Mother Pukka #3 I think we might be remarkable

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Agree with all of this. Shockingly bad judgement all round. Far too fast when there are kids involved. If she and #MyPersonOllyBretton were working class, it would be a different story. Somehow, money and privilege turn the situation from 'Jeremy Kyle guest' to 'influencer podcast content'.
And according to her, wasn't his opening chat up line to her about how he 'really loves what she does' or words to that effect? That shows that he knew of her and what she was about before she knew of him, which to me is slightly stalkerish vibes, but to her is probably a huge ego boost.
That, or it was because she posted photos of herself at number 10 and added her campaigning details in her Hinge profile bio, along with photos of herself in her bra to show how multi faceted she is.
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If anyone can answer this I’d be grateful. I was saying to some friends if you get divorced, surely you’d want to discover yourself on your own outside of a marriage and if you have children let their new life settle a bit before you went out dating. I’m 49 so married for 17 years, I see so many friends divorcing now. I got shot down in flames and told all the grief is done in the marriage so when a new person comes along, snap him up. I swear to god as soon as my friends husbands have moved out a new guy is in the house, like a month later. I’ve seen it so many times that I thought is this a new thing? Can people not be alone? It got me thinking when I saw the proposal reel
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If anyone can answer this I’d be grateful. I was saying to some friends if you get divorced, surely you’d want to discover yourself on your own outside of a marriage and if you have children let their new life settle a bit before you went out dating. I’m 49 so married for 17 years, I see so many friends divorcing now. I got shot down in flames and told all the grief is done in the marriage so when a new person comes along, snap him up. I swear to god as soon as my friends husbands have moved out a new guy is in the house, like a month later. I’ve seen it so many times that I thought is this a new thing? Can people not be alone? It got me thinking when I saw the proposal reel
I've been surprised by this too. I think a lot of women are conditioned to think being part of a couple is the life goal and unfortunately view their worth through the lens of being attractive to men.
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I wonder if there will be a baby soon? Would give her content a boost - knackered new mum, childcare issues, juggling everything. Wouldn't be the first influencer to have a baby for content.
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I've been surprised by this too. I think a lot of women are conditioned to think being part of a couple is the life goal and unfortunately view their worth through the lens of being attractive to men.
I’ve always been surprised by how quickly some women move on - they can’t not have a boyfriend

Also - all this mourning the marriage whilst still married I don’t buy - while your still married and together surely there is a bit of hope it can improve - sometimes saying you want to split/divorce and the actual split are very different things (I imagine)
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I’ve always been surprised by how quickly some women move on - they can’t not have a boyfriend

Also - all this mourning the marriage whilst still married I don’t buy - while your still married and together surely there is a bit of hope it can improve - sometimes saying you want to split/divorce and the actual split are very different things (I imagine)
I think people can absolutely 'check out' from a marriage before they decide to separate. That's what leads many to that decision. I can't think of anything worse than going straight into another relationship, I'd relish being alone!
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I always say that if I ever split from DH I wouldn’t bother getting a new husband. Maybe I’d have a boyfriend or a FWB situation. But I’d never live with a man again. I’d never cook, clean, wash another man’s pants, share finances, compromise on what colour to paint the bedroom or what tiles to put in the hallway, etc. duck that.
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She's 'dickmatized'

If this were a friend of mine I'd be concerned for them, shame she sees any of that concern as people not wanting divorcees to move on and gets so defensive with anyone suggesting this isn't anything other than the best idea ever.

Good luck to her.

Eta: I guarantee her friends aren't being fully honest with how happy they are for her. They'll be worried at how rushed it is! She's in the first flush of infatuation, the absolute worst time to commit to someone.
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I always say that if I ever split from DH I wouldn’t bother getting a new husband. Maybe I’d have a boyfriend or a FWB situation. But I’d never live with a man again. I’d never cook, clean, wash another man’s pants, share finances, compromise on what colour to paint the bedroom or what tiles to put in the hallway, etc. duck that.
Same here! I'd definitely get another cat though 😅
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She's 'dickmatized'

If this were a friend of mine I'd be concerned for them, shame she sees any of that concern as people not wanting divorcees to move on and gets so defensive with anyone suggesting this isn't anything other than the best idea ever.

Good luck to her.

