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Chatty Member
I'm calling Bingo...

She WILL open up a shop. That is exactly why she said what she said and encouraged her sheep to message her about their thoughts on it. That was a pure marketing and advertising strategy so she can get feedback on whether it would work and people want it and to also whett their appetites

She will pop in the idea again over the next few weeks and months until it gets to a point where all her sheep are so desperate for her to open a shop that she almost does it as a favour to them... we are in this together guuuuyz. They will then love her even more as she has opened up a shop just for them, sort of a they asked - she gave, and then she really will be the new messiah

The shop, however, will be one of two things.

1: just her branded items (basically shite that is already out there and being manufactured already, but now with a dirty great big grey H emblazoned on it) and sold on a few shelves / corners of B&M or Tescos etc


2: her very own shop with again, a grey H emblazoned on shite that is already being made anyhow, but only now it costs an extra tenner than its H-less counterparts, but this time you have to swipe up to buy as it will be an online shop only (maybe even en ebay online shop, so she gets your cookies for every swipe up)

Don't be fooled by her apparent stupidity, she isn't as green as she is cabbage looking

However, I am calling Bingo on how it will be her downfall. In these horrid covid times that we are all experiencing (Twag bag aside), we are all skint, depressed, unemployed, on sick leave, and basically in a horrid limbo due to frikken Covid. So although there will be an initial flurry of sheep buying their messiahs overpriced bits of crap, the sales will very quickly die off as money is tight for everyone...

And so she crashes and burns and fades away to nothing

And we shall all rejoice
Oh please, let it be 2.
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VIP Member
I was tested last Thursday and I’m still waiting 😡
Its a postcode lottery at the moment isn't it. I was tested as part of the Imperial College research project back in September - it took 86 hours for the results to come through.

My daughter is at uni and some bright sparks at her halls decided to throw a party on Friday night, then felt ill over the weekend. Tested on Monday/ Tuesday , their results started to come back late yesterday afternoon. Mixture of both positive and negative so far 🤦‍♀️. Luckily my girl had gone to 'Spoons with her flatmates so hadnt come into contact with the partygoers.
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VIP Member
Absolutely horrific isn’t it. I honestly feel for you. That’s the other reason I couldn’t leave my grandmother and have had to spend time with her. She’s not long been without my grandad and I think she’d have given up being alone all the time. Keep your chin up and be proud x
Good for you! I wish everyone had family like you, I really do! Some people have family that are too far, or just can't be bothered. So to hear the work you're doing lifts my spirits!
Those stories I told are what keeps me going, as hard as it is we know we're making a difference in someone's life x
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VIP Member
why are they so bothered about people knowing they have got an Audi? She’s hardly going to be cutting about in a 2003 corsa club is she?! Couldn’t get her lanky legs in one for a start!
I had a Royal Blue Vauxhall Nova Antibes many years ago. I laavvveed it! 😂
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But still socially distanced which she won't.and hasn't all along.she should not throughout all of this been closer than 2 metres to her mother and father! At all.not once. Yes the rules are f****** s*** but people aren't following the ones set, and this is why were in the trouble we are .
people setting their own risk or not caring enough, or thinking oh it won't matter it's just us, or Mum. every single one matters.because every single other family that do it matters and so on and so on.this blatant disregard or assessing your own risk for your life and mental health is making this what it is. andits actually hotribly making it last longer.

You are allowed to care for the vulnerable.of course with masks.cleanliness and as much as you can the distance thing.
Now cases are rising even in my very low area I will obviously take even more precautions. But luckily I don’t work and have a weekly shop delivered. It’s obv not for me to acess everything but luckily I’m only a 2 minute walk from my grandmother.
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They only thing with tier 2 is you can still have informal childcare so ma barker can still have ronrons. I only no this as my area is moving to tier 2 and my mum looks after my youngest for a couple of hours on a Thursday and sometimes on a weekend for a few hours as respite (she has adhd and some other learning difficulties).
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Well-known member
Evening all
i got hit by the real life depression stick today. I have literally just bathed and changed pjs.i am normally very glass half full but my chronic illnesses and shitty hospital appointments really got to me this week and I subsequently spent the entire day on the sofa feeling sorry for self.
normal service will be resumed tomorrow.
she really needs to address the Covid rules- it is bigger than her, bigger than all of us and she’s just making herself look thick (er) and blind (er) by not even mentioning it. We don’t live in Disney land and shitty things happen.
also lighting a candle for everyone that has suffered baby loss. 💗💗💗
Big hugs. Chronic illness and depression had me in exactly the same place yesterday. On husband's birthday no less. Always around if you need to talk.
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