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Chatty Member
Apperently, they haven't updated the independent talent website yet 😂 wonder how they'll describe him now?

Simon's follower account decreases by a worrying 1000 per week but that's only his wife's fault who called him a twat online.
They also claim he uses “honest images” so clearly as flexible with the truth as he is. #biscuitcupboard #festivalnanny #holidayatthedump
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Blimey...her boobs have gone huge...that bra does her no favours. And why does her top lip sit so weirdly over her teeth? Odd....
Blimey, you’re right, her boobs look enormous!
Aw! Lovely to see her on holiday again, she obviously needed another one-it’s been what, about 8 weeks since their holiday to Tenerife? 🙄
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Brian Butterfield

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Apologies if this offends, but this is genuinely what I hear in my head every time I read this thread and picture his fucking annoying face.

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exactly like this. They’re also self promoting opportunists looking for freebies & sponcon opportunities, maybe a book deal, they don’t actually give a shit about women’s / children’s / family issues. Else they wouldn’t have the fucking Fagan of Ramsgate on their podcast!
Fagan of Ramsgate! 😂😂😂 Come on Si, let’s have an Oliver themed Tiktok special!
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All of this. I do have kids but I thought the same. I hate the way he’s always banging on about it like it’s a bloody badge or club. It’s all part of his smug as fuck routine.

Or the chunky insta wanker boot perhaps?
He has nothing else to bang on about. He appears to have no friends. Doesn’t seem to socialise outside. As somebody else pointed out earlier, they don’t even take their kids on interesting days out, not even stately homes 😂

They don’t appear to have mates round for dinner or get invited anywhere.

He’s so BASIC. They’re bland and boring and it makes me despair that there are so many muppets in this world that aspire to these people.

I wouldn’t be so unkind if it weren’t for the fact that they’ve traded their beautiful children’s childhood and right to privacy for STUFF.

I honestly think Celia is sick of us
She works 3 days a week and basically CBA, my email is going to ask her to expand. This is a great opportunity because it’s one on one. If she can’t give me a decent reason then I’m going higher up ASA. They have done precisely zero in relation to both my complaints. They are valid complaints and if ASA tolerate FODs actions then they cannot expect any of these other instafuckers to comply! NO CELIA NO
also her numbers on there, might give her a bell Tuesday have a chat
@Dogmuck i think you are hilarious
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Agreed with other comments here. If we were ripping SODs apart for domestic violence claims & criminal court proceedings, accusations of drug/alcohol addiction, self harm, sad rock bottom stuff that CF had to go through in life then yeah I wouldn't be here, and if I was would certainly be thinking about my part in things following the really sad news about her death.

As it is, I believe we're commenting on a man who chooses to post inappropriate images (the swimming pool changing rooms, the ear suck, etc) of his children, share so much they're highly identifiable (schools, address, grandparents' addresses, etc) therefore sadly at risk of god knows what, all for a few freebies. Someone that doesn't declare those freebies at all, as is now required by law.

We all know the terms and conditions of our employment. Clem chose to ignore them & was 'terminated', yes it's unfortunately it's so very public and will continue to be spoken about, but that was the nature of the beast? It clearly can't be bothering them that much if husband is still trying to play the influencer game on Insta can it?
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I don’t care if she’s following him on Instagram, she has to live with the twat every, bastard, day, she sees his shit in real time. I’d be ground down by his nonstop dicking about, she has to be around sometimes to see his pathetic video antics, that may have been funny when you’re in your 20’s but Jesus that would irritate the tits off me (that clearly not happening with the size of her jugs)...god I’d suffocate the fucker in his sleep, calm down you hyperactive cunt!
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Chatty Member
Why oh why does he have to turn everything back to sex, a harmless albeit quite dull quiz but he has to make sure he mentions condoms, and putting things up ones ass... it is taking a lot of effort for me not to message my friends that still follow him asking if they need help
Was thinking the exact same thing 🤨

I was wondering this the other day and I concluded he’s going for the whole LAAAADS appeal. Yes he has all his Hudson huns but I noticed a lot of blokes with kids follow him and comment. He’s trying to be all masculine and risqué like a bunch of lads down the pub. I think these bloke followers are all trying to break in to the Insta giveaway circus and look to him for inspiration and tips. Their names are all “dadswithlads” “fatheroffour” that sort of shite not John_Smith. I guess I can understand the appeal of wanting to get a free life like FOD, rather than just work for a living like most of us do, but they’re pretty sycophantic on the whole and more importantly are backing a lame horse as FODs had his day and is ready for the knackers yard!
I despise him and I don’t even despise my ex husband
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I covet a Barbour and I’m not a Tory, just fed up freezing my arse of walking the dog.

