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Chatty Member
No one knows but the rumours are that he kept saying the n word. It came up when he mentioned that one white islander kept saying it and didn't get in trouble so some people think that's what he must have been in trouble for. All the more troublesome when you consider the brushing under the carpet of the Lucie/Yewande racism drama.

Personally I think he had a raw deal. Because they went a long time not saying why he was removed people were speculating all sorts. Everything from he fully assaulted someone to that he took a shit in the pool.
Thanks! Ya seems like he did get a raw deal and considering the way the girls acted through out the series. And all the stuff covered up about Lucie and yewande
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Knight of Galador

Chatty Member
This is really detailed thank you! Destiny’s chaldish 😂 Maura was very friendly with that group too wasn’t she before she even got into a relationship with Chris it seems so I can imagine most of the cast subsequently ‘taking her side’. Interesting that there was no overlap with the girl Maura had suspicions about though! Woman’s intuition haha, like a sixth sense.
It was an incredibly dumb thing for Curtis to do. He'd actually come out of the break up a fairly sympathetic figure given that immediately after they broke up Maura was at the center of cheating storm herself with her married Dancing On Ice partner Alexander Demetriou. The stories didn't go away for months about how he'd fallen for her and she was encouraging him and how it caused the breakdown of his marriage and a lot of drama behind the scenes of Dancing On Ice. It seemed every day there was new part of the story. Eventually Alexander came out and gave a pretty shocking interview saying that his wife (of eleven years) was paranoid and jealous of him and Maura and he had to tell her everyday there was nothing between. He came across like a complete douche and did more to convince people who were following the story that something had happened between him and Maura after all.

I get the feeling Curtis felt safe to date his friend thinking Maura wouldn't make an issue of it given that it had all but been confirmed she had cheated on him. Of course Maura just doesn't act like that if anything she'd be more keen to deflect from her own alleged infidelity. It seems the girl in question is going to be coaching him on Celebs Go Dating so we'll probably hear more about it there. Reading between the lines of what has been said already it seems that after an argument Maura all but ghosted Curtis for an entire month so I wouldn't be shocked that he got close to his dance partner even if nothing physical happened between them.

I'm not so sure Maura and the whole Destiny's Chaldish gang are as close people think. They have their own show on MTV and seem to want to be a brand unto themselves. Apparently Maura was still hung up on Curtis for months after they broke up and always talking about him and wondering if he'd moved on or not. When one of the gang brought up her own alleged affair she flipped out and refused to speak to them for weeks which says a lot about the power dynamics of that group. I tend to think they are all very eager to be seen with Maura because that's what keeps them relevant. Even the Maura/Tommy & Molly friendship has always seemed more due to the fact that Maura and Tommy are on the same management.
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Knight of Galador

Chatty Member
I dunno if anyone agrees but I got such a weird vibe from Tommy in tht friendship. Almost like he had one eye on the producers at all time to see how it was coming across. He gives me such bad vibes like that for some reason - the kind of guy that acts all funny and sweet and ...dumb/not very bright. But actually has a bit of a mean streak and is defs out for himself?

lol or I just have way too much time to think haha
The things some of his exes said while he was on Love Island seem to bare that out. I do think he's mostly a reformed character though in terms of drug use and cheating etc. It does seem that he was less invested in his bromance than Curtis was and he was done with him right after they did their spin off. Whether that's because (as I guessed) that he was miffed Curtis couldn't support him in his big comeback fight or simply that Curtis had outlived his usefulness after their show was over.

Does Maura have a thread? I never knew about any of the stuff with her DOI partner. I stopped following her for a bit when she was with Curtis because I never fully believed it was a real relationship. I just didn't get the vibe he would be the type of guy to be passionate in bed more like the type to watch u sleep after a cuddle. Curtis doesn't strike me as the type to be ripping the clothes off maura more like folding them at the end of the bed type.But maybe she is tamer than she what she made out to be on LI. I can imagine her and Chris get up to all sorts 😂😂 soz single in lockdown it's a hard aul life.
To this day I'm still shocked she received so little blow back on the Alexander Demetriou stuff compared to how hard the press pushed the story. The worst she got was a few people calling her a "homewrecker" on her insta for a weeks when the stories first started coming out. Also a lot of the social media accounts and youtube personalities that cover Love Island gossip seemed to just ignore the story. What few did cover it painted her as a victim of targeted harassment by the press. Even after Alexander himself confirmed most of it to be true it resulted in a lot of shrugged shoulders from people.

