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Chatty Member
Also I find the £7.47 a rather odd number! It might be me, but.... free delivery over £15... so people will buy two cos let’s face it they obviously neeeeed more than 1 set, and that still won’t make the £15 free delivery total, so what happens? They chuck in another sanitary product to round it up..😂🤮 very clever... omg!! Your getting them for a penny cheaper for three... no dumb asses ... it’s another clever marketing ploy 🤣
Very fucking clever that is! We would see through it and think fuck that but the hinchers will be like omg yassss free delivery if I spend over £15
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Theres some body at the door.... 😂😂😂

It was little home bird who opened my eyes to the pr team etc. last summer. I guess she has to play nice on insta or face the back lash.
I think this is the same with Little Miss Mops, she made snide comments and I think secretly she cant stand hinch butdoesnt want to upset the army and loose any followers by telling the truth
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I think MH is in crisis talks with gleam or Jamie over what’s been said on here 🤣🤣

Are we ever going to get shown the new under stairs freebie 🤣 she said it would be started & finsged today 😂🤷🏼‍♀️
Hopefully he’s seen her posts about her calling him cute and he’s locked her in it
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Sick of the bs

Well-known member
One of the things that is really pissing me off at the moment is the eBay swipe ups. She must be fucking loaded what with having the best book ever and all that (by the way I was looking for Feng Shui books on Kindle today and her book was recommended instead!) so why continue with the eBay bollocks? Her bank account must be literally bursting, yet she is more than happy to still fleece the sheep and make money with shite from eBay. I don't get it. Let's just say the hinchers are right and she isn't making money through the swipe ups (she's just being kind, honest - oh and lots of people were asking too) then at the very least she's got an incredibly severe shopping addiction. I have to have faith that some members of the cult will start to wake up soon otherwise I would very much like to stop the world and get off.
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Was that the one where she spent 10 minutes literally sobbing into the camera ranting?
If so that's what bought me over.
I'd been sceptical for a while, it was the sudden mass of followers that alerted me. Then TOMM did a story about ASA rules, bought followers and saw her genuinely upset about the messages she'd got and how she had tried to reach out to MH.
I read some threads on Mumsnet, but there it seemed everyone was tiptoeing about not really wanting to say anything.. then saw (who I now know) was the sister being really nasty and realised why.
I'm loving I found tattle, and loving the word is spreading. More and more instagrammers are spreading the word, she cant cover everything for long now.
The funny thing is that it's all fixable. She got her initial followers because she was mildly entertaining, then she got too big for her Chelsea boots.
All she has to do is admit the unsafe practises shes encouraged people to do. She cant fall back on the 'I'm not a cleaner' because anyone with an ounce of a brain cell can research harmful chemicals and read the back of a bottle. She could even sell it like shes had an epiphany (that means a good idea Soph, we know you're reading👀) and just do a week of using hot soapy water and tell people that zoflora and the other crap can still be used, but AFTER you've cleaned... but nope! Cant risk losing all those lovely lucrative contracts though.. and that's the failure, greed and irresponsibility
I think it was that one...MH then contacted her and got her to take the story down where she mentioned here 😂 but it was too late, I’d already found the site!

It’s funny because they’re all inadvertently sending loads of people here, they have a read and that’s it, eyes opened!
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She definitely finds the time to search cheap tat to sell so I’m sure when a package arrived for her and it was a gift she would have the common courtesy to thank them , like you said then re-gift , donate . What really gets my back up is when she shows something that’s been gifted and she totally hasn’t a clue or bothered to see who it’s from . That’s down right rude and disrespectful.
She could always give on the stuff she has no interest in as a giveaway as per 1k, 5k followers as most accounts do. Even smaller accounts do it every 100! She's a greedy hoarder.

I am a hoarder. Not a filthy, greedy one but I've been known to aquire things I don't need and hang on for a bit. But not the extreme I need to hire out a storage unit. But even as a mere pauper if I find someone who requires more use for an item Ive stashed away than I do, I always give it away.
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I don’t think Hunch and Mr Hunch are having problems. I believe his sarcastic ways have been noted by gleam and they ‘adviced’ That it’s the MRS Hunch Show and he should take a step back. People like her better (why the fuck is a different question) alone so that’s what they are doing
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She must be pooping her pants now there’s a thread every 24-48 hours with hundreds of comments outing her!

