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I think she'll do one of two things now.
A) she will carry on as though nothing happened
B) she will go very quiet, cry to Jamie, then later on post a story about how much she loves Ronnie, and how she will do anything to protect him.

Too bloody late though now isn't it! God knows there's enough paedophile rings out there and added to that is the amount of her followers who no doubt have numerous photos of Ronnie, wish he was their baby, love him so much and know where he lives! 😠
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I've been taking a break from Tattle recently, not because of you nasty trolls ;) but because the Covid-19 threads were making my anxiety go through the roof! That being said I HAD to come on here and comment on the Gorilla Glue on the nail! How stupid can you be! With that many followers, you really shouldn't be flaunting things like this!! I bet loads of young girls follow her, who have been unable to go out to get nail glue, and will now try this and cause serious damage to their nail beds!! How bloody thick can you be!!!!
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Lol that lame attempt to try protect your son after it’s way too late and he’s already out there for the weirdos to steal any pics they want. Also what a wet fish Jamie is having no say in this, my partner wouldn’t let some creepy guy on insta do that...
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Hello nasty trolls! How are you all??
im just popping on to say I’ve missed 2 threads basically because this lockdown shit is driving me insane! Im not coping very well at all right now it’s all abit crazy isnt it!
Hinch is just pissing me off more and more daily if I catch her stories. She’s a stupid little girl.
constantly mentioning trolls and still posting pointless shit.
She should be thankful she’s at home with her husband and son... oh wait she does that every fucking day which is why she’s carrying on as normal but throwing in a tik tok video cause she can’t go out and do a shitty haul.
I’ve been that many teachers today. Somehow aswell managed to mix up my eldest’s English homework with my twins. So my 8 yo learnt phonics and letter formation and my twins both sat there staring at me blankly whilst they had to write a poem.
I’ve completely lost the plot
Someone save me
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Of course she doesn't like rush hour 🙄 she has no sense of humour the miserable cunt. She only likes the stalker films because she can relate 😂
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Has anyone seen Solomon’s comment 🙄 clearly they’ve been reading here and she’s been having to give hinch pep talks behind the scenes.
Of course no two babies are the same, but the things pointed out about Ronnie are valid and basic milestones

What’s she gonna do if/ when the health visitor says the same thing? Stamp her foot and demand a 2nd opinion??
I think she would rather do that then admit she was wrong & tattle was right
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This coming from the thickest person I have ever came across. Did anyone see her trying to be funny eating a Diam bar on a insta live With chocolate all over her mouth? Or a grown woman rolling around on the floor pretending to clean. Sorry stinky Stacey stop letting your kid pull your earrings out and then allow him to stick the earring in his gob Because you are another sad thick fuckwit who needs to trott off with ya horsey teeth.
Stacey is an attention seeking tramp and for a 30 year with 3 kids needs to grow the hell up and someone needs to smack her in the face with one of her neatly hung up frying pans! She’s just like Hinch......a fucking dick head 🤣
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I don’t think we’ve had a good old fashioned melt down since the “ask my bank” rant over the #gifted kitchen. Come on Verucca, that was months ago!!! Treat all the new tattlers to a new one!
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I’ve just been thinking randomly back to the comments made the other day about her ma being at hers, when she went to visit them ‘both’ why was she holding a sign that only said hello grandad? And why was it only her dad that we could hear speaking to Ronnie? I deffo think her crazy mothers round at hers to supervise all 3 children!
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Why do people need to see before and after pics of her complete waste of space landing? She must just be walking around the house thinking “shit, what can I show the plebs today?”
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Agree. Anyone who need's a book to be told how to clean something is a fucking wet wipe. What even is a 'minkeh?' it looks like a sanitary towel?!?!
Firstly Welcome to the dark side. It’s a lot of fun here!
Secondly - a “minky” apparently is a cleaning sponge but over here you may see remarks along the lines of “Onslow’s been fiddling with her Minky again”.....I’ll leave you with that image while I go and throw up! 🤮🤣
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Sorry we all may have to order some things online during “with everything that’s going on” but it’s fucking selfish to repeatedly order your cheap eBay shit that you absolutely do not need. You’re putting another human being at risk being out and about delivering shit like that.
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Chatty Member
Video evidence or it never happened 😂😂😂 Things can easily be staged for pictures but the floor and highchair look totally clean. Basically she wants to make it seem that he’s on real food but he’s still eating those gross pouches with the odd gross processed finger food thrown in. if he is eating real food why aren’t they all eating together? I never once spoon fed my daughter and I always had every meal with her so she could see me eating. Yes a lot of it ended up on the floor or smooshed into her tray but by Ronnies age she was eating properly and by 12 months was able to spoon feed herself. I don’t know why hinch has to lie about these things coz she’s only lying to herself and she’s the only one setting Ronnie's development back. If she knows he should be eating real food why not just give it to him instead of lying about it?
Poor little Ronnie...if he is eating real food..if it's anything Hinch has made I really can understand him throwing it to the dog . 😂🤮 I feel so bloody sorry for that baby bless him
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Chatty Member
This is all about relatability.

The amount of stories with both her and Jamie in has shot up after he was noticeably absent for a while. This is her new angle. Couples are popular. You just have to look at the amount of success Chris and Rosie Ramsey are having with their book and tour from the podcast (all well deserved by the way, they both really make me laugh and seem like good people) to see that this is where it’s going next - Mr and Mrs Hinch. This is why Jamie is posting more on his account, they’re looking to up engagement by being a relatable couple.
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