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His story says “will tag gifted” but the main post (which has higher rates of exposure) has nothing!!

The stories also say “I’ll have to start an interiors account at this rate”, he can’t even keep the followers he does have! Or a sneaky rebranding from parenthood to renovation 🤔
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She’s the creme de la creme of basic bitches. We’re doing our house now, I’m obvs aiming more Bounty than Clemmie, but any time I see something done to death on Instagram it’s totally struck off the list of ideas.
If I see anymore photos of those Ca’Pietra lily pad tiles, I’m going to jump out the nearest window.
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Clemmie definitely featured that freebie chair on her feed ages ago. Maybe in their old house? It was quite cramped and clearly she’d greedily grabbed it but it didn’t really fit the room, you couldn’t open the cupboard doors or something.
The pink chair that’s in the ODs current spare room is the same chair that used to be in the bedroom of their Crystal Palace house and that’s the one that they got via family and reupholstered (never saw it before it was reupholstered).
There’s another (not as nice) pink chair somewhere in that house that was gifted and photographed clearly blocking a load of drawers.

FML for knowing this stuff.
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Who here said yesterday maybe one of the children will do this to get a bit of paid annual leave in? Good on u mini work horses, may you unionise and receive matched pension contributions nd all x
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Chatty Member
People read the Phillip Schofield thread on here. Really interesting, shocking
And hilarious
I think we can now be certain Clemmie isn't getting invited back on this morning now the Schofield thread has blown up 😆
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I’m not convinced the ‘moms’ will appreciate the anal reference. It’s astonishing anyone has ever had sex with him he is utterly repellent. Nothing is remotely attractive about him....even typing about it is making my skin itch. If only I knew the name of a soothing skin cream to curb my symptoms.
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I’d certainly get a migraine from that wallpaper, not just over the pattern but the price.... £140 a roll! 😳
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It is very telling there’s no before pictures... because they prove it’s #NotAReno!
If there’s ANY undeclared ANYTHING I will be straight to the ASA! I am actually enraged by their stupidity and unnecessary need to gloat
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Chatty Member
I agree with all you're saying and can see how Clemmie may feel able to justify her money grabbing ways due to being a reasonably young mum. But when you stop and think about it deeper it's total BS...

1. The only way to measure happiness isn't getting pissed or having money
2. There are so many other people who'd literally give their right arm to swap with her privileged circumstances.

I spent my 20s caring for my ill mum and had my first baby at 27. I managed some fun in between a lot of responsibility. Does that make me want to sell my kids privacy for a 4k sink? Or do I look at my life and count the blessings and learn from the challenges? Only vacuous narcissists find ways to justify their selfish, consumerist priorities. I don't feel sorry for her one bit. 💁‍♀️
Me either.

I was unpartnered and pregnant at 17, baby at 18.
I lived in a council flat with my mother (did not work due to 'issues') and father (worked digging up roads n that).

Almost 28 yrs on and my child is manager of a media department, no children and a nice life and I do my bit for mental health at the local psych hospital but currently laying in bed after 4 consecutive 12.5 hour shifts eating biscuits.

I don't feel sorry for myself or 17 year old me either. Just got on with it!
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Clemmie’s writing his re-decorating posts again.
Agree, reckon MOD writes but he adds his own words in brackets eg the bit about the psychedelic dreams etc. Definitely written by two people you can tell two different styles and language.

