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VIP Member
I’m sorry but I want receipts and screenshots of trolling in this book, I’m not going to believe a line in her book that reads like “someone told me my baby looks like Matt Lucas with a Bondi sands tumeric tan, and that I don’t feed him anything but sweet potatoes and eggs, that made me cry and shattered my confidence, I’m just learning guyzzzz, worst of all, they said Henry looked like a McDonald’s chicken select. They even attacked Jamie and said he looks like a boggle eyed Kermit the frog! My boys are my world and don’t deserve the vicious comments these trolls say about them, they’re going to grow up and read this and wonder why people are so cruel!!” She’s gonna spin so much BS about trolling in this book it’s gonna come across as if she’s getting death threats and is scared for her life! The fact she’s had the nerve to mention Jesy Nelson enrages me because she went through actual trolling!

(FYI I love Matt Lucas and Kermit and this isn’t shade on them!)
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Ground turmeric

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What a fucking liar she is ? How can her sheep not see through her......😡😡😡 why the hell would you be shoving all those important stuff about ur precious book underneath your sofa , it’s usually bits of food and baby toys that’s gets rammed underneath your sofa not your precious work stuff why can’t she just be honest and come out sat here guys am going to rub it in you my book is coming out next week and I can’t wait to rob your money of all you stupid ones that loves to read about my stupif fake pathetic life 👌🏻👌🏻
Her book as been reduced on Amazon to £8.50!
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And the Hinchers say we're the trolls, haters and bullies! You are a truly lovely person! 💖
Exactly....I have just looked back over the last 24 hours, there have been some amazing posts written by people who genuinely care....not out to gain anything....just care about others and want to help....someone asked if we feel guilt, NO we feel proud!! ❤
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Chatty Member
I love brie. I fricking LOVE it. I don't buy it because I just eat it so quickly and it's not good for you. But Jesus Christ 2 whole wheels of it between 2 people? Makes my gallbladder ache just thinking about it, and I had my gallbladder removed in 2006!
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Wonder if at any point, any of you feel guilty? Any of you feel like the things you say are horrid cruel and nasty even if they may have a streak of truth to them, Wonder if you all had a thread about Caroline Flack before she died and if you realise this is the same thing and that you are all just playground bullies?

Don't worry I am leaving as you all just boggle my mind. Nasty vicious pieces of work. Vile.
Zoph is this you hun! Bless.. ATV
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Good morning next level Jus-Trolls! 😘
So reading through a lot of posts about how people on Insta (mostly Zoph) make other people feel inferior/depressed etc. Let me tell you a little story....

A family I know through my daughter recently took a holiday. I know that on a particular day the husband and wife has been bitching at each other non stop to the point that the wife took herself outside to have a glass of wine. On her insta was a post showing said wine and a lovely view. Caption was something like “gorgeous sundowners blah blah”. All the comments were, as you’d expect; oooh fab hols, looks like heaven etc etc. The couple weren’t even speaking to each other at this point!

On another day they had been out to eat but had to leave the restaurant as toddler threw a massive hissy fit tantrum. Picture on Insta shows toddler in highchair at restaurant (the 1 nano second he was calm) and again comments saying how lovely and well behaved etc.

None of this is real guyzzzz. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Zoph isn’t happy - that’s very obvious. I wouldn’t swap my REAL life for her fake one for all the money in the world.

It makes me so sad that she has so much power over people’s feelings 🤯

Sorry this went on a bit. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk if you’re still reading 🤭
100% agree. I have a friend who on social media has actually called her husband a "hero" for helping with the kids and housework. Reality - he helped that one day out of the entire year. The other days she private messages me to say how he sits doing fuck all letting her get so stressed to the point she has anxiety and panic attacks. But never mind he cleaned the bathroom that one day - HERO!
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Her new story about Jamie 🤢🤢🤢🤢 bet they are constantly screaming at each other when the camera is switched off 🤣

Haha I thought this.
Do you think when they’re screaming they call each other names off here?

“Fuck offfffff Vestlife, you’re only famus cos of meh and my minkeh”

“Calm down zoph, you look like Ronsomes has smeared two lines of his shit across ya forehead!”

Then they make up and do another scripted story about Jaymehhs flip flops.
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VIP Member
Wonder if at any point, any of you feel guilty? Any of you feel like the things you say are horrid cruel and nasty even if they may have a streak of truth to them, Wonder if you all had a thread about Caroline Flack before she died and if you realise this is the same thing and that you are all just playground bullies?

Don't worry I am leaving as you all just boggle my mind. Nasty vicious pieces of work. Vile.
Never, anything I’ve said I would say to her face.
hope this boggles your mind about how much of a manipulative saleswoman gets away with so much. The pity party she spouts online always sends people like you this way... ever wonder why?? Book sales hun.
Have a great one.
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Honestly how can people aspire to be like this woman? The amount of comments I see from young women saying they want to be Mrs Hinch is disturbing.

She has no real dreams or goals she wants to achieve, she just wants to clean her boring house with her boring personality.

What decade are we in?
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under the ivy

VIP Member
I’m not giving into her by slagging off the prolapse on a plate. I love brie, I love red onion chutney. Have that Zoph
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VIP Member
Thread suggestion:

Mrs Hinch #239 Sophie's Insta life is a sham, pretending to be happy families for the Gram.
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Eat more cake

VIP Member
Anyone know if we can get a restraining order out on her? I'm sick of her using this site and referencing it. If we wanted you as part of our Next Level Soph we'd invite you. Until then - do grow up and leave us all alone. Its our site, not yours.
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VIP Member
Does she literally look at every troll comment and block them? I really want to try it just to see if she blocks me. I sent her a few nice messages when I followed her and they were always ignored. Weird that she finds all the bad ones but ignores loads from the sheep who she claims are her friends and she loves them.
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A guide to the bullshit from Hinch and her BFF:

“Lots of you have asked”
This has asked but they have something to promote and to soften the blatant advertising they make it out like there was a demand for information

“I hope that helps”
This means....we don’t give a fuck if you found that useful. The information we’ve just pushed onto you is and advert for a product that you don’t want or need; but we’ve gaslighted you into purchasing it because that’s what we do

“If that makes sense”
All of it made sense as it wasn’t fucking rocket science. But we need validation from you so we invite you to message us to say “Thanks so much for explaining that we love you”

“Friends for life”
We can’t stand each other.

“Women supporting women/don’t pitch us against each other”
We are in direct competition with each other but it’s mutually beneficial to get all of our brainwashed followers teaming up and hopefully we’ll all get the same advertising and book deals so we have a connection of convenience.

“You’ve got this. I promise you. You are doing a great job”
We need to keep you on-side so will say things that make you believe we care. We don’t.

Guyssss I hope this helps.
this needs to be at the top of every thread 👌
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Active member
Hi guys, I’m making sausages and mash for dinner! I’m nearly done but I just realised I know what would make it ten times better! Turning it into a croissant. Or crescent. I don’t know the difference. Just learninggg!

So I’ve been waiting at the doorstep for my Jus-Rol delivery but it never came?

How do I eat sausages and mash without the pastry? I’ll leave a box below for suggestions! That’ll show the pastry trolls. We got this guys. 😉
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