Eta: I guarantee her friends aren't being fully honest with how happy they are for her. They'll be worried at how rushed it is! She's in the first flush of infatuation, the absolute worst time to commit to someone.
Dickmatized 😂

Thing is with friends, actual friends would probably say something, or have some shift in behaviour eg: push back on meeting new partner, not seem too enthusiastic etc

She seemingly has one arse licky friend, poll doll, who is just as enamoured by the hinge creep as she was Anna’s dogsbody in organising stripey’s birthday party and says he’s her best friend. I would think most congratulating her or saying how amazing/brave/inspirational she is are possibly just being two faced and gossiping about how stupid she is anyway.
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There’s no way I’d marry a man who wanted to marry me after six months. Not with kids involved. I’d assume he was looking for somewhere bigger and better to live and someone to look after his kids on his contact weekends.

He does alright for himself doesn’t he? I bet his divorce was expensive. He probably saw Anna coming a mile off. (Not with her ex though! 🤣)
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I always say that if I ever split from DH I wouldn’t bother getting a new husband. Maybe I’d have a boyfriend or a FWB situation. But I’d never live with a man again. I’d never cook, clean, wash another man’s pants, share finances, compromise on what colour to paint the bedroom or what tiles to put in the hallway, etc. duck that.
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I always say that if I ever split from DH I wouldn’t bother getting a new husband. Maybe I’d have a boyfriend or a FWB situation. But I’d never live with a man again. I’d never cook, clean, wash another man’s pants, share finances, compromise on what colour to paint the bedroom or what tiles to put in the hallway, etc. duck that.
💯 totally agree
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If anyone can answer this I’d be grateful. I was saying to some friends if you get divorced, surely you’d want to discover yourself on your own outside of a marriage and if you have children let their new life settle a bit before you went out dating. I’m 49 so married for 17 years, I see so many friends divorcing now. I got shot down in flames and told all the grief is done in the marriage so when a new person comes along, snap him up. I swear to god as soon as my friends husbands have moved out a new guy is in the house, like a month later. I’ve seen it so many times that I thought is this a new thing? Can people not be alone? It got me thinking when I saw the proposal reel
When I got divorced, I had a 'friend with benefits' I met on Tinder for 3 months, as my marriage had become sexless at the end. It was part of a release for me, where I was going out more, re-connecting with friends and enjoying the single life. I then completely stopped with men for a year and focused on my job, getting healthier, discovering old hobbies etc. Even though divorce had been my decision and ex was amicable, it was still a huge change to not have him in my life in the same way anymore. And of course I missed him because we were together 7 years (no kids) and I knew it wasn't fair to another man. I met my husband 18 months after my divorce, we got married 4 years later. So glad I didn't decide my friend-benefits was my fairytale prince because the sex was great and he treated me well - in hindsight, he was just so different from my exH that I fancied him. Whereas my now husband is much more compatible - and it took time to realise that just going for the opposite of my ex wasn't the answer..

