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This was me for a long time, followed her, never particularly liked her as such. My baby is exactly 2 months older than Ronnie and I used to think how shit I was because I hadn't even washed my face before bed time some days. And she was washing her fucking skirting boards. But then about 2 weeks ago I thought a bit more about it. Actually typed into Google "Mrs hinch makes me feel like a crap mum" hoping I'd see other ppl felt the same. But then I found you lovely lot of trolls 😂😂 and I feel so much better 😍
I’m new here,been reading for a few weeks now and I found you guys by googling unfollow mrs Hinch. So glad to not be alone in this! I have an 18 month old and really struggled at the beginning my partner returned to work after one week and my family live miles away so was on my own trying to work out what I was doing with my baby,trying to recover and take care of myself and I cried every day watching Hinch acting like mother Teresa. I still watched her though 🤦‍♀️ I stopped the sleeping when baby sleeps and used that time to clean and organise stuff that just didn’t matter. Was feeling on the verge of a breakdown by 6 months absolutely wiped out and I realised her mum and hubby both were there helping here most days,even though she would say things like “while baby is napping I’m going to clean cuz” I realised she was saying that so it looked like she was being a parent and using her spare time to clean and record stuff.
i feel really silly now but at the time I was isolated and overwhelmed and I thought every other mum was like her and I was failing! She definitely causes/exacerbates mental health problems.
Sorry for the massive rant and if I have used this wrong but I wanted to thank you all for these threads you’ve broken my Hinch bubble and gave me a laugh the last few weeks. Keep doing what yous do x
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oh my goodness it’s just come to me who hinch reminds me of. Anyone familiar with the tv show futurama? She reminds me of “mom” the owner of the company who makes robots.

Futurama wiki says this about her: “Mom, is the evil chief executive officer and shareholder of 99.7% of Momcorp, one of the largest industrial conglomerates in the universe and the source of most of earths robots.
As one of the richest people on Earth, she maintains her public image as a sweet, matronly figure through the use of things such as a fat-suit, a heart-shaped hairdo and putting on a façade which casts her as the friendly mother of all robots hiding her True Persona. Mom’s personality is best described as: Misanthropic, two-faced, pure greedy, sinister, cunning, narcissistic, foul-mouthed, intensely arrogant, harsh-tempered, megalomaniac, ruthless, scheming, cold-hearted, argumentative, cruel, witty, wrathful, callous, resourceful, neglectful, uncaring, sophisticated, evil, malevolent, resentful and above all a true sociopath”

Sorry this is long but it’s too much like her not share.
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I’ve been a lurker for a little while and I just wanted to say one thing. This comes after she’s told 3 million people to put drier lint out for birds.

I think the thing I’ve realised about Mrs Hinch recently, and it’s what makes it quite dangerous is she just suggests any thing that pops into her head without googling it.
It takes 2 seconds to google whether drier lint is ok for birds, and google will tell you it absolutely isn’t, it’s actually harmful for them.

In addition, after being corrected, she never ever retracts statements and holds her hands up and says she’s wrong. Lots of influencers make mistakes, a lot of them admit it. At most, she just deletes stories and pretends it doesn’t happen.

She comes up with all these crazy ideas, does no research, and tells millions of people it’s ok to do, and often, it isn’t ok. It’s actually really scary.

The tumble drier fluff is just one example, there’s many others.
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I think my fella should go and live in Hinchs house because his culinary skills are up there with hers. Please believe that he just made me cheese on toast and put soy sauce all over it instead of lea and Perrins Worcester sauce... but it’s ok Cos he’s only learning. ATV 👍🏼
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Ronnie’s your vest mate is he? He doesn’t give a shit about you get some real mates
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Omg, I am so angry right now. In regards to my last post. A poor family have lost everything in a house fire due to their tumble dryer catching fire. Hinch follows that page and didn't say a word. She just said she is doing a deep clean on hers because it needs a little TLC. Would it have been so fucking hard for her to say she is doing it after seeing what happened to that poor family? She didn't even have to share the fundraising link if she wasn't sure but she could have at least tagged the account to raise awareness for them. Selfish fucking bitch.
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Sorry if it’s been posted!
Is this the new one she’s going to announce?
OMG guyzzz, *laugh*, scrub daddy just sent this to me and *laugh* OMG I just love it, I love it *cackle* I can’t believe it’s grey guys! What shall I call him? *put a voice on that is a mix between laughing and crying* Thank you so much to the guys at scrub buddy for sending this to me. It’s amazing. I JUST LOVE IT! *cackle* *stroke scrub buddy slowly, prop it up in its special little holder and give it a very gentle pat on “his head”* End story. Now post Gretel filter selfie posing with new “Greyson” the grey scrub buddy and a huge, crazy fake smile to show just how much I JUST LOVE IT GUYS!!!!!!!! (Swipe up to get one just like meeeeeeee!)
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Long time lurker, first time posting. I gotta say thank Christ I'm not the only one who thinks the same things. I thought I was just nit picking and looking for faults with her. I bet doctors, midwives and health visitors are sick to death of hearing her name getting dropped into conversations. When these poor women who are struggling mental health wise, with a new baby etc compare themselves and their normal baby that is being fussy, cries a lot, doesn't sleep much to that awful woman and her little boy, because she portrays this perfect life. Heaven forbid she admits Ronnie kept waking up in the night, so she feels like crap and just wants to slob in her PJ's today and leave the housework. Like normal people lol

