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I too came here originally from one of the Instagram people slating tattle. I don't agree with all comments as others have said but "trolling" is when people message you beyond vile stuff (think Jessie Little Mix and what she got) which is abhorrent. Hunch just gets called out on all her engagement ploys (wall knocked out/Disney fiasco lol) and that people remember her lies when she doesn't. That's not trolling but the 'army' are very blinkered and anything not blowing smoke up her arse is considered trolling. Sigh lol
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View attachment 139879
when was this friends fest? She’s almost unrecognisable here too!
She looks like one those mums who stands in the playground with her little 'gang' judging other mums. Who then go and sit in coffee shops bitching about their lives. If anyone has watched motherland I see Lucy Punch character Amanda when I see this picture.
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The hypocrisy of these idiots tho. I bet 100% MOST go out on a night out, go home in their little groups and bitch and moan about someone they saw on their night out. ‘God did you see her dancing in the pink dress’ or ‘how ugly was her in the sandals’ ‘that cow couldn't do her make up and bet her kids with granny again’ etc.
Tattle is this. In a nutshell. Now, if we were to follow the person home and shout through their letterbox that they were ‘ugly in the sandals’ that’s different. Or Sent them a letter saying their dress was horrid and they looked like shrek. That’s different. But also if said person followed us home, overheard the talking and called troll. That’s also their fault. And that’s what Hinchy and her minions do. Then cry about it. It’s a long winded analogy but true.
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In regards to Henry (was about to comment on last thread where he was mentioned but it closed)

That poor dog looks miserable most of the time, he even retreated to the garage the other day to get away from her. He’s overweight. I doubt he gets proper exercise. He doesn’t seem very playful neither.
Sophieee, Henry doesn’t care about your grey house and grey soulless soul, the dog wants simple things, something which you can’t seem to grasp.
Ie- the simple things and little things and pleasures
In life.

I have a little doggie and he is adored by me but that doesn’t say I have a room for him, a human bed and treat him like an accessory . My pooch is only little (although has bags of energy) and is walked in the morning (round the block, 15-30 mins) then late afternoon/ evening he goes on a hour - 2 hours walk with me in the countryside. Rest of the time he’s in the garden (his sanctuary) or following me round the house (he’s like my shadow 😂)

Henry is like a statue most of the time. He has no life in him.
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I bet the Hinch army are going off there nuts this morning without any stories.

If I was her I would just call it a day, deactivate the Instagram account and just get on with my life.
She’s earned a lot of money and got shit loads of stuff for free, a husband and a kid, just go and live you’re life and enjoy it.
She’s clearly not happy and it must take up so much of her time. Life’s too short.
No matter how unhappy she is she can’t deactivate as she thrives on the attention. I imagine she is like Freddy Kruger. The kids fear of him is what keeps him present, when the kids start to ignore him he fades away. This is what she is like, the attention gives her meaning to her sad little life
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I think it says it all when no one can point her out in that photo 😂 The forever changing face!
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I think she loves the drama to be honest, she’s acts likes she a teenager still in school..
the time she did that Gosfield hall shoot and put she was taking a break and going forward won’t be posting as much, as going back to that place has reminded her what’s Important.. I remember clearly she posted it about teatime .. then was back posting as normal the next day like nothing had happened.. her total ‘break’ was 1 whole night from like 5pm
I wouldn’t read to much Into this quote and the silence because there’s an agenda behind just like with everything!
I actually hope in wrong and someone has outed her, because I truly believe behind closed doors she isn’t as nice as she wants people to believe
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Chatty Member
Zoph: "JAYMEY I'm being trolled in the headlines of a magazine! I am blown away, little old me, on a headline, gosh this will earn me massive sympathy points with the hinch army! I am so pleased"

Onslow: "what baybe? Say if LAUDAH I cant 'ere ya!"

Zoph: "oh for fucks sakes JAYMEY! I ain't repeating ma'self! You useless man! No wonder your first wife left you..oh wait"
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I suppose fillers and Botox aren’t classed as “plastic surgery” so technically she isn’t lying :rolleyes: She’s just worded it carefully as there’s no denying she’s had a lot of work done in recent years, she looks so different even on her honeymoon
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I believe her as much saying she hasn’t had work done, like I believed Michael Jackson....
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Tomorrow it will be ‘I’m having a day off social media guyzzzZZzZzzz hope this is ok?’ And some sad sack followers will be messaging her ‘OMG Soph babe of course it’s ok enjoy your day with handsnomes, tuftz & Jamie’ VOM
Of course she will..its Thursday tomorrw after all 😏
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