I’d love to see how many times she’s visited these threads too...
New member... I briefly got caught up in Mrs Hinch.. I didn’t buy her book but I copied some of her tips- zoflora gives me a headache! Is it necessary to use that much zoflora. I don’t have a minky or any of the other cloths.. just Aldi’s microfibres theyre so fluffy. I recently opened my eyes when I saw a clip someone shared from her recent this morning interview. I thought she seemed dull and nothing like her insta stories. Only when I came across tattle on twitter and started reading all the threads did I realise properly. It never dawned on me she was getting paid for everything she promoted I don’t know why just didn’t think that much into it I suppose. But none of her “tips” are new. And nothing in her house even needs cleaning.. about from maybe rinsing her bath after a bath bomb or the Inside bit of her window when it’s opened. I think it’s really unhealthy normal people are trying to be like her and copy her house- what’s with everyone putting flowers on their hobs. Her house is a new build it shouldn’t need anything doing. I agree keeping on top of it maintains it but surely she’s just going over the top for no reason but then again she doesn’t have anything else to do. I wish someone paid me for cleaning my own house!!! I recently read she blocks people who open up to her including a women who unfortunately lost triplets 😩 not to mention her plastic recycling bin must be full 24/7. I bought the carpet fresh one day before she shared it on her insta story and you can’t even smell it once it’s hoovered up it doesn’t last two minutes. The smell lingers in the hoover more than the carpets. i am seeing she’s just a promoter at the end of the day. Sorry for the essay
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I found out about it on a negative amazon review. MH had been going on about trolls for a while and said something about people leaving negative reviews on a book they never bought. Thought I'd check it out. One review said something along the lines of "if you want to know about what MH is doing now, check her insta stories. If you want to know where she came from, read Tattle." I'm not from the UK so I assumed Tattle was one of the tabloid magazines there. Quick google search of "MH tattle" lead me here. I'd been suss on a few things before, this just opened my eyes up to what a true POS she really is.
This literally made my day! :) Well done you! Mrs Hinch did a complete own goal with that lie 😂 We had been checking the reviews and were shocked that fans were leaving reviews saying it's a great book but admitting they didn't have a copy yet. So a member or so here was reporting them and getting them removed as that's against the rules and her star rating was high, without it even being read!

She twisted the story the next day to the opposite. Hilarious!

The truth will out :)

I do hope she got him a little something as a 'token' gift. There's no way I could sleep at night.
Wouldn't even cross her mind. She'd think how lucky he was to spend time with her / access her home and thanks for the 4k or whatever he had to fork out for the privilege (I don't believe her just wanting to help a random man's business, even the Dog's Trust paid her, just like they pay for instagram adverts!)

Now he'll be fully booked for a while with the more wealthier fans. Everyone wins, apart from the fans who are buying more crap they don't need. The shoes were fine in the storage she already had. Now it's just empty space. I bet she makes a percentage from each fan sale too! Nice doing business with you, matey! ;)

On her insta: I just wanted to help this business out, guys! Get it if you like it! I'm sooo excited! It's amazing!! LOL Nooooo I didn't get paid!


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Chatty Member
So does that mean that shes getting possibly over 7k for each product where we see AD displayed?
Mrs Hinch would howl at the idea that a brand could get on her stories for less than 7k.

I wouldn't be surprised if her fee for 3 stories and a feed post is in excess of 100k these days. If you think an AD during Hollyoaks is 15-20k you can see why people would pay her crazy amounts for her targeted followers.

She's in the dream position of being in bed with P&G with regular and constant work from them.

When she just does an affiliate link with AD she might "only" be making a grand or two from dropping all the eBay cookies and hoovering up the referral money.
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Omg! I was just watching that like what the hell? 1. Who’s eggs smell that bloody bad? 2. If your sink smells after washing up you need some professional help not flipping zoflora!!!
It's funny because she proves day in day out that her tips are utter bollocks. Goes on TV preaching her tips to clean plugholes yet her plugholes still stink. Who's plugholes smell that bad anyway they need to keep cleaning them? Maybe it's all the crap accumulating that she keeps pouring down them like fabric softener and dishwasher tablets. That's why people get smelly washing machines because they put too much gunk in them and it never gets rinsed properly, and why her washing machine is always bogging
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New member
If you want to pick that apart I will indulge...

Her dog having his own room, her make up having its own room, so poor baby has nowhere to sleep...
And cue a whole extension being built and furnished (no doubt all frikken gifted) and so yet more square footage of house to be hinched...
Equals more single use plastic and more chemicals down the drain polluting the atmosphere.

Does that now compute in your brain as to why we whinge and moan about her dog having its own room?

For what it's worth I live in a four bedroom house but now there is just myself, my fella, my dog and my cat. The cat has a whole spare room and double bed all to herself and I dare anyone to try to evict her (evil cow that she is) but as and when the kids come to stay then they have the room and have to fight the cat for it. Should one and of my kids need to move back home (which has happened before due to s break up) would I build an extension or tell the cat to do one? It's a no brainer really when you think about it.

So not that we need to explain ourselves, but does that now make you view the dogs room in a different light?
My cats were my babies before my actual babies came along. Did I build an extension?? No what I’ve actually done is they live downstairs at night because the feckers like to run up and down the stairs and fight loudly at midnight. This wakes the babies which in turn wakes me. They have a lovely basket each which is next to their food and all the downstairs to roam. It’s called balance
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View attachment 11467
All of the comment state that she’s probably been blocked...she’s ‘gutted’ and doesn’t know why....🙄🙄 little do these ‘Hinchers’ know that blocking people is Sophie’s favourite hobby!
I wonder what she was blocked for? Someone she follows?, or liked a comment by someone who Sophie doesn't like, maybe? She's VERY sensitive and can't take any criticism, can she? So looking forward to her popularity to drop off, her ego will struggle with it so much.
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New member
It could be the fact she wants to have an extension built for the baby because Henry just has to have his own bedroom. *if* she gets planning permission, whats the betting she will have that gifted aswell.
She will 100% be moving to a new Hinch Mansion. There’s no extension x
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It would be interesting to know how ex hinchers are finding out about tattle
I found out about it on the Mrs Hinch cleaning tips Facebook page.... someone mentioned the trolls on tattle so since I’m nosey I came for look and never looked back lol
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