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but if Ma and Pa have split then Ma is a single person household, which may still be allowed? I can go stay at my sisters 🤷‍♀️ Or she could claim it as childcare
That would mean her admitting to them having split though, and she won’t do that because it would shatter what she thinks is the perfect life in her head
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This is what pisses me off. My dad has Alzheimer’s and I go over to help my mum with his meds/behaviour etc. She claims carers for him so is his carer on paper. Because mum lives with him and he’s not on his own, I can’t go over?! She’s shit at managing his stuff.
Go over.

You have to weigh up the risk of spreading with the welfare of your Dad.
If you think that his meds or welfare will suffer without you helping your mum then just go, but sanitise and wear a mask at all times to reduce the risk.

I wish I could message you, but I lost my powers.
Your other alternative is to raise a safeguarding, that won't put your mum in trouble, but it will mean you'll feel less guilty on breaking the rules as they'll look into his care and say you can help, or offer your mum help. Then if neighbours decide to be arses you have some back up.

I would never normally tell anyone to flout the rules, but this is different, care of a person with dementia is involved, plus your mum will be exhausted and need a break, so you're well within your rights to help if you feel safe to do so, and I feel safe in saying that as its literally my job to look out for stuff like this.

Good luck, I'll be thinking of you xx
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or JusRollWithIt

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Do you note that she quickly switches off the video when Ron grabs Henry’s nose etc? She knows what she is doing is wrong and the dog will snap soon
I know we only see “7 minutes” of her day and it’s only what she wants the world to see. But those 7 curated minutes paint her to be a scheming, callous, selfish and vindictive excuse of a human being. Over and over again, every day, 250+ threads full of examples of it.
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I've woken up in a sad mood this morning. I'm weepy and emotional and I've sat with my coffee and cried. I've cried because even though I am fortunate to have a good job, a loving family and lovely home, I'm feeling as though I have nothing to look forward to. All the plans I had this year have either been postponed or cancelled all together, I can't see my friends and I am really missing them all. I am giving myself permission to cry all day if I want to as well because I'm fed up of not being able to see any end to this dreadful situation we are all in and believe me I really do appreciate some people are finding it an awful lot more difficult than me.
Then you get Mrs Hinch the Untouchable, crying troll every five minutes, declaring she's got flu type symptoms but if her stories are to be believed, she's just carrying on without a care in the world! Why is she so protected? What makes her so special?
I don't think Chris Evans has any reasons to lie to millions of listeners about cancelling a trip to her house to record a podcast due to her Covid symptoms so how hasn't this been picked up and connected to her going here there and everywhere potentially Covid positive? I am a little surprised she never mentioned the podcast but perhaps there is a confidentiality clause. I don't know.
What I do think is this - there have been complaints about her to ASA, Zoflora, Jus-Rol, Home Bargains, B&M, Gleam and no doubt various other establishments. Twitter has comments rightly pointing out her disregard for the safety of her son with the dog, and her blatant ignoring of the current guidelines and advice on Covid 19. I think the general consensus is "Mrs Hinch can't do right for doing wrong. People need to stop complaining.
How else does she just sally forth in her spangle filled universe, caring only about herself? It's because she knows she has the vicarious protection of the press, her management, her family and her followers.

I hope you all don't mind me getting that off my ample chest!
Sending you lots of troll love my sweetness. It's an extremely difficult time and it's been a shit show of a year! I had a right sob fest a few weeks ago too, I miss my mum and sister. My daughter misses them and I'm anxious that my unborn baby won't be able to meet her aunt and grandma. I'm being cautious as I'm due in three weeks, my mother is a cancer sufferer and my sister has severe asthma.
It's an insult that Zoph isn't taking the pandemic seriously.
Cry all day if you need to, you will feel better for getting it out. Also, chocolate helps! xxxx
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me ma will tell ya

Chatty Member
That fucking song. That fucking same montage every single morning.

You're running out of content Soph! It couldn't be more obvious.

Excuse my French this morning but I'm fucking pissed off that we're going in to Tier 2 restrictions again and it's all because dipshits like Grinch who think the rules don't apply and go out spreading their possible Covid germs around like fucking confetti!
It angers me so much, where i am here in ireland we are going lockdown "level 4" from tonight and there has been a ban placed on househould visits. And its the idiots who think they are above the restrictions or advice that are causing the heartache for everybody else, from tomorrow more businesses closing some of which might never open again. There are people dying, dying alone, people not seeing thier families for weeks/months on end and that jumped up little cunt tells the world shes feeling fluey and then heads to soft play with her chaperone and then announces shes "sweating wet". The mind boggles either she is thick as shit or she has such a level of self importance she doesnt give a crap about anybody else. My SIL is an ICU nurse and during the first lockdown she moved into a caravan at the back of her house so as not to risk infecting her hubby or kids, her lovely neighbour loaned it to them, she had only recently moved back in to her house and has now resorted to the caravan again. Chatting to her 3 wee girls through a window reading bedtime stories over facetime. My heart bleeds for her and all the other medical professionals and the sacrifices they are making to help others. Then Sophie we have numptys like you, who went out clapping for the NHS, absolute hypocrites.
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Yeah of course. It’s all common sense. Which again doesn’t take a genius to work out she has none. I honestly feel so sorry for the Elderly that have no one at the moment 😩
Its been heartbreaking. I've worked in care for 10yrs and seen some horrendous things, but these 7mths have been the hardest thing I've ever done!! It reduced me to breaking point with what I was seeing and hearing.

