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Why would you go to a soft play area during a pandemic when you have flu like symptoms? Fucking imbecile.
I avoid them like the plague anyway. They're filthy and full of kids screeching, even though I'm a mum myself, I can't stand kids screeching. I'd rather take my daughter out in the fresh air instead. Even she is indifferent to things like ball pools, she'd rather paint, feed the ducks in the park or help do some baking. I've taught her well 😂 she huffs and puffs at kids that paddy in public 😂
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Not sure if this has been shared yet so apologies if it has
What a terribly satisfying book review. Absolutely captures everything about the fluffy world of Mrs Hinch.
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I’m not the dog whisperer by any means lol but I don’t always agree with comments that he’s ready at any second to snap. He’s a very patient dog! And from what we see, acts quite gentle around Ronnie. I just think he can’t be fucked with having to wait so long for his chicken breakfast... (think of how many outtakes before she actually posts the best out of 10 tries) He’s fed up but I don’t think he’s this horrible savage beast of Maldon. Just bored! Dogs give no fucks about splaying their willy on show to everybody but shame on Sophie for keep bloody showing it 🤢 and shame on her for not respecting Henry’s space.
He’s not at any second going to snap but he is not just bored - he is really uncomfortable. He doesn’t look at Ronnie ever. Yesterday he was clearly trying to escape from Ronnie on the bed and Ronnie blocked him from getting down. He is very patient I agree so she’s lucky. It’s just really sad for Henry he’s so over fed under walked and having to be in situations he clearly isn’t comfortable with because she thinks it’s cute and clearly a lot of it is done with food bribery. Ron is whacking him, touching him while he’s asleep - it’s really unfair
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I hate to slag off Tuftiano Ronaldo but it always annoys me that he gets dressed like a big baby. He's a little boy now, dress him in actual clothes!
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Don't forget, this is a woman who talks in her 'memoir' about struggling a few months after the birth of RonRons....yet on Instagram it was all flowers and rainbows.

It wouldn't surprise me if this is the exact same - she's self-isolating with Covid symptoms - and instead of raising awareness about the importance of being careful, yadda yadda, nope, she's showing her 🐑🐑🐑 the flowers and rainbows once more.

She's like an optical illusion; once you see how deceptive and cunning she is, it can never be unseen.
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Eleanor Abernathy

VIP Member
And bingo to whoever said we never see won won in his bedroom hey presto there he is

She might cry ‘troll’ but what would she do for content if she didn’t read here 🤔
I didn’t even realise it was his bedroom. It’s the same shade of grey as the rest of the house so I assumed it was a different angle of the living room. 😂
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That fucking table constantly set up for no fucker to eat at, it's like something out of some creepy horror film 👻 if you never use those plates Sophie GET BLOODY RID OF THEM, you clearly don't need them 🤦 who has an entire table set for 6 people when there's only 2 adults and a toddler in the house?

I just can't 🤯
We need her sitting at it in her Miss Haversham 1st Birthday Wedding dress 😂
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PJ party girl

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View attachment 275945

They are all just as immature as her 😂 it's actually so embarrassing
What is wrong with these people? I cannot believe grown women actually are taken in by the utter shite that she talks. And how dare she joke about having a shop and having lots of hinchers as employees when so many people are losing jobs? My company had to let someone go today and I know I have a job till January but no idea past then and as of next month, my salary is being cut. So she has mega pissed me off with her wanting to play shop; she’s got no idea whatsoever.
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So cringey when she posts fake msgs shes pretending she got and puts then in quotation marks.
“You make me laugh so much Soph never stop being you ur amazing”
Nobody said that to u lol.
i honestly have second hand embarressment for her sooooo hard. My whole body cringes for her. She always posts screenshots of her msgs then randomly she’ll just quote a rly weird made up one saying stuff like “You make my day ur my hero” or “never stop being you. U are u and that is ur power”.
fucking have a word with urself luv.
absolutely rediculous woman loooool. Iv noticed sooo many ppl that used to like her are now noticing things like the fake messages and trying to get herself noticed in shops by buying her own products. She rly needs help.
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Chatty Member
This may have already been said but on the radio this morning Chris Evan's said he should have been at her house today to record a podcast but has to rearrange because she has covid symptoms - yet she is at soft play?!
Omg.. surely she can’t get away with this? Get on Twitter everyone this needs to be picked up by the media
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Tootle Pip Wiz

VIP Member
That is actually quite disturbing to see how thin she is.
Yet she goes on about us trolls pulling her apart cos we think she's 'fat'?
I'm literally shocked at how thin she looks here. It's very worrying imo. 😔

ETA has she got a nip slip going on?!! 🤫

Screenshot_20201014-001551_Samsung Internet.jpg
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Wants to play shops? Proves the silly bitch hasn’t done a hard days graft in her life...
all the while every other shop is closing because of this minor inconvenience she finds herself in, read the room soph you utter dick 🙄
She finds trolls rude?? Hahahha wait til she is serving shitty customers with attitude. 🤣😂🤣
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