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Physical? The failed epidural during my c-section. I felt them cutting me open.

Losing my 4 year old son was more painful though. I'd take a million failed epidurals over that pain.
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When my mum died. Felt like my heart had been ripped out. Never felt anything like it. The pain was indescribable and the grief just whacked it up x10.
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Being in labour with our baby that we knew had died. The physical pain (even with morphine) and mental pain is something I will never forget.
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Looking at this thread, I'd say there's evidence that anything to do with bones, teeth and getting a human out of your body is a bit of a bugger!
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When I was 9 our family dog tore half of my face off. Nothing comes close, not even birth.
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Also after I took my overdose, I was found and I was taken to hospital and put on a drip to basically stop my insides shutting down. I was sick for 8 hours straight. My whole body was in agony. My head was pounding and mentally I was so far at rock bottom I didn’t know what to do with myself or where I went from there. That was pain like no other
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So many terribly tragic stories on this thread, I hope everyone has managed to find some love and light after. ❤
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Physically :- contracting sepsis during labour with my first child. I was extremely poorly, I can barely remember much to this day but I remember feeling like I was going to die. Ended up having an emergency cesarean under general anaesthetic.

Emotionally : - Losing my older cousin who was like a sister to me. She had Down syndrome and was just an amazing person all round. I’ve never been the same since and it’s been almost 20 years now.
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I was in an accident that resulted in my entire face being smashed in. Cannot describe the sheer torture of broken cheekbones, nose and both jaws. Couldn't speak, eat, open my mouth more than 3mm (not kidding, had to take fluids through a syringe), cough or sneeze (controlling involuntary things like that was such a struggle), and every step I took while walking felt like the bones in my face were shifting. :sick:
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Chatty Member
Physical? The failed epidural during my c-section. I felt them cutting me open.

Losing my 4 year old son was more painful though. I'd take a million failed epidurals over that pain.
So sorry for your loss. I hope you are managing to muddle through. I lost my first daughter when she was 4 months in a fire and almost 16 years later I still sometimes find it hard to breathe when I think of her. It's truly the worst grief and I have lost 2 brothers quite suddenly. A child is just unbearable x
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Childbirth second time round, stand alone birthing unit. Cord split after delivery, midwife had to insert her hand and find the end and tug it out. Swear it was more painful than the actual baby!
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Apple In My Pie

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I have hydrocephalus. It went untreated once. Essentially all the fluid that feeds your brain and generally swishes around your body, built up in my head and didn’t drain (my body is unable to drain the fluid like a normal person’s does. I have a tube in place to do it for me; the tube got blocked)

The ensuing, constant headache was so horrific I couldn’t move, speak, sleep, open my eyes, listen to anything. Like having a rubber band around your head and then thunderclaps. No medication is able to soothe the headache because no medication is able to drain the fluid for you. Genuinely the worst pain I have ever had, I live in fear of it happening again 😬
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An abscess on my arsehole. Savage, wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Had to have an emergency op to drain it! Then when they removed the dressing, my god I could have belted them! Face down biting a pillow I’m sure they heard me screaming in the next ward!!
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Gallstones worse than my long labour or both my c sections! .migraines come a close second tho!
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Wow reading some of these, both physical and emotional things, shows how strong we can be.

My experience; Very painful periods throughout my teenage years - to the point I would be on all fours throwing up.. I gave birth 2 years ago and it wasn’t until then that I realised the period pains I used to get were worse than the contractions! Midwife kept asking if I wanted pain relief - I never bothered as I felt like I didn’t need it! (Not trying to sound big headed just my experience)

Glandular fever last year - will never forget the disgusting state of my throat I could barely swallow & the tiredness lasted months.

Migraines - give me childbirth any day! Terrible pain and nausea that can last up to 3 days and then another day of a hangover type 🤢

Emotional pain - probably miscarriage last year 👼🏻 had our heart set on that little baby even tho I was only 7 weeks along 💔 currently 9 weeks pregnant again and not getting excited at all yet unfortunately am just too scared 😟
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I trapped a nerve last year and never took so many painkillers in my life. I didn’t sleep for a month, my mental health really took a dive too. I was crying round tescos one day because I needed to do the food shop but was struggling to manage it all. Thought my daughter would end up in care and I was going to become one of those people addicted to painkillers 🙈 none of those things happened!
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