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I'm on day 8 of isolation after catching covid from my office - its been shit, like nothing I've ever felt before. My initial symptoms weren't your classic high temperature & cough but I just knew something wasn't right & low and behold I'm positive. How very very selfish must you be to not only put members of the public at risk but your own damn parents! I hope to god she isn't positive but comes across as the type who only learns when shit goes tits up!!
It’s so frustrating and makes me so angry. She made out she had anxiety about the whole situation and then the day she has “flu” like symptoms is out and about galavanting around like we aren’t even in the middle of a pandemic.

I know what you’re going through. I was ill with Covid in March. I’m still paying the price 6 months down the line (currently going through a relapse and have spent the entire day curled up feeling like I did at the beginning) 🙁 I’ve been left with severe shortness of breath to this day and I lost a good 40% of my hair which still hasn’t grown back. I was a relatively healthy 27 year old and now I’m living like I’m 87! It’s crippled me and I don’t know whether I’ll ever be my normal self again.

Wishing you a speedy recovery! X
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Tomorrow is a new day, oh fuck off you child. I spent most of yesterday crying. I have various health issues and a family who I have no contact with so my depression isn’t going to just disappear if I go to Home Bargains or clean the bath
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Just heard Essex is moving in to Tier 2, there’s no way she will keep to that no mixing households rule. 😡😡
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Tootle Pip Wiz

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apparently someone a few threads back said she throws up everything she eats because of her dodge gastric band. not to mention she only eats small things like children’s snacks, the cheese strings and crisps 😟

i genuinely feel sorry for her if she’s actually battling disordered eating and body issues. please don’t make a joke out of our concern, zophie, seeing as you read here.
I have an ED myself, been battling for 12 years with bulimia so I know the struggles it brings both physically and mentally. It dominates your life very much and makes you feel utterly shit. I went from being overweight to quite underweight at one point. I struggle massively day to day.
But I certainly wouldn't be comfortable with my husband putting up a photo of me showing my vulnerability for all to see. That would crush me so much. 😔
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life is great

Chatty Member
That little boy really is a performing monkey for her. Plus notice him running away from her again. Don't blame him especially when she starts that screeching and half crying/laughing voice. The bitch needs called out on her latest covid symptoms especially if she has been in a soft play area today. She honestly gives no fucks about anybody else
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Probably her single handed putting Essex in the next tier by spreading her germs
It is definitely cunts like her and her rancid family that are causing this. I despair. When I’m out it’s always the same type of people thinking they are above the rules. All have the chav look about them like them lot
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This mornings pre recorded is so old unless she went out and bought a brown bunch of bananas coz they’ve been going down all week then there was 2 yesterday none and now a full bunch of brown ones 😂
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Can’t believe she got another coffee table, deffo had the space to put at least another 2 seats in!!! Where will everyone sit 🤷‍♀️
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Got bored whilst recovering from covid(remember soph that's still a thing)
So I introduce you to some of the most loyal Hinchers....
So many are just a bunch of numbers and a random name. O posts and 0 followers, they ain't going to buy any of the sh*t she flogs.


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Ground turmeric

Well-known member
So we have had the fat sliced meat montage this morning ✅
Then the running from kitchen to mummmmmaz ✅
Then we tormented H ✅
Then we had the staring in out of the patio doors ✅
Then a bit of shopping/delivery haul ✅
Next up its Cooking making some kind of meal ✅
Next we staged a post but forgot #ad cos we used the Prop child ✅
And then (anyone bored of the same routine yet)
So next work came the washing with an #ad thrown in ✅
And next we tried to throw in some normality to appease the tattlers ( but was it a pre record) ✅
I could go on but its all just same old boring shit with a few little extras just for us on here

Soph your boring, go open a shop or something you might as well its not as if there is a pandemic going on!!

