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I would rather give birth than have another migraine.

My first child’s birth was horrific, back to back for 24 hours then I ended up with sepsis.

Still rather take the pain and suffering of that than that of a migraine.
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Childbirth with no pain relief - right at the part when the head crowns, the ring of fire as they say 😂 although you know that pain is temporary it’s easier to get through. The worst pain I’ve had is a particularly bad toothache I had. I literally cried my eyes out with the pain of it and it went on for days! I begged the dentist to rip it out 😨
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Infection in my tooth. I was pregnant and couldn’t have strong painkillers. It was more painful than childbirth I swear to god!
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Barkin Mad

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I suppose we all feel pain differently emotional physical, what hurts the most is the pain no one can see but only yourself can feel. If that makes sense? In my head it does
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Had this discussion with friends today and it's made me curious!

Most painful thing I've ever had was probably migraines. I get them bad and can really suffer from them. I can be in bed for days and I also go numb down one side of the body which can be quite scary.

What about you?
I used to get terrible migraines then I got my daith pierced and have not had one for 4 months and counting. I figured worst case it doesn't work, then I take it out.
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Lars Guinard

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The combination of C section recovery, costochondritis and a really bad cough. It felt like my whole abdomen was being repeatedly ripped open.
I have been up and able to carry on after previous sections but this floored me.
Earache and toothache are the work of the devil.
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Worst pain was having a new baby sucking your cracked bleeding nipples so hard while also going through after birth contraction with trapped gas and c section all at once 😂😂😂
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I had an ear infection on holiday to Gran Canaria. It started off as tonsillitis but spread to my ears on the plane... My ear drum ruptured on the 3rd day but my mum wouldn't take me to hospital as she said I could wait until we got home 😩 :ROFLMAO: I ended up falling down the stairs of the resort because I had no balance, admitted into hospital with a swelling on my brain and it was total agony!! The worst part of it all was the Dr giving me an antibiotic injection in my arse cheek, at 13 years old I was mortified😬
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Warning: might be distressing! Being at home and having labour like pains at almost 20 weeks pregnant, going to hospital having a scan them telling me I was fine and to go home. Get home start bleeding and then passing what was a tiny but formed foot and leg of baby. Get to hospital having lost the baby and afterwards having medical management which resulted in extreme bleeding, they realised too late it was too much at the point of transfusion they rushed me to emergency theatre, they had to try and stop the bleeding after working for hours to speed it up to allow the rest to pass. Rushed to emergency theatre for surgical management after another 12 hours. Then them advising we needed an investigation / post mortem and asking if we wanted to know sex of baby which we said no but they told us he was a little boy anyways. He had limb body wall complex where the limbs attach to the wall of the womb and then detach. Some of his organs were outside of his body so they said he was not viable for life 😇
Other than this, toothache I cant cope with it in any way shape or form!
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The worst pain for me was tooth infection and waiting for the antibiotics to clear it before I could have the tooth extracted. Never known pain like it as it was constant. Labour was a breeze after the tooth pain. I've forgotten the pain of labour but have never forgotten the tooth pain and it was 20 years ago!
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Kidney stones, I’ve had 3 c sections (1 that got infected), multiple operations, chronic illnesses and kidney stones beats all of them a million times over 🤢
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With my daughter I had an episiotomy. The second day stitches all came open and it was a deep and quite a big open wound. Went doctors and she even said it’s one of the worst she seen. Couldn’t do anything about it though hospital refused to restitch due to risk of infection so I had to let it heal on it’s own. I could hardly get around as when I walked the pain was awful, going for a wee was a nightmare the sting 😬 and sitting on my bum was impossible. I missed out bonding properly with my daughter for them first few weeks as I felt really sad as well. Took around a month for the pain to go
I had this happen to me too. Was horrible. Worse than the labour.
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Chatty Member
Child birth
fell down the stairs and broke my ankle in 3 places
8 months pregnant and broke my elbow-that labour was fun (not)
quinsy (3times now)
breast feeding for the first 8 weeks was like having glass slicing through my tit-I wanted to cry with them
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I was trying to think of the most physical pain I’ve been in aside from birth/recovering from birth/miscarriage. I’ve never broken a bone or had an operation etc so nothing obvious came to mind, until I remembered my horrifically painful periods. I can cope with them these days but as a teen the cramps were so bad I wanted to scream. I never got this checked out because I thought it was normal

Just realised all of the extreme physical pain I’ve ever been in is related to being female. Women do go through a lot
Same here. I remember some awful ones when I was at uni, I was balled up on the bed writhing in agony.

but most pain has to be the entrance of child no2. My son ripped my from bow to stern, with his frigging enormous head (I still give his giant head dirty looks sometimes!) I needed emergency surgery afterwards and physio to recover. Pain was awful, I couldn’t move without being in agony, couldn’t get up or down. It still hurts occasionally not (he is 4.5) And I had to then have a section for no3 as they said it was too high risk to go again, and that wasn’t half as bad.
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Che Guevara

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I broke my foot 3 days ago and that was the worst pain I’ve ever felt apart from child birth.
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Kidney stones....the last one I had caused a blockage which then built up an infection that led to sepsis in my kidney.
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