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Chatty Member

Please stop promoting accounts other than Mrs Hinch.

Lots use her name to gain followers and it's strictly against the rules to post here as it gets all out of hand with handfuls of small accounts trying to get posts here (and making up stuff to get mentioned here...🤨).

Please report,

And this is why those small accounts are just as bad as hinch and people need to stop being fooled by it.

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Seeing as Soph loves sharing messages she sent herself received thought it was time for a tattle version. Near the start of the last thread 238 a tattler shared how they were feeling with us after a bad day and within a couple of pages these were the responses. Hope everyone feeling a bit brighter today and once again you know we're all here for a chat or just even to make you smile a bit. Not a bad supportive bunch considering we're all supposedly bullying, sad trolls.
View attachment 255834💞 to all you pastry trolls, you certainly brighten my day 😘
How lovely is this. I love you guuuuuuys aren't we just a best community keep going chickens😉😝and as our mums say We're All In This Together. ..My mum also says karma is a Bitch😁
Comments had to be turned off for the article haha looks like people on falling for it Sophie.
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I have some questions...

1) how much seating does 1 family of three need?
2) how much storage does 1 family of three need?
3) why does she once again need bespoke? what’s wrong with an IKEA unit and some cushions for £100
4) does she realise she’s a cockwomble by spaffing money on a BESPOKE corner seat in the middle of a pandemic when people are losing their homes and jobs?
5) did she ever listen to Boris when he said “spend money on the essentials only”? because a £5k holiday, pergola and bespoke seat cupboard aren’t essential!
6) why do I feel like she’s copying the unit SS has in Rex’s bedroom? But fully one upping her because SS’s is IKEA and Hinches is Bespoke!!
7) when’s she going to fuck off instagram?

Sorry I know I’ve said this before but this is the hill I choose to die on - if you can afford/ have the means to spend, buy expensive things, get work done to your house etc then it 👏🏻 should 👏🏻 be 👏🏻 done. We NEED spending in the economy, employing companies/ small businesses/ tradesmen to do work etc. It keeps money moving, tax revenues in VAT, fuel duty etc.

I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with Zoph spending money getting work done/ buying stuff she doesn’t need etc. It’s her money, she can do what she wants with it and EVERYONE benefits from the economy recovering.

If she were getting it as a freebie that would be a different matter....
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So that whole spraying pumpkins in the garage last night was so she could ‘accidentally’ get some on the floor & do an ad for Scrub Daddy. 🙄

I still feel really silly sometimes that it took me as long as it did to see through all her manipulative lies. 😔
Don't feel silly, she's a top class manipulator. Your not alone. Lots of us on here used to follow her. :)
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Why doesn’t the kid a pair of Clark’s first shoes? That’s what my kids had. You even get a little picture too.

wasn’t that corner area a soft play type area for Ron to go and sit with his books?
Her house is so not child friendly. The sitting area just looks odd.
I honestly don’t understand why she chose the layout to her house anyway, it doesn’t make sense and has loads of wasted space.

another lie... She says Henry sleeps in his own bed all night.. BS! She was always posting to say he comes onto their bed at night. If he does sleep in his room all night it’s because she shuts the door. It’s not in a dogs natural instinct to sleep away from his “pack” it’s for protection. I have the same type of dog..Henry is so over weight.. they need regular walks. Plus that dog needs a good groom..I bet he stinks. He always looks miserable and it makes me sad because cockers are such fun loving happy dogs.
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Chatty Member
Said this yesterday on the Kate Hayes thread.. These little accounts will do anything for clout! 🤦🏻‍♀️
You wouldn't believe the amount of hassle we get as mods for saying to people don't talk about them. They're clearly desperate and full of shit and we've been saying it for ages. Hopefully now she's outed herself as pretending to troll herself people finally wake up to it!
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The nails aren’t different the tips are the same. The light is just on the nude base which makes them look more peach than natural light

Anyway. Ron was only allowed to touch the pumpkins once for that photo now he is banished back behind the sofa and she’s dipping a cheese string into her cup of tea
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Surely The Mail on Sunday readers are older, more conservative and hark back to the time when Britain was great? I doubt that they’ll have heard of Instagram, influencers and Sophie Hinchliffe, the media cleaning sensation. Obviously the mad Hinchers will buy it but I don’t think this article will be the success her PR are hoping for. (I loathe the Daily Mail/Mail on Sunday
I know this is from pages back but I came here to say this. The daily fail is read by boomers that have Union Jack profile pics on their shared “mikeandmarge” facebooks
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I swear to god- I didn't actually realise that was her on the cover at first. I thought it was someone else. How does she always look so different???
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She really has no clue about panic attacks, it's sadly not that easy to fight back when you're suffering with MH and you certainly wouldn't be able to pose on a magazine cover in full make up etc. She quotes MH too frequently but weirdly isn't having any form of therapy or counselling? It also isn't easy to to discuss MH hence the stigma around it and frankly she is no advocate for these issues! If what we have been informed of is true then she needs to lead by example but instead we get shite positivity quotes!
I had one full blown panic attack 2 years ago and it was once of the most frightening moments of my life. I had no control over my thoughts or actions and my heart rate and breathing rate were scary. Thankfully, I got help through CBT and it’s never happened again but a panic attack is not to be taken lightly. At times I feel uneasy, particularly when shopping right now or when my young daughter is out driving but this is not a panic attack or anxiety, it a normal human reaction. I think she suffers from the “normal” types of anxiety that everyone has but has learned to play to the (sheepish) crowd.
Hark at me and my pop psychology! 😉
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Oh the irony, a cleaning story montage to the tune of 'Power of a Woman' insinuating she's a strong, powerful woman whilst using a handheld, battery operated mini hoover. I seriously hope the younger generation of females are aiming a bit higher than housewife.
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I cannot for the life of me understand why Ron doesn’t have ONE pair of proper shoes and a pair of wellies? Kids need new shoes every 3-6 months - that’s proper shoes for their feet. Properly measured and fitted. Then why ‘store’ his books, shoes and bibs (how many?) away in a difficult to reach area? When mine were growing up they had a shoe cupboard that they could open to get their own shoes out and put away when they came in. My bibs lived in a drawer near the t- towels - easy to reach for each meal time. Don’t get me started on that poor child’s ‘favourite books’ clearly never allowed to get them out unless it’s for insta. What a fool she is.
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Chatty Member
Well, I suppose the corner is an improvement from what was there before - the hideous Gypsy baby carriage that Ron slept in.

View attachment 255997View attachment 255998
I don’t know why but it’s made me howl the way she’s written “I can’t stop sitting on it”, but you can Soph hun as you've been filming your whole day and we’ve not once seen you sit on it. Imagine if she actually couldn’t stop sitting on it. JAYMAYYYYY ELP, MUMMAZ IS STUCK TO THE CHAIR.
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Comments she can't control. Person even tagged the completely wrong account yet she replied 🤣 probably frantically refreshing and clawing her neck. Not reading here of course. Hadn't looked since 2019. Just a pure coincidence every single thing is it that's referenced and bingo'd off here?! Lord above lol
Imagine they messaged back saying yeah I didn’t mean you, you tool 😂😭.

Those pumpkins literally look like old white dog shit under the fallen autumn leaves.
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These threads move too fast for me to keep up so apologies if this is has been said... But "the boys" Jamie is not a boy! He is a grown man... A father! Henry isn't a boy either he's a dog! Honestly winds me up!!! Off for a walk with the boys. No hun you're off for a walk with a man, a dog and a boy.
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