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Oh yes mentioning the price of things was so tasteless on her behalf. Sheā€™s a multimillionaire and itā€™s her sisters hen do - her best friend too not just her sister. I wouldnā€™t dare sit there and talk about how expensive the places I HAD booked wereā€¦considering most the people there wouldnā€™t have been able to blow that money on a night out so she had obviously said sheā€™d pay but you donā€™t keep going on about the price of things. People would have already felt uncomfortable with it but wanted to be there for Zoe.
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I'm all for people doing as they please with their bodies, but a BBL is such a high risk surgery, I can't fathom how any mother would take that risk with a young child at home. Once again putting herself and her own needs before her daughter.
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Any other parent leaving their child this often would get reported to social services for neglect?!
This isnā€™t them showing Bambi to work hard. This is a baby who will have no attachment to her mother and father EVER. Who will grow up with attachment issues!!! Very very sad. I could never leave my children like she doesā€¦ I am all for a career and time with my partner but my maternal instinct wants to be with my children over anything.

the more she does, the more I dislike her. I donā€™t care about PJ vs Ryanair and who deserved which plane, that poor child has no idea who her mother is. Bambi is simply used for engagement purposes.
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TW: Eating Disorders.

I dont know if this sounds too speculative and I want to watch the way I go about talking about this to not make anyone feel uncomfortable around a touchy subject. But have we ever thought molly might be struggling with an eating disorder?

The pressure of social media meaning you have to be perfect and the sudden loss in weight are on aspect but her body on particular is similar to that of people who are struggling with an eating disorder. I know when was suffering from one I went ā€œskinny fatā€ where I hadnā€™t eaten or worked out so I lost weight with no definition and the fat on my face stayed, Apperantly thatā€™s a sign as well, swollen cheeks, especially from bulimia.

not saying she does of course just an observation.
Molly is too lazy to even stick to an eating disorder, because she has to actually put some effort into something (not eating) she would refuse. She took the easy way to getting skinny because she is an absolute slob.

I still howl at the video of her and Zoe dancing to Bambi and then it cuts after like 3 seconds and Molly is sitting down to dance. I bet she was gasping for air after doing one quick movement and decided sheā€™d had enough because having fun with her daughter is too much exercise for her. She makes me feel unfit just hearing about her.
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So he parents the child šŸ˜­. Whenever women say stuff like ā€œomg he took the baby to let me rest heā€™s amazing Iā€™m so luckyā€ Iā€™m like yeah Thatā€™s the fucking bare minimum? Helping you with the kid? Heā€™s meant to do that. Does he want a star chart?
The term ā€˜hands on dadā€™ is just ridiculous. When did you ever hear anyone praising a woman for being a ā€˜hands on mumā€™?
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So he parents the child šŸ˜­. Whenever women say stuff like ā€œomg he took the baby to let me rest heā€™s amazing Iā€™m so luckyā€ Iā€™m like yeah Thatā€™s the fucking bare minimum? Helping you with the kid? Heā€™s meant to do that. Does he want a star chart?
To be fair I reckon Tommy would love a star chart - thatā€™s generally how you motivate children isnā€™t it?
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She canā€™t seriously think we are dumb enough to not notice sheā€™s had surgery her body is so straight.
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As everyone here has said, all this silly nonsense is totally social media driven and all to do with showing off. Itā€™s made the world go mad. I always liked the word ā€˜Fakebookā€™ because the photos that used to be on there were all about presenting a public image of a life that was perfect in every way when everyone knew those people were in many cases downright miserable. Of course in the era of the influencer itā€™s all moved over to Instagram now which is even worse!

My personal bug bear with silly trends that all the sheeple seem to follow is the one of the photo taken from behind of the partner leaving hospital with the newborn baby in the car seat. Can anyone tell me WTF thatā€™s all about?!
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I worry for anyone whoā€™s had a BBL. god knows what is gonna come out in years to come about them
Bblā€™s and vaping are gonna be the biggest downfall of our generation, the NHS canā€™t handle it as it is let alone when everyoneā€™s lungs are collapsing and they have silicone floating about their legs
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That advert is the perfect representation of what she looks like in real life to be fair. Sheā€™s certainly not the natural beauty sheā€™d have us all believe she is with her photoshopped instagram photos. She must be fuming
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Chatty Member
So he parents the child šŸ˜­. Whenever women say stuff like ā€œomg he took the baby to let me rest heā€™s amazing Iā€™m so luckyā€ Iā€™m like yeah Thatā€™s the fucking bare minimum? Helping you with the kid? Heā€™s meant to do that. Does he want a star chart?
When someone says the dad is babysitting his kids šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ heā€™s literally with his OWN child heā€™s not babysitting šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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molly complaining in the vlog about how she got stick for getting tayla the private jet and still got stick for flying zoe ryanair.. it's cos zoe is your sister!!if you're gonna fly someone out and make that much effort it should be for her, not someone you've known just over a year. her and tayla are such cliquey, stuck up vibes
She doesnā€™t get it, she thinks she canā€™t win because sheā€™s been criticised for both using a commercial flight and a private one but thatā€™s not the point and sheā€™s playing the victim.

The point was, she was happy to get a private flight for someone sheā€™s known five minutes, but got a commercial flight for her sister šŸ™„
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It's a shame Saudis haven't chucked Tommy's vile disgusting animal of a dad in a cell for a while. Horrible little coward he is.
Please donā€™t compare that vile oaf to an animal. Itā€™s highly disrespectful to animals. No animal on the face of this earth has as little intelligence or sense of how to behave appropriately as the revolting John Fury has šŸ¤®
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Would make sense if she's disappointed with how it's turned out. Her body pre love island was tiny and slim. This new body is more kim k than molly mae. It doesn't suit her and she doesn't know how to dress it.

She obviously wanted to keep some curves, maybe to make it look less obvious, but that shelf arse is ridiculous. It doesn't look good.
She also doesn't exercise or eat well enough to keep it looking 'tight' as such so it's just going to end up looking a lumpy mess. (It already does tbh)
I think she managed to gain most of the pre lipo weight? Or am I going crazy?


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