to be out either!
I'm absolutely furious! My child has an op tomorrow and only 1 parent is allowed to be there! Yet this absolute cockwobble is out shopping with her FAMILY! Did she not get the memo of a lockdown!!! Utter C U N T!!! Hate that word but she's made me say it! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Kate to the party!
We had our own little Remembrance Day, I showed the kids photos of my grandads and dad and my husbands grandad
We did the 2 min silence and then the kids did their own little parade for us (the older ones & my eldest sang we’ll meet again to us on a Zoom call to my grandparents, parents and in laws! They then showed us pictures and things they’d done at school and told us what they learnt and we made poppies!
it was so so much fun! Probably the funnest day We’ve had for ages that actually means something
But just popped on to say and sorry if it’s been mentioned
At least this year she didn’t post a photo of ronjongiftedshop with loads of poppies around him again
The insensitive shit bag.
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Rex is only a month older than Ronnie.
I don't like SS anymore than I like Hinch, but Rex is a lovely little guy. You can see that he's stimulated and played with and taken places (and I don't mean B&M and Costa!) and is allowed to get dirty and messy.
I know he has two older brothers so obviously that helps too, but poor Ronnie doesn't seem to be allowed to do anything :(
He's shoved behind the couch and forced on Henry to try and make us believe that they have an 'amazing bond' :rolleyes:
I don't think he's ever been allowed get dirty or messy which is actually really sad.

I was out for a walk earlier on today and passed a little girl who was with her Dad. She was about Ronnie's age and was absolutely insistent on jumping in every single puddle with her pink wellies. She was giggling and shrieking and absolutely loving it, and as her Dad said to me "Not to worry, she's washable."

It's really sad that Ronnie is never allowed to be like other children his age.
The only reason I still have a little peep at SS is cos I think Rex is totally adorable, what a great little guy, living his best life as an 18 month old and his fun and joy at everything is so infectious. Forgive me if this might be controversial but I’m not sure that SS having other kids is an excuse for Hinch‘s total lack of engagement with Ronnie. If that was the case, all first borns would be quiet, understimulated little people as we were ‘still learning’. My first born was an out and out extroverted little bugger( chatting with a lady in a cafe age 3, he ran out of things to say so announced to everyone ‘do you know my mummy is 32’ yet my second son was a little ‘quietly watching from the sidelines’ boy. Please Sophie, engage with that lovely little lad while you can still enjoy his milestones instead of suppressing his development.
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She has totally fucked me off this morning. Her ‘you are brave’ bullshit.
Not a fucking clue about what is happening in the world.
I’ve had a row with my babies dad over the fact he hasn’t bothered with her since we left his alcoholic arse last month. I struggle everyday and here she is preaching her absolute fucking fairytale bollocks. I’d like to see how she would cope losing her home, support network and coping with a young baby. Fucking woman.
Sorry. Rant over. She’s just really pissed me off this morning 😂
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Chatty Member
Just your Monday morning reminder guys you can have as many eyebrows as you want! I have 4 personally, I LAAAAVVV ITTTTT but it’s upto you guys you could have six! Just remember you’re brave, strong and smart, we got this, just breathe, we’re all winging it and finally always #bekond

Oh hey nostrils 👋🏼 Been a while since you’ve not been filtered out, how you guys been?
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