I used to like her, I was never on a Hinch Army fan level but I bought a few recommendations and got sucked in a little. But just seeing how much stuff she gets gifted then encouraging her fans to swipe up makes me sick. As someone who suffers themselves from depression and anxiety one of the first things I do when having a bad time is buy stuff I can't afford or even need but the impulsiveness is part of the illness, and buying yourselves things raises the serotonin levels, it is a viscous circle. That woman needs to have more responsibility and stop encouraging her fans to get themselves more into debt and feel even more inadequate as mom, wife, gf etc when they are doing absolutely fine!

I'm in a couple Hinch FB groups and I'm not going to lie I love it when they post a cock up. I have to stop myself often from saying try pink stuff just for the craic lol
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mine to cherryreg

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Havent been as active on here for a few days as her content is so utterly fucking boring now, you can predict what she posts each day. Photo or video of the garden in the morning between 5-8 am, comment about how nice / awful the weather is, unlimited photos of ronnie doing fuck all, disgusting breakfast / lunchtime recipe for ronnie, photo of him pretending to eat it, boring cleaning video, other random barrel scraped content, photo of them on the sofa watching power with a night night hinchers caption. Boring as FUCK. Few other things from her recent stories ive skimmed:

1.clearly not buying that child the right size clothes, he is a very big baby so trying to cram him into clothes that are too small for him will just get noticed and looks stupid and shows how selfish you are. ‘Ive had to put socks on him’ Get him some that fit and then maybe you wont have to pull his socks up over his knees

2. Give it up with the disgusting food videos, you are no mary berry, your food is disgusting and i wouldnt even feed it to a dog. And stop pretending ronnie eats it, as we have never seen him eat so much as a scrap.

3. Cut down the portion sizes for that baby cos their fucking ridiculous. He has 2 breakfasts near enough everyday as well as a humungous lunch and dinner. He is large anyway so feeding him full of shit at NOT EVEN ONE YEAR OLD is just disgraceful

4. The way he stares blankly at you is concerning, no emotion there at all. Only smiles when you are using every muscle in your body to pull a stupid face. Spend some time with him and actually ducking do something with him instead of glueing his toys to the floor and shoving him behind the sofa

5. Wash your hair as it looks like youve been dragged through a stinking hedge

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I think I found it........

It said in her stories "super stylish" this has "style" written on it.

And it's also GREY!

I think this is the big reveal ScrubDaddy reveal 👇🏼
*It's an American company and products are released first over there, so I googled to see. This is Grey that's why I think it's this, there is also a Special Edition SpongeBob one but I think it's this.


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@Astonishing you say Jamie said not to fess up to the bbq as it would damage the brand? I think behind the scenes hes there pushing her buttons alot harder than we think. Bet them 2 sit in bed at night discussing what to film for the next day 🙄
That video also made me uncomfortable. Poor kid, I really do feel for him.

Someone mentioned those bloody twigs looked sterile. I agree they didn't look like woodland sticks. I think that was all staged as per usual 🙄

I must do an eyeroll at every story she does 😂
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Ranty McRantington

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The fake videos wind me up. She tries to copy SS little moments with Rex. The point she misses is theirs are not forced, she doesn't have to try her damnedest to get Rex to smile.

This video made me cringe. The music over the top. How hard she was trying to make it look natural.

Sophie. Get off your fucking phone and spend some quality time with your son. For in years to come you will feel so guilty for this misspent time. You constantly bang on about 'when he grows up' this, 'you don't get this time back' that, yet you're missing it all because you're too busy filming it and not living it. I feel sorry for you in a few years when you realise this, but I feel more sorry for Ronnie now.

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I think she’s been told off by gleam. She’s showing putting Henry to bed again, which I think her followers liked before. She’s liking people’s posts and following them. She’s replying to DMs etc.... and judging by the amount of newbies on here recently I reckon her follower count or engagement has dropped quite a bit... of course we wouldn’t notice as she just buys more followers but gleam will have noticed. I think bbqgate has opened a lot of people’s eyes and not before time aswell.... she’s been conning people for too long now, people are realising she’s not the relatable girl next door who stumbled onto this fame by accident. The thing is, she was likeable at the start, if she hadn’t got so greedy and if she told the truth about everything she probably could have still had alot of success. She’s just a dickhead who is more interested in money than her own son and it’s so sad for that poor kid.
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