I've heard elderly people who are high risk saying that this is harder than the war, or that they resorted to talking to their dead husbands photograph, or wish themselves dead, or say they're planning their suicide, or that they'd rather die from the virus than be alone. I've seen dementia accelerate at alarming rates, and mobility meaning that 7mths ago they could go out and now they can't.
Its been the saddest thing 😢
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She makes me laugh... We've had to change a lot since Ron came along.... Like what?? All I see is more seating, thAt should have Sharp corner protectors on, never mind swapping tablets over so your books can be displayed properly, self centred knobjockey!
I still can't get over the fact she claimed to have 'flu' yesterday and is STILL going about her life as bloody normal! Not everyone who has covid gets all the symptoms! The silly bint should of stayed home and said look guys, I have 'flu' and I'm going to try and isolate and if I get worse ill get tested, spoke about the importance of staying home and safe but oh no not our soph! She's out at her mates, her mothers and God knows where else but hey she washes her hands in anti bac washing liquid (how much does that woman use) and her shitty Rose wonderland. 😡
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She always seems to have a “day off” Instagram when she’s been caught out doing something she shouldn’t.
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I'm calling Bingo...

She WILL open up a shop. That is exactly why she said what she said and encouraged her sheep to message her about their thoughts on it. That was a pure marketing and advertising strategy so she can get feedback on whether it would work and people want it and to also whett their appetites

She will pop in the idea again over the next few weeks and months until it gets to a point where all her sheep are so desperate for her to open a shop that she almost does it as a favour to them... we are in this together guuuuyz. They will then love her even more as she has opened up a shop just for them, sort of a they asked - she gave, and then she really will be the new messiah

The shop, however, will be one of two things.

1: just her branded items (basically shite that is already out there and being manufactured already, but now with a dirty great big grey H emblazoned on it) and sold on a few shelves / corners of B&M or Tescos etc


2: her very own shop with again, a grey H emblazoned on shite that is already being made anyhow, but only now it costs an extra tenner than its H-less counterparts, but this time you have to swipe up to buy as it will be an online shop only (maybe even en ebay online shop, so she gets your cookies for every swipe up)

Don't be fooled by her apparent stupidity, she isn't as green as she is cabbage looking

However, I am calling Bingo on how it will be her downfall. In these horrid covid times that we are all experiencing (Twag bag aside), we are all skint, depressed, unemployed, on sick leave, and basically in a horrid limbo due to frikken Covid. So although there will be an initial flurry of sheep buying their messiahs overpriced bits of crap, the sales will very quickly die off as money is tight for everyone...

And so she crashes and burns and fades away to nothing

And we shall all rejoice
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Not sure if this has been shared yet so apologies if it has
Well that was a good review! I might start copying and pasting this all over my insta!
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You know what
I love it when she doesn’t post!
I’m off to Essex in the morning (@shadyessex33 if I had time I’d deffo hit you up for a coffee)
for a meeting might stop by her maldon hotspots on my way home just so I can catch her germs

Oh how amazing would that be! When this COVID madness is over it’s a date sugar tits! ❤ Coffee and slating off the Hinch. PerficccTTT
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Off to ikea later. I’m still on the hunt for a coffee table as I finally trust my two toddlers to have one.

on my list of criteria:
Circular or at least rounded edges
Storage to chuck toys in to give the illusion of a tidy home
Storage for the man baby to Chuck his crap in that he insists on leaving on the floor by the sofa
Surface can’t get scratched to shit with toy cars or trains
No glass or things they can impale themselves on
A large surface area on top so that a cup of tea won’t be precariously balanced on the edge and swiped over by a toddler
Nothing they can crawl through - made that mistake with a kallax once 😂
Nothing the cats are going to trash

You know what. Maybe we will get a coffee table next year.
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Chatty Member
My dog would be going mad if her collar was out as she knows that she's going a walk (you know that thing that you're supposed to do at least once a day) No reaction from Henry when Ronnie is tormenting him with his collar. Is that because there's no connection between putting collar on and walkies perhaps.
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Strolling round with our minkys... let’s not love 😳 sounds rude!!!
She is such a basic bitch. Going on about playing at shops again.
Blatant pre record as well. She had that black top on the other night. Today she had the sweaty teddy bear tracksuit on
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