The Phillip Schofield thread has taken up so much of my time my tennis elbow is playing up with all the scrolling.

And so I’m not seen to derail the thread: yeah, the SODs are still appalling fuckers aren’t they?

Tattle is the gift that keeps giving!
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Thought I’d have loads of pages to catch up on because I’ve had my nose glued to the PS thread but looks like it’s not been too busy here thank god 🤣 I feel I need therapy from Tattle. It’s addictive! Anyways, MOD I’ve given up on you ever returning.
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What's a pod group and how would they know each other?
I think that funny clicking noise dolphins 🐬 do 😂

Honestly every day I learn something new on here...just googled pod group
In short, pods are a group of Instagrammers that have agreed to work together, liking and commenting on each other's content in an effort to show Instagram how popular a post is. The hope is that your content will get pushed out more widely in to the photo feed.
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I think yes. I remember her her talking about it once and that she used to dislike her boobs and felt ashamed when she was younger but has come to terms with it blah...
Yeah she looked really ashamed of them when she was on that reality show, using them to get the £5k prize off the bloke whilst her bf was watching...she was pretty young back then 🤔
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I love that they believe they are creating an eclectic mix of old and new.


While I’m on a roll, am I the only person who thinks the bedside tables look like those tables you wheel over the bed in hospital?

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you know when an item is such a fad that copy cat brands cotton on and make cheap alternatives, they over produce and they all end up in tk maxx, on like a 2/3 year delay from the initial trend on insta? I’d be mildly impressed at this room if a savvy on a budget couple had cobbled together these furnishings via eBay and tk maxx et al. But they’ve been gifted ££££ accessories that are just highly naff 😬😬😬
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He’s the worst between the 2 of them and knows exactly what they are doing. Instagram was Clemmie’s thing and he had to come and shit all over it and take over (he’s a feminist but he prefers being the most successful one in the relationship🤷‍♀️). I’d say he’s way more business minded then her who is just greedy.
I agree he has always been the worst of the two of them. Those of us that have followed the SODs for years (🙋‍♀️) will remember the days of Martinhal family holidays where FOD was far more deceptive than MOD and even when he did start including the #Ad, he deliberately hid it in the middle of (literally) 20 hashtags. I remember us counting the hashtags on the mumsnet threads. There was no reason for him to do that other than to be deliberately deceptive.
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Her mother and siblings were in Tanzania on safari. They then went to Zanzibar where she met them, according to her mummy’s insta.
Remember kids whatever you post online stays online. If his whole world was falling with that shirt wonder what's happening now. xD Can we call him Simone?

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But it was this one I was looking for: remember him saying he stopped her from running away.

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Another example of his casual misogyny, "she had to marry me cos I got her pregnant" fuck OFF it isn't 1953.. "I bought her shitty but HILARIOUS gifts cos I'm such a fun guy, woman and handbags ey lads?!" 🙄

I totally get what you're saying about the article @heretoreaditall2019 i had my first when I was 20 (very much unplanned but also incredibly loved) and it was tough when all my friends were living a completely different life to me and sometimes felt like I was missing out on girls hols etc but I wouldn't have traded my life for the world despite pretty bad PND. And my eldest knows he was a loved surprise, and I think parents have the right to tell their child about their journey with them in whatever way they feel is suitable to them and it's a very personal thing. It would worry me that my kid would read that before they were ready to properly understand or were in the right place to hear that kind of thing. I do feel for her that she feels as though she missed out and understand if she would feel like she wants to 'make up' for a youth cut short (I certainly plan to make the most of my 40s 😉🍾🍹) but she still does have very young children who need her to be present and available to her, this isn't their fault! And maybe she should think about how she made other young mums in the position she was, minus being bankrolled by rich parents, feel when she was promoting her boujie baby essentials...
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