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ATB Shoppers

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I also don’t wish her or her family any harm.
They call us trolls but that’s not how we are on here, we are all here for the same reason. We have seen that the little old girl next door act is exactly that, an act. Very early on when she swore she was just a hairdresser before it all came about that she was in sales beforehand, then she said that she was in sales and it was all in her book. The eBay ‘bargs’ that her sheep flock eBay to purchase, but you can find it cheaper elsewhere and then it became apparent that she was earning from the swipe ups but it took a while for her to disclose that these were in reality an add and she earned money from the swipe ups.

The usage of so much plastic also grates on many of us, but it’s not just her with the plastic. She encourages her sheep to purchase the products that she’s plugging at the time and with the amount of products she uses she also encourages the sheep to do the same. These sheep also then purchase 5 of the same products in order to build there narnias.

These are just some of the things that brought me to tattle. Like many other members all of my comments on here have always been quite mild. I have never been nasty, made any threats or wished harm on her my only wish is that she would be more honest about how this Hinch brand all came around.
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Buys 5 of everything she uses? Boxes of tampons too then I guess
I was half way through writing this when the thread closed, so pasting it here instead!

Won't be long and she'll be begging for those as well "so guyzzzzz I've been getting period cramps and feeling ratty, think I must be due on. I'll have to send Jaymeeee out to Morrisons for some Tampax, the yellow ones"

Next day: "oh my god you guyzzzz, look what Tampax have sent to little old me!"
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Same. I got sick of FB a while back for this reason. I don't need to see someone's breakfast every day, horrible animal abuse that seems to pop up everywhere , it's just sickening or all this ' I'm so upset, pm me ' crap, or those that say ' it's raining out' or ' it's snowing' 😂. The #bekind bullshit thing just did my nut in. Obviously I am all for being kind but it's taken on a new identity now and is thrown around at people for genuine opinions. How bout fuck the bekind thing and take the stance. If you are going to put yourself in any capacity , on the web, you need to have a bit of a back bone ..learn to deal with nasty people , or others people's opinions. People are not going to be kind just cos a hashtag exists ....i kinda side tracked there 😂 but yes. Facebook has dark corridors and full of people with the herd mentality.
Or my personal favourite. What time do the shops open? Or auntie freda who shares a missing dog from 2015 in Utah. Yeah he’s wandering round downtown Rochdale ain’t he freda
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Basically either someone in real life has fucked her off so shes being passive aggressive and posting to indirectly shame them or show them shes boss, shes sadfishing and no one has done anything on her or shes just a downright arsehole.

The "cousin" messages here had nothing in them that would make her or Jamie annoyed, its not like there were any revelations or evidence that they were family given. The "smoking friend" was ages ago and we know she reads here in real time so it's nothing to do with that.

She needs to grow up. Shes not 16 at school. Shes a business account earning a fortune with paid contracts and this is entirely unprofessional behaviour.
I do hope gleam rein her in or p&g have a word.
Either you're a business account or you aren't sophie. Stop acting like a dick
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This is a totally well thought out PR stunt. It’s really just a pantomime on Instagram. All scripted, plotted and acted.
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Is this not the bbq in the background that she claims she doesn't even own?? Because she did say the George foreskin "lives" in the garage. (that fucks me off when she says inanimate objects live in places 😡😡)
100% hiding people on the other side of that table. Who sits like that. Should you sit either side of the baby?
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She’s probably reading here right now to see how she should play this out, we give her the content anyway.
so hinch when u read this, just click delete!! Delete ur account and fuck off you are a nobody and all these threads prove your a fake, a liar and generally a complete knob. Go be a proper mum to Ronnie and take ur fat dog for a good walk every day.
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I need to stop watching her for a bit! I do it as a kind of circus act thing so I can laugh on here about her silly ways with you all (mat leave during lockdown doesn’t exactly leave me with a lot else to do while baby naps!) but I’m becoming increasingly pissed off at the sight of Ronnie. That’s bad because he’s an innocent baby with eBay Barbie for a mum and Del Boy for a dad and he’s done nothing wrong. It’s just when I see a picture of him or video for the 70th time in a week I’m like for fuck sake!!!
I honestly wanted to write this earlier, the sight of him pisses me off something chronic. I feel horrendous for saying it, he’s just a kid. I’ve tried to stop commenting on him so much on here because it’s not his fault his parents are shit band plaster him all over the internet but the constant stories of him legitimately fuck me off now. It’s always the same bastard photos/videos of him.
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Chatty Member
Ah got to love a hincher..going through all the effort to make an account just to tell us that we're the psychos
If you're going to make an account hunz, bring a valid point with you next time. Preparation is key 🤚🏻 c u next Tuesday
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I feel like she’s meaning tomorrows headlines, if a story is being run about her they’ll show her and ask for a comment won’t they? I think someone’s sold a story on her. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼😂
Imagine it's Jamie's ex. Or a former work colleague of them both. I'm shivering with anticipation :eek:
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Cooking lunch for him seems like such a long drawn out big deal for her! The new recipes and ingredients every day combined with the fact she seemed to have zero idea how to cook before she started. It seems to me like she’s over exerting herself and spreading herself too thin cooking wise so why not just make him a simple breakfast, lunch and dinner?!
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I've got such a weird mental image of all the Hinchers just sat at home completely motionless, minky in hand, waiting on her to post so they can clean the same thing she is cleaning...

Also I think the "gut instinct" comment shows it is someone she knows who has pissed her off. Highly doubt it is SS as she will want to ride her coat tails for as long as she can!
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Morning cuppa with the old lad Him: "well what's new of that Insat thing you look at?" Me: " Nothing really except somebody has upset Mrs Hinch" Him: " What's that then?" Me: " Oh it's a bit like that Facebook, someone posts something like 'OMG what a day I've had' they get lots of folk asking what's the matter but never get an answer. I think it is something like that as she hasn't said what has upset her. Old lardarse has posted that her kindness is looked upon as weakness or some rubbish like that" Him: " Is he back at work yet?" Me: "You are joking, he doesn't need to work does he, he just ponces off her" Him: " Nice work if you can get it " Me: Yeah, that reminds me you need to clean those gutterings." Him: And what will you be doing while I am doing that?" Me: "Making you cups of tea, what else?" Him: "How about you clean the gutterings and I will make the tea?" Me: " That's why I love you , you old bugger, you make me laugh! " Stay safe people xxx
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Maybe someone is going to leak that it wasnt a gastric band but a sex change! and ron a long a ding dong is from an egg that was suspended in zoflora and vestife is just a BEARD.
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Of allll the damn nights my "good sleeper" toddler decides to wake up it had to be tonight! Argh!

I would say it is definitely personal, the way she worded her post and the fact Vestige has posted makes me think its something closer to home than us tattle bastards. I am kind of thinking though she will never will get pushed aside with an "omf guyz thank you for all your messages I love you all too" and a "you can break me down but I will come back stronger" theme 😴

On a completely separate note I have just noticed I am now a VIP! Bugger me sideways - that has made up for my turdler interrupting my sleep!

In the words of Hinch - WORSHIP MEEEEE
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