So he only wrote ad and gifted on his stories...Is this allowed if he didn't tag them in the photo? Shouldn't his grid post also show what was #gifted or press release too? ASA will be messaged again then as first time never made a dent..
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A controversial and untested passenger rocket launch to the moon took place earlier today when the unexpected plummet of Virgin Galactica shares reached a record all time low. Sir Richard Branson single handedly fired Slymon Snooper, the ex-Instagram tartist formerly known as FOD, into outerspace following public thread comment actions between Sly and Holly who is Bransons daughter. Snooper, who once stupidly boasted a 1M+ army of Instahun followers, recently suffered losses of Huns by the thousand at an almost hourly rate. His increasingly desperate and cringeworthy attempts to gain followers finally spiralled out of control when he posted a manic story of himself pouting and caressing his Dadbod whilst girating and lip syncing to the 80s hit 'Like a Virgin' in which he tagged Miss Branson in both mentions and hashtags. Snooper failed to #ad 'Virgin' throughout these lame offerings. This was immediately brought to Sir B's attention by members of an 'Instawanker-Hunter Group' which specialises in FOD related issues and is found on the '' forum. The dedicated flock of geniuses give their time voluntarily in a continuing and selfless mission to hunt this Salad and stop him before he covers the gaff in his Salad Dressing. Sir Dicky was distraught when Tattlers revealed that, in a rap style fashion, Snoop Bogey-Fod (Slymon, obvs) suggests that Holly swipe up (slowly) and across the moving image of his torso whilst suggestively guffawing mad claims that he has "a bigger dick than your Father's name."

Following Snoopers disappearance into space his employees, aka the children, provided statements via gridposts detailing their typical working week and false promises of payment in #gifted products. Their most recent disappointed was not receiving the crates of sandwich pickle promised by their now estranged father. Tattlers research concluded that during that final haze of greed, he assumed Holly to be daughter of the well known pickle tycoon 'Branson- but with a T'
Sir Branson, without the T, was awarded honourary Tattle status 'Ultimate Member' and started a thread about how he has bought out M&S (in liquidation after thousands of Clammie in knitwear hits lost sales). 'Virgin Garms n Trainer' require a fresh faced model to flog their clobber in return for a £5k prize. Auditions to be held in a competitive type reality TV show. A passion for social media & commitment to being a winner essential.

AlisonInDeckingDust (new member) posts: Sign me quick, dress me slow, Virgin garms on me will show, Each fleck of nylon, snug on hips, Stays soft as silk, dya like my lips?Don't pick her, just pick me, I'll wear a trainer or 2 or 3, A hshtag here, swipe ups too, There's no limit to what I'll do, Soon your sales will be a surgin', Did I mention I'm a virgin?
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You just want to take him by the shoulders and say, ‘Let it go now. Just let. It. Go. You’ve had your time, now it’s over.’
And Jesus fucking Christ. Had a look at ‘multidad’. How many more of these gurning tosses exist?!
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Chatty Member
Ooh I almost forgot this: when driving into work this morning I heard that Jessie J song 'Pricetag' and thought with a little errrmmm 'doctoring', it could be transformed into a theme tune for the Hoopers.
Played around with a few lyrics. Some good lines were:

"Everybody swipe to the left, everybody swipe to the right
You can hashtag me
I'm gonna gift myself tonightt
It's all about the money money money,
You Huns think I'm funny funny funny
If you wanna see me dad dance
Swipe up I'm a priiiice slaaaaag"

Any other offerings??
Gotta get a line about the "Burton j-jeans j-jeans jeans" in there somewhere....
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He can't be serious. I am sometimes wondering if he is part of a social psychology experiment... Like how much bullshit can he post before someone steps in and sends him to the doctor for a mental health evaluation.
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Chatty Member
I've just realised what happened 💡

They viewed and bought the house full of the owner's possessions and their own unique style, gathered over years I presume.

What they moved into was just a blank dark grey canvas, perfect for them to personslise it and add their own "charm" ( yeah, yeah... I know!) and they suddenly shit themselves not knowing what to do.

I can remember when they moved in, in Winter and thought how unhomely, orphanage like and sparse the twins' room looked and would hate my young children sleep in there.

But that was the problem, they have no clue on how to style somewhere, so they have thrown over the top garish gifted wallpaper and on trend "eclectic" things at it and think they've done loads of work.

Without the gram, the gifts, the garishness... they are nothing 🤷🏼‍♀️
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