Not a popular opinion but I do think her and Curtis were the real deal albeit very flawed couple. After a while I was even impressed by how well they seemed to be doing and thought maybe there was more to them obviously I don't think that now. I definitely think they found each other very physically attractive; Curtis definitely seems to be Maura's physical type and he fancied her from before she was even on the show. If anything I'm more skeptical of her and Chris she's recently copped she just didn't fancy him at all and I don't think he's particularly ravenous in the sack.
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VIP Member
It’s funny I can understand teenagers being sucked in, the 20yr olds at my old job were all over her, but surely by mid 20s you don’t fangirl like that over someone off love island? That’s where most people know her from too
Honestly! I’m embarrassed for her
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Has Tommy even congratulated Tyson on his baby news yet? Have they fallen out? Don’t think they were that close before but then Tommy was training with him a lot lately etc
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She should try huffing and puffing carrying those tray liners down a set of stairs when the driver leaves the crates away from the door, like I have to. No I’m not bitter 😇 It’s like watching 2 teenagers play houses
Exactly! I’m 2 floors up and the drivers won’t bring the crates upstairs. It’s also annoying if you have requested it with no bags to save plastic but then all the stuff is loose in the crates? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’d actually rather shop myself than do an order for these reasons!

Pretty sure in her latest vlog she mentions that she knows she should just buy a filter and doesn’t, what a twat 🙃
Are you for real!!!

I think she tries to pre empt what hate she’s going to get so puts these big explanations and excuses on but it has the opposite effect.
If I went shopping with my boyfriend and that happened, he would say just wait in the car (Uber in their case) and text me what you want, not exactly hard is it?!
Hinch does this too from what people on her thread say... or makes up DMs to post so she can then respond and moan about the “hate”
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Her parents would have a decent salary though if they’ve been in the force for years. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Her parents do have a decent salary, my ex boyfriend knows of her as we lived in the town adjacent to hitchin. They were definitely not short of cash
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VIP Member
Here is a before and after.
First photo is when she had the fillers out, second photo is now. Definitely had her top lip done.
She openly facetunes her feed pics so I don’t know how useful they are for comparison pics. Best way to tell is to wait til she posts a video on YouTube where nothing is edited (and filler can’t hide when things are in motion vs a still image)
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don’t wanna sound like a bitch but that’s karma for illegally getting your nails done in lockdown x
she didn’t have them done in lockdown she had them done before, everyone said she had them redone but she’d actually just filed the pattern off they were never infilled
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Paris and Tyson really could not give less of a fuuuck about money Mae hahaha she's just a joke to them 😆 Image them not giving her the time of day to phone about their pregnancy hahaha, she is defo burning inside
How they reposted Molly’s instagram stories on their instagram’s but Tysons own brother didn’t do a story. I get not everything is on Instagram but Tommy seems to put up pointless shit so you’d think he’d congratulate them🤣 then again i’ve never seen him with his nieces/nephews.
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I don’t know that it’s that deep tbh, like you’ve just come on a thread to talk about a random person then called people weirdos for not agreeing with you 🥴

Anyway it might be worth creating a new thread for her, if she gets a lot of engagement there will probably be a lot of people wanting to discuss her, it’s barmy what she posted about Zara, probably one of the most entitled things I’ve seen.

Although on the subject of engagement I think Mollys has gone down a lot, her lost recent plt collection, new hair curler, tan body products and ego collection, I’ve not seen people talk about or show in the same way as her tan, first curler and first plt collection.
I feel like the last 6 months or so her content is just pretty boring and samey. Like she doesn’t switch it up very much does she? Might just be me but there was a time she had loads of stuff going on at once with brands and you couldn’t keep up with what she was doing! Maybe she’s doing/working on things behind the scenes or because of Covid things have been stopped for now but even with the likes of Youtube she isn’t consistent.
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