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I noticed last night she had Henry in a headlock, is that because otherwise he’d steal that ice cream straight clean out her hands/gob?
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Why does she have handsomes in a head lock?!
To stop him stealing her ice cream! 😂

I have to tell y'all my dream before I forget. I dreamt I fancied Jaymeh, in my defence he was wearing a three piece suit not the tacky, chavvy, monochromed twinsets, and he asked my best friend to go for a drive in his new car which had the number plate Inch 1! I was gutted as I thought he fancied me too. I was that gutted I ended up going out with Chesney from coronation street to get back at him 😂😂😂 I'm going to blame my medication or the late night chocolate or reading tattle too close to bed or not having had a man for a while, as surely I'm too sane to find Onslow attractive 😂😂😱😱😱😂😂😂
Oh dear.... oh dear me!! 👀 😂 You need to swap your medication - just tell the doctor your dream and I'm sure they'll look into it for you! 😂😂 Poor you, I hope you can eat enough pastry today to help your trauma... 🥐 😂
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life is great

Chatty Member
From what I could see in that story with the toys there is actually hardly any toys to tidy away. My kids are wild animals, every toy is pulled out just to make a mess not to actually play with them all. Where are the rest of his toys or is he only allowed certain ones out at a time. Just let him be a kid and tidy up later. She is so strange
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Kate as I’m so busy
I’m rank you (Auto correct but love it)

toy company changed their story??
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Does anyone have a child around rondons age? I don’t have children myself however I’m confused As to why he’s so silent and nonchalant ☹Shouldn’t they be a bit more.. you know. Expressive.. I wonder how long she spends playing with him and not just getting a snap in for Instagram then getting up ticking lists again dust hunting ..
Mine is a couple of days younger. She is very chatty! She can say a few different words and is very very different to Rontumerictufts
She has older siblings but I remember my eldest being exactly the same full of character and life. Never stopped chatting away in her own little language.

maybe my kids are just gobshites like me 🤣🤣🤣
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I feel like some of this might be an Essex thing as I have only heard it round here mainly. I have heard this, bot bot can also be bottom (nappy change)
I’ve never heard of sleepins 🤷‍♀️

Hello I'm fank you
@Milfordcubicle how are you doing this afternoon? Xx

I'm playing catch up here as I've just got up after night shift and I'm back at work tonight too. Sophie you should try it sometime!
What is this Superhero party she's planning? Is that the theme for Inch's birthday? That'll be some party won't it? Assuming that the rule of 6 applies in Maldonia that will mean Inch, Grinch and Tuftiano, and Ma Barker, Abbie the Cling On and one other guest. Pa? Sam? One of "The kids"?
Or am I right in thinking they live in a corona virus free corner of the world where you don't need to lead by example and therefore as long as you turn up wearing a superhero costume you're welcome?
Inch is going to love it isn't he? Never One to shy away from looking like a twat, he'll be there in an ill fitting fancy dress costume, lycra and polyester clinging to him in all the wrong places, Grinch in a Wonderwoman outfit, while Bonny Tyler sings "I'm holding out for a hero" over the top of a montage of Inch doing superman impressions!

I've made myself feel sick now. Might have to give work a miss tonight! 😂😂
I do kind of feel sorry for the niece, she was just a child and being treated constantly by Hinch and Onslow, own room etc when she stayed, bet it was fun. Then when Hinch got a little known on Insta and she would have told other kids at her school, the 1st pile of shit book came out and World Book Day meant saddo mother’s sent there kids to school as Hinch, Abbi would have felt like she was special and popular and that Hinch was soooo famous, some kids probably wanted to be her friend while others were probably a bit mean as fed up with her bragging. Of course at Junior school everything would be okay and able to be handled. Different kettle of fish moving on to High school now, this is when she is going to get teased, probably ridiculed, to her she probably doesn’t realise that it’s just not cool, especially if Ma Barker and Hinch keep drumming into her that they are better than everyone else. Hopefully not, but I can’t help but think this poor girl is going to suffer, not only now but later on because of the backlash that will inevitably come, she will naively think her Auntie Soph is adored and loved by many, does so much good and is incredibly famous, she will have been fed so much lies. Someone’s going to tell her someday what a nasty bit of work her auntie is. She could also end up being treated like Hinch apparently treated others at school, the mean girl and bully.

Looks as though they have deleted this story - wonder if Grinch has been on their case about it being gifted???
Still on their stories but the bit about them gifting it to her is removed and instead they are thanking her 🤦‍♀️
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I could swear she was about to say "new pram" but corrected herself to "little pram" as she opened the door to go on a family walk..

Ron needs to be facing outward at this stage of his life not at his parents.

More product placement with the Febreeze behind her laptop in the kitchen .

Also is this a toy shark / dyson for Ron ?
Haha I have a toy Dyson for my one year old. He's absolutely obsessed with mine and always tries to rip it off the wall so my sister got him a replica for his birthday. It's so bloody adorable when I say to him "shall we hoover?" and he runs to get his.
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Did she actually say he has constipation? Omg 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’d smash my husbands face in if he told the whole wide world I suffer from constipation, he’d get such a stuffing he’d never shit again!
No, to be fair to her that was my assumption based on his diet
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At what age do babies become useful and start building IKEA flat pack? Asking for a friend that doesn’t want to put together the changing table or wardrobe 👀😂
Well actually and not joking now, he did start building bricks at a very early age so maybe it works to teach young because he was about 10 when he could put ikea stuff together....thank God because I was useless!!😂
Ps..too late for the changing table though!! 🤣
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Spaghetti hoop pie and now noodle nests ffs! Now I'm convinced she's doing this on purpose/for attention...!
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She annoys me so much. You know what. I actually think she’s incapable of doing even a leg of lamb roast or a nice whole seasoned chickeb roast with homemade roasties. Bet she can even do a roux for cauliflower cheese. The fact she used ‘smash’ For the spaghetti hoop pie. Argh
Always pre-grated cheese too 🙄
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