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I gave up breast feeding at 3 months in, me and baby ended up so much happier, and i didn’t starve him or come up with excuses. It simply didn’t work for us.

molly is too immature to realise it’s ok if the popular choice doesn’t suit you.
Exactly! But just own it and speak honestly and people will respect you more for it rather than coming out with some mealy mouthed crap that ends up making you look like an utter tit (pardon the pun 🤣)
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I think the issue is really what it’s like for the baby - and I’m afraid it’s unlikely to be ok with her. She’s only 11 weeks old and her parent’s choices have already given her a pretty unsettled beginning. It’s like they really haven’t adapted to a baby and her needs at all, but just continuing their lives as before. It would be easy enough to take her along - MM’s bored without all the constant attention she gets from her work team and wants off from the constant needs and work of a newborn.

In addition - my goodness. It really shows how calculating and cynical MM’s team are. This trip was booked months ago - all that tosh just a week ago about having to ‘abandon’ breastfeeding. This was all planned out - she just doesn’t have the balls to say it as it is - “I’m going to breastfeed for 8 weeks and then go onto a strict routine with bottles so I can return to work asap, abroad and alone”.

they have very strange priorities as a family.
I think the first flush of motherhood has worn off, no way is Tommy doing serious childcare and she's off earning the money. Beige mansions g-wagons, holidays to Dubai and the Maldives don't come free.
I actually hope they get a couple of nannies that stay with them for a few years to look after the baby so at least she has that stability. Someone that's chosen childcare as a profession is likely to at least be interested in babies! I'm sure Zoe is helping out a lot as well. Wasn't it mentioned in the Christmas vlog that Molly's mum is a carer for her mum (Molly's nan), she must have some caring instincts although she doesn't seem that maternal.
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Glad someone is calling her out for not feeding her baby. Whilst giving the correct information on why it’s IMPORTANT to feed your baby when they wake for a night feed!

I can only begin to imagine the uproar if a ‘normal non-celeb’ mum had made the comments about not feeding their 10 week old when they woke for a night feed, just for a few more hours sleep. 🙃
God she’s getting slated ain’t she. That one from yesterday has removed comments and turned them off 🤨
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Bets on a sit down video of her crying saying she’s being mum shamed and playing a victim whilst massively back tracking…..

People don’t care about how you are as a mum, but they do care if a child is being deprived of food. It’s not mum shaming, it’s calling her out on being downright selfish and stupid.
I can see her referencing ‘death threats’ and a small number of genuinely abusive comments to make herself out to be a victim rather than addressing the genuine concerns and comments from people who are worried about her influence on other young women. Obviously no one should be sending her abuse or death threats but that is not what this is. The media coverage about ‘mum shamers’ and ‘trolls’ all reads like a press release that had been copied and pasted as they were all virtually identical and completely inaccurate. A clear attempt to control the narrative around this before the media found out through other routes. I really hope she does address it positively by apologising, admitting that she got it wrong and signposting to support and correct information, as that would at least show she cares about her influence and I would respect her a lot more for that. Sadly I don’t think this will be the case and I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t address it at all.
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MM didn’t even post on insta. She is the Creative Director. Or do we think she needs to touch up her photos before posting
I suspect she probably went to show her face and then went home not long after.
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Not weird at all! Honestly I’ve felt for years she’s got evil eyes, there’s always been something very insincere about her eyes. Glad I’m not the only one who sees something is off about her!
I can’t say I’ve noticed the eyes, but I just get troubled by the shadows under Zoes nose. Anyone else know what I mean? It’s like she has 4 nostrils
  • Haha
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If she’s so insecure about her nose to the level of psing it why doesn’t she just get a nose job? She’s got the money for it
I literally always think this. It makes no sense? Maybe she doesn’t wanna hurt her brand or go back on her au natural stance after she had her fillers dissolved 🤔

I don’t usually comment on this thread, but I was out shopping last week and happened to bump into Tommy & Molly in Selfridges at the TC. I noticed Tommy immediately and he was carrying a large shopping bag, no sign of Bambi, but Molly was with him and I had to double glance because she looked entirely different to the filtered IG version and the one that appears in the magazines etc! I honestly didn’t recognise her. She was just ordinary and nothing special. This is what bothers me with influencers like her. Their lives are just so fake but the way they portray their lives online makes others want to be like them. They are toxic role models for the younger generation who want to copy them and look like them.
What does she actually look like in person? Is she someone you’d think was generally pretty or is she just average?
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I think she wants to make it seem as though her life with a newborn is so easy and that she’s back to normal life getting a full nights sleep while her baby sleeps through the night. When realistically that’s not the case for so many new mums yet people say she’s so relatable. She just has to be better than everyone else
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Fran needs a team of people to supervise Molly, having said that Molly can do no wrong in the eyes of some.
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It’s not really copying Molly though, Molly isn’t the first person to have an over the top display for a baby, it’s the norm for influencers these days
yeah you have a point tbf but just noticed it cos they were friends and their displays were very similiar aswell as sydney’s posts after she had the baby
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All of mollys fam are now in Manchester. Must of realised she would struggle if it was just her and useless tommy looking after the baby
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Absolutely, we all make silly mistakes as first time parents but these are just the absolute basics that are on the NHS website.
It isn’t something that you can just get wrong is it. I hate those dummy clips as well. Someone got us one with my sons name on it but I was too scared to use it. My fella used it as a Keyring instead 😂😂
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I actually think she looks really pretty here! It's just a shame she doesnt see this herself, and face tunes so much ://
She looks like any other normal pretty girl in her twenties but they don't Photoshop themselves into models so they can make money on Instagram like she does. I don't think she deserves all that wealth tbh
What gets me is she doesn’t look bad at all in the pic on the left, she looks great but NORMAL!! way more relatable in her features than her photoshopped instagram so i really don’t get why she does it
Things have changed from 2019 when she became famous. Being relatable and showing your real self/ natural has only become popular now which is great.
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Lol wtf

This is like saying we should all get the bus everywhere because it’s not fair to drive because not everyone can afford a car or something 🤣

You can’t stop and hide your whole life just because some people can’t do the same as you
I think people can’t win whatever they do sometimes.
I saw someone get mad at a celeb around covid because they posted their kids sports day and this person thought it was insensitive when other schools weren’t allowing parents
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I got my period literally as soon as my lochia stopped and I was still BF then. Molly you’re a muppet.
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