Sorry she just gets on my last nerve and I don't even follow her 😅
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That photo has to be staged, who actually falls asleep like that. My OH sent me a photo of me sleeping cause he thought the cat curled up beside me was cute. Well the trunchbull wouldn't have got a look in 🙈

In other news, i just tested positive for covid and only had "fluey" symptoms to start with, she really doesn't give a hoot about anyone but herself galavanting around the place after telling the world she felt unwell. Dick!
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That fucking song. That fucking same montage every single morning.

You're running out of content Soph! It couldn't be more obvious.

Excuse my French this morning but I'm fucking pissed off that we're going in to Tier 2 restrictions again and it's all because dipshits like Grinch who think the rules don't apply and go out spreading their possible Covid germs around like fucking confetti!
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I’m not being funny but you bought this in IKEA meaning thousands have that table in the UK and every other country that has IKEA so it can’t be your TABLE in that sense that you should concern yourself (unless you’re feigning it and being sarcastic)
You shop in IKEA you run the risk of every man his dog having the same items so why shouldn’t she buy it too.

im not a fan of hers but some of youse just hate her for silly reasons honestly. Infact I quite like the table
Is it ok if I buy YOUR TABLE will you be concerned?
It’s a valid feeling to have, especially when you know every Tom, Dick and Harry is going to go out and buy this same table just cos she’s has it and now when anyone comes round your gaff you’ll have one mate whose a hincher go “omg you’ve got the same table as Mrs Hinch!!”
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This bitch who’s basically still hanging halfway out Freda’s fanny spent the whole of the first lockdown barely mentioning her. It was so transparent. So obvious she was still seeing her all the time. Unlike the rest of us who had to fucking suffer! I mean literally she only said once or twice she missed her mum / was on the phone to her. Went to visit her dad once. That was it. She’ll do the same again.

I mean come on this is Saint Soph. If she really hadn’t seen her March - July or whatever there would be constant tears. Constant days off. Constant screenshots of FaceTime.
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PJ party girl

Well-known member
Evening all, was too Kate again to reply on the last thread as have been busy today helping my mum sort some things in her house, as well as taking her for a blood test, so have been catching up this evening. I grew up with the softest dog ever and while I haven’t had a dog since I was young, I can see the danger and it scares me for that poor child. Henry will snap one day and I just hope Ronnie isn’t there. And what is with the table and the books? If I had a glass table and put pictures of myself under it, I think my friends and family would think I’d gone mad! She really does have the highest opinion of herself, despite this ‘oh how did it happen to little old me’ nonsense that she trawls out to all and sundry.
Sorry, this wasn’t supposed to be angry post but has somehow turned in to one; she can do that to me!
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Mummaz Hansnones cash cowz manz with the shark hoover and absolute unashamed fucking advertisement. She is disgusting isn’t she.
Yeah Soph, how exactly would Ron have got his hands on that hoover if you didn’t get it off Polly who lives in the garage?? You very much went and got the hoover and sat him on the floor with it. Does she think her followers are thick???
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Its been heartbreaking. I've worked in care for 10yrs and seen some horrendous things, but these 7mths have been the hardest thing I've ever done!! It reduced me to breaking point with what I was seeing and hearing.

I've heard elderly people who are high risk saying that this is harder than the war, or that they resorted to talking to their dead husbands photograph, or wish themselves dead, or say they're planning their suicide, or that they'd rather die from the virus than be alone. I've seen dementia accelerate at alarming rates, and mobility meaning that 7mths ago they could go out and now they can't.
Its been the saddest thing 😢
This virus has accelerated my grandads Alzheimer’s, he can’t understand why we don’t visit and why he’s not allowed to visit his remaining living friends at their care homes and he’s of the generation that he doesn’t understand how phones work and is very much a face to face bloke, so having a conversation with him over the phone is a nightmare cos he won’t hold it up to his mouth and ear for long, he thinks I’m 16 again and doesn’t understand why I won’t visit him cos when I was 16 I’d pop over every Sunday and according my nan he’s broken down a few times cos he misses us all so much! Hinch flaunts the rules, but people’s lives and welfare at stake, suicides at an all time high and I totally get why!
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