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Kikini Bamalam

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I have a pretty high pain threshold, I broke my hand one christmas (although I didn't know it) I only went to minor injuries a week later when the swelling wasn't going down and they told me it was broken. I've also had 3 9lb+ babies, 2 of them without pain relief at all. But the worst for me was an ear infection, my ear completely sealed shut it was so swollen and the antibiotics the GP gave me were doing nothing so I got sent to hospital where they inserted a little gauze strip and put in antibiotic ear drops that I had to administer 3 times a day after that. It was so bad they nearly admitted me for IV antibiotics but decided to do the drops first as they were lacking beds. It was the worst pain ever, nothing has ever come close to it and I hope nothing ever does again.
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During chemo I develop quite serious mucositis which is an inflammation of the mucuous membranes, I had ulcers in my mouth, throat, all through my digestive tract and in my bum. The pain was horrific.
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I suppose we all feel pain differently emotional physical, what hurts the most is the pain no one can see but only yourself can feel. If that makes sense? In my head it does
yes that makes sense you can be breaking but only you know how much it truly hurts
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Period pain. Unless you’re someone who suffers really badly with it you don’t understand how debilitating it is. I’m currently sat in bed with a cold flannel on my head to stop myself from sweating profusely. I get constant waves of nausea, heavy bleeding and cramps so bad that I can’t move/breathe.
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Mumps when I was 15. Absolutely horrific 😳

And having local anaesthetic injected deep into my heel to have sea urchin spikes dug out 😬
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I had a sweep to get my second labour going. In my NCT class the teacher had shown a sweep as a little swivel inside you with a finger. Not the whole hand swirling my uterus like it actually was!! Was not at all prepared. My first labour I had no pain relief and the sweep was much much more painful. Feel 🤢 just thinking about it.
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Physical- abscess and infected tooth

emotional - my mum died when I was 7 and I thought my world had ended
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Overian syst and heavy periods that last for weeks n weeks. Nothing the doctor gives me works. So much do I have the hospital on Monday to hopefully get me on my way to some answers at the grand old age of 33...onky been suffering then since I was 12 x
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Childbirth second time round, stand alone birthing unit. Cord split after delivery, midwife had to insert her hand and find the end and tug it out. Swear it was more painful than the actual baby!
Yes..... happened to me too 🤮🤮
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I bit through my tongue ( I was about 10) bizarrely that actually wasn't painful. The painful part was having it stitched back together. They had to inject my tongue up the sides to numb it. Omg I can still remember it.Just awful. Got home and the stitches burst so had to have it done again! I've had 4 children and swear that wasn't as bad! After pains were horrendous with my 4th though.
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My first labour which culminated in forceps, absolutely horrendous.

I had a sinus infection when I was pregnant with my second baby and the pain and pressure in my face was unbearable. I felt like I was going to explode at any second and I couldn’t do much about it especially as I was only in my first trimester.
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Dislocating my shoulder.

As painful as that was, I haven't given birth or broken any bones, so I haven't come close to the pain some of you have experienced! 😱

Giving birth with a broken sternum and collapsed discs in my back. With no pain relief. I didn't know at the time the bones were broken. I just thought the pain was a pregnancy symptom. Oh it was fucking awful. I couldn't even walk at one point and was confined to my couch.
You win this thread! 😱😱😱
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I used to get terrible migraines then I got my daith pierced and have not had one for 4 months and counting. I figured worst case it doesn't work, then I take it out.
Thankfully I don’t have them as often anymore *touch wood* but I have considered getting one. I had one recently for the first time in about 6 months so if they start up again (I tend to go through year long spurts of getting a lot) I’ll definitely consider it!

Physical? The failed epidural during my c-section. I felt them cutting me open.

Losing my 4 year old son was more painful though. I'd take a million failed epidurals over that pain.
Oh my god the first part of this comment made me cringe so much then I got sad.

I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine. If you want to talk about him I’m sure everyone won’t mind 💗
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breaking my humerus bone ....i genuinely thought i would never be able to summon the strength to get off the ground..horrific and i went into shock and had to be wrapped in ine of those London marathon style metal wrap things
My OH had a compound fracture of both his tibia and fibula 🤢
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this is almost identical to my experience of my very slow back to back labour and my all day long constant pregnancy sickness too!
To be fair though labour wasn’t that bad once I managed to get an epidural, didn’t even feel the pushing part lol! Worst pain ever for me was a root canal, after the anaesthetic worn off it was awful non stop pain for 5 days, I was breastfeeding my 4 month old too so couldn’t go to town on the painkillers like I usually would!
Awful. Hospital sent me home twice. Didn't know she was back to back until I was pushing 😳 thought my second delivery would be a walk in the park after an easy one with my first. How wrong was I 😖
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I had the same. Sorry about your loss and pain. Did your tube burst? My did and I collapsed at home and lucky I made it to the hospital in time. Lost half my blood as well. The surgery was so painful but also being in a hospital with woman who just had babies was mentally hard. Big hug ❤
Reading this thread in the hope I am not alone. I ruptured last week, I had been trying for a baby for over a year. Had my ovary and tube removed and I’ve never been so physically and emotionally in pain. Got discharged two days ago and I’m now back facing more issues, lost so much blood and now tests for more problems. Been admitted back into the ward and I have only just left. I don’t know how I’ll ever get over it. I feel so empty :(
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