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Yeah thats if they sleep through. Molly admitted Bambi was waking for feeds and they're refusing to give them.
Yeah someone just said I’m in shock !
What the hell 🥺 I'm not a Mum but wow that's so cold it's unbelievable. The newborn stage is hard I assume because they wake up to to be fed.. she is something else.
Omfg that is appalling !! I commented saying I stopped night feeds when he around 10 weeks but it’s because he stopped waking for them 😳.
what the fuck is she gaining from not feeding her newborn when she needs milk?!
Does anyone know if she’s formula or BF? X
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Proof she edits her nose in her pictures look at the line on this building - ironically the line is leaning in towards her nose where she’s clearly dragged it in to look more curved if you look above her hat at the top half of the line that’s straight, then under her hat it leans 🤣
Sorry to disappoint but that is just the shape of the building, it’s a famous hotel in JBR called rixos, if you google it, it’s a distinctive shape and it isn’t straight up and down! She obviously edits the shit out of so many of her photos you’re right, but this one actually isn’t a photoshop fail 😂
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funny how Zoe mentions how much Molly helps her out financially in her recent video, coincidentally after we had discussions on here of Molly being tight towards her 🤣
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I’m quite surprised she hasn’t appeared to Photoshop her chest and stomach on this one, it definitely looks less edited which for once I have to say good on her. But I’m not stupid and I’m sure she’s made a few tweaks

Molly’s Instagram vs Tommy’s Instagram

View attachment 2124269
She looks so much better in Tommys photo - happy and relaxed
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I think there are 2 explanations for last night. One is that Fran has completely taken her eye off the ball and is using the MM team to plan her own wedding, so there was no real thought out into styling molly for what must be her first work appearance post partum. She looked pretty frumpy really, and given her budget it’s hard to understand that.

Or more likely they put all the emphasis on her grooming - hair, up make etc - but styled her like a nun in order to deflect any possible bad press about her neglecting the baby after the feeding criticism. If she’d looked too sexy she would have come across as self absorbed and narcissistic.
It also allows them to start a new ‘how I got my life back’ narrative.
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I can’t help but wish a sleep regression on any Mum that starts to boast about their baby sleeping through the night.
Mine slept through for 6hrs around 10 weeks, then went through the 4 month sleep regression but is now 6 months n back to sleeping through.
he’s formula fed though and I do think that makes a diff!
BUT there is no fuckin way I’d just allow him to wake for food and just not feed him like Jesus! You feed on demand especially in the newborn phase.
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Molly knew she didn't wanna pay that £17 and loved Tommy making a big deal to take away from the fact they've never paid/takeaway from her looking bad, so she drummed up acting clueless when if she wasn't bothered and wanted to she'd have just paid.
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Not letting her 10 week old baby have milk through the night?!? I don’t have any kids and don’t know the first thing about them but even I’m shocked. There’s absolutely no way a 2 month old baby can physically sleep on an empty stomach for 8+ hours. This feels so wrong and cruel, I’m actually sad ☹

first Chai, then Eggy, now Bambi??? 😭 how far does it have to go for her to just admit she’s a selfish, shit, irresponsible human. No one can be this unaware of themselves
My son has recently gone 7-8 hours overnight between feeds a couple of times (now I've written that he probably never will again! 😂) And my first thought when I wake up and realise is always 'he must be so hungry' eta he's similar age to Bambi
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Oh interesting! Usually the owner who is also the ceo will step down to benefit the company financially like how Ben Francis did with Gymshark.. I wonder what the real reason for this is then.. getting ready to sell maybe? I feel like PLT is past/now at it’s peak for them to sell it on
Not wanting to derail this thread, but genuine question. How does Ben stepping down from Gymshark help it financially?
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How is her book a Sunday times bestseller if it hasn’t even been released yet? 😂
She released the hardcover version last year and she’s only just bringing out the paperback now! She didn’t get the £££ and reviews she hoped for when it first got released so never speaks about it much
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Omg you need to watch Stephanie Lange's YouTube channel. So so good if you're ever having a wobble with your self confidence because of social media ❤
This is exactly the point I made a few pages back when I posted about how I felt after I saw Molly in real life after comparing my appearance to hers on Instagram (before she went on love island). She, along with so many other successful influencers had portrayed herself online as this picture perfect feminine face with perfect symmetry, sharp defined bone structure, tiny nose, plump lips, super tan, tiny figure etc. I personally liked how I look but when you’re constantly served up this same image over and over on social media regardless of whether you’re following them or not - you are inevitably going to think there’s something wrong with your normal bigger sized nose, smaller lips and so on.

I couldn’t believe that when I saw her in the flesh, not only did she look nothing like what I’d been seeing and comparing to but one thing that really stood out to me personally was her nose as lo and behold it was bigger than my own. This doesn’t mean ‘ugly’ or less than, it simply means that she along with many others have been covering up something completely NORMAL to have and instead, morphing themselves into something unrealistic for millions of women to compare themselves to. The facetuning these influencers do IS dangerous as it adds to the unrealistic beauty standard us women are subject to.

I will continue to post what mollymae actually looks like on here even if it means it stops at least one person from comparing their appearance to what they were seeing on her social media/branding. By doing this, it’s not to say she’s ugly - beauty is entirely subjective! It’s just to show her real face vs what she pretends is.
Thank you @Alltherage I will definitely check her out. I struggle hugely with low self esteem and it’s really bad. Made all the worse by the fact I have a teen daughter who I am trying to teach all the right things (whilst not even believing what I am saying). Just feel pissed off at myself.
I remember that post @sydneymae - it does help to know for definite that the Instagram version is fake but it’s still so damaging. Xx
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Who doesn’t love a bit of FaceTune but Jesus I feel bad doing it too different to myself to my 200 followers let alone changing my entire face to over a million 😂😂😂 she’s actually embarrassing with the things she does and things she says … she’s quite thick really… perhaps her and Timmy are well suited after all
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