I have a male friend though, who's long term gf ended their engagement a month before the wedding. He met a girl, sold up and moved from London to the North and bought a house with her, got married and is now expecting a baby - all within 2 years. Which seemed ridiculously quick to me, and felt like he wanted to prove to his ex and the world that he was doing well. Not sure he is happy though as I see him like photos of other girls on IG - and I can tell it's only now hitting him what happened with his ex.
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Moving in and getting engaged so quickly is strange but if you have kids it's potentially dangerous and definitely harmful to their stability, comfort and security. So unbelievably selfish and self absorbed.
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If anyone can answer this I’d be grateful. I was saying to some friends if you get divorced, surely you’d want to discover yourself on your own outside of a marriage and if you have children let their new life settle a bit before you went out dating. I’m 49 so married for 17 years, I see so many friends divorcing now. I got shot down in flames and told all the grief is done in the marriage so when a new person comes along, snap him up. I swear to god as soon as my friends husbands have moved out a new guy is in the house, like a month later. I’ve seen it so many times that I thought is this a new thing? Can people not be alone? It got me thinking when I saw the proposal reel
I’m the same age as you. A former friend jumped from bed to bed (having already been in someone else’s bed before separating/divorcing and supposedly ‘working things out’), date to date, relationship to relationship after her divorce. It was like this endless quest to find ‘The One’, abd there were 4 ‘The One’s in total 🙄. She put her children at ridiculous risk by inviting men she didn’t know to her house just to carry on drinking (etc) whilst the kids were asleep upstairs. And she also completely changes her personality with every new man, even down to her music tastes. She was the laughing stock at school for a while because she’d only smile ‘at the dads’, then ended up having an affair with one, breaking that family apart (so now it’s not funny anymore, people just dislike her 😂). Obviously he’s a piece of tit, but some women just cannot be alone, I find it pathetic to be honest with you
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If anyone can answer this I’d be grateful. I was saying to some friends if you get divorced, surely you’d want to discover yourself on your own outside of a marriage and if you have children let their new life settle a bit before you went out dating. I’m 49 so married for 17 years, I see so many friends divorcing now. I got shot down in flames and told all the grief is done in the marriage so when a new person comes along, snap him up. I swear to god as soon as my friends husbands have moved out a new guy is in the house, like a month later. I’ve seen it so many times that I thought is this a new thing? Can people not be alone? It got me thinking when I saw the proposal reel
My sister had a really traumatic break up two years ago. Previously when she split with her children's dad she jumped in feet first with the first bloke who came along only to spend six years in what turned out to be a deeply dysfunctional relationship with someone incredibly manipulative. This time she's spent the last 2 years really getting to know herself, working on building a stronger relationship with her kids etc. She's literally just started dating someone for the first time since her break up and they are really taking it slow and she says she really wishes that she'd taken time to be single before.
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It is utterly deranged that she equates moving on and finding happiness after a divorce with shacking up and marrying the first guy who comes her way.
Obviously, for her and the girls’ sake, I really hope this works out but she really is setting herself up for an almighty fall.
She’s also just blocked me for a fairly innocuous comment. She really can’t handle anyone who doesn’t lick her arse.
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I’m the same age as you. A former friend jumped from bed to bed (having already been in someone else’s bed before separating/divorcing and supposedly ‘working things out’), date to date, relationship to relationship after her divorce. It was like this endless quest to find ‘The One’, abd there were 4 ‘The One’s in total 🙄. She put her children at ridiculous risk by inviting men she didn’t know to her house just to carry on drinking (etc) whilst the kids were asleep upstairs. And she also completely changes her personality with every new man, even down to her music tastes. She was the laughing stock at school for a while because she’d only smile ‘at the dads’, then ended up having an affair with one, breaking that family apart (so now it’s not funny anymore, people just dislike her 😂). Obviously he’s a piece of tit, but some women just cannot be alone, I find it pathetic to be honest with you
This sounds very like my mum. Got married at 24, divorced from my dad when she was 36/37- I was 11 and all I remember is my life being a bit like Ab Fab. Friends coming back to talk about men and conquests that she’d had at the weekend, as we got a bit older bringing men back thinking I was asleep but I wasn’t and listened at the top of the stairs to many things I shouldn’t have seen or heard. It really fucked me up, I was so unhappy and had a miserable time at school as I felt very alone and that my mum was more interested in her life than in my brother and I. I felt guilty as I felt like I was trying not to tell my dad things and hide what she was up to because I didn’t want him to be upset or for them to fight. As I got older it felt like she was just wanting more attention from men than me, it was like she got competitive. I was embarrassed when she went to school and would flirt with teachers or other dads but it was all about her ego. This went on for years and she got a boyfriend, one weekend my brother asked to stay at my mums rather than going to dads because he wanted to go to a rugby tournament close to our house and she told him she was working, he found out she lied, she just wanted to spend the weekend with her boyfriend, my brother was 16 and didn’t speak to her for about 5 years after that and moved in with my dad. I don’t think he ever really forgave her completely. We were both teenagers but my mums selfishness really screwed up my childhood, maybe that makes me selfish for not wanting her to live her life? When my husband and I split up I saw someone but just couldn’t commit because of the memories, I decided I would happily be alone for the sake of my child. She even said she wasn’t bothered about her dad meeting someone but didn’t want me to meet someone and stop being her mummy. I knew what she meant, she didn’t want to share me. Her dad and I got back together because she’s the most important thing, not me. So Anna can give out all the drivel she wants about how amazing this is but il put money on this all falling apart and those poor girls being so traumatised.
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She's 'dickmatized'

If this were a friend of mine I'd be concerned for them, shame she sees any of that concern as people not wanting divorcees to move on and gets so defensive with anyone suggesting this isn't anything other than the best idea ever.

Good luck to her.

Eta: I guarantee her friends aren't being fully honest with how happy they are for her. They'll be worried at how rushed it is! She's in the first flush of infatuation, the absolute worst time to commit to someone.
Her parents must surely be side-eyeing this decision. I'm sure they're delighted she's happy but getting married so soon. Or are they all just enabling and saying how wonderful it is. My parents would totally express concern over my daughter if I did this.

Also, all good that Anna is getting laid again as it was clear from that book they wrote together that things were not ok in the bedroom, good on her, why shouldn't she, men certainly get back in the saddle easily. But no one needed to know her orgasm situation 😂
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