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Urgh just looked at the responses to the negative posts under the grid post on that podcast and they're almost condescendingly saccharin sweet as if to say 'you're wrong but I don't want to lose you as a follower so I wont argue' "sending love"....get lost 🙄
I don’t think the women behind the podcast are intelligent enough to have a thoughtful, open minded conversation about why it’s a problem that a man refers to his wife and daughters as vaginas. So they’re buttoning is off and ‘sending love’ 🤤🤤🤤 give me fucking strength!
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How do you think Marnie will feel when she reads that article? Because let’s face it, she will eventually, nothing disappears on the internet. Knowing she was unwanted and an appointment made to end the pregnancy?!
I’m sure lots of people have been in that situation and made a choice to continue with the pregnancy and now love their child to death and can’t believe they ever considered otherwise - but you’d never ever tell that child they were unwanted right?!
I think that depends on your parenting style. My 3rd son knows that he was a happy accident and we have often spoken about how he was my amazing surprise baby. He loves hearing about how his Dad nearly had an actual heart attack when I told him and asked me 5 times whether I was kidding 😆 (our 3rd meant that we had 3 under 5 at one point 😲)

I certainely wouldn't be writing the whole tale on a social media a/c open to 900k strangers though.

Some details should remain private I think? I have always thought it's a step to far to tell my boy that I sat in the abortion clinic when they did the scan and realised that the point at which I asked 'Is the baby all ok?' that I couldn't get rid of him. I mean, to me that's touching bcos in my heart that's the moment I knew he was a real person, all mine, and there was no way I was getting rid. It's a moment I will never forget, but not one that he ever needs to know about imo. (guess this doesn't count...hopefully my real identity will not be revealed 🕵️‍♂️).

I think these guys are either very naive, or very uncaring about the impact of what they put out there might have on their kids. Very sad.
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So basically 'be kind' translates to arse licking, agreeing with everything 'hun' says or does. Free trip to another country, piles of clothes, toys, gadgets, 'experiences'. Unless your comment is praising, don't bother, you're a troll or jealous. Wouldn't most people like to be gifted piles of crap they can flog off at markets or eBay for lots of $$$$'s.? Then to see someone bragging about how they've managed to save thousands of $ in six months is galling. If you follow my tips and financial advice this can be you!! No it can't, most people have to work hard for everything they have. I don't rate Instagram influencer as 'work'. Rant over. Not even talking about the OD's here specifically .👽
Yes that’s exactly what they scrutiny, no accountability, no rules, no criticism...just let them do what they do and be nice! Twats
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That insta video of him singing and talking about sex again just makes him look like the twat he is.
I think Alice has left him and he hasn’t even realised because the only person he loves is himself.
SLYMON your insta days are up just go parent your girls and have done self respect 🤮
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The All my love bit is the same with the , in the same spot!! And what child would address their parents by their first name at that age 🤨
I bet that child doesn’t even call him Simon, he’s just dropping a false crumb which he hopes will be commented on by the huns to give him more content in the coming days.

Honestly, life in that house must be so confusing for those girls, ‘...but Dad, you didn’t write me a note...I don’t call you Simon’ ‘*Long sigh, pinches bridge of nose* ‘Darling, just go with it’ *mutters under breath* ‘It was so much easier before they could read’
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I don’t think the women behind the podcast are intelligent enough to have a thoughtful, open minded conversation about why it’s a problem that a man refers to his wife and daughters as vaginas. So they’re buttoning is off and ‘sending love’ 🤤🤤🤤 give me fucking strength!
exactly like this. They’re also self promoting opportunists looking for freebies & sponcon opportunities, maybe a book deal, they don’t actually give a shit about women’s / children’s / family issues. Else they wouldn’t have the fucking Fagan of Ramsgate on their podcast!
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Oh he’s on it again 🙄

Looking for a nomination for Dad of the Year...mate you’re not the Peter Andre of Ramsgate ffs!’s South Africa...they only stopped apartheid in the early 90s don’t get your Burtons in a twist that they’re leading the way in phonetics as a nod to your stoopid name 🙄🤦‍♀️


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Chatty Member
If he really is reading here, and he must be given his most recent story can someone ask him when he last had a shag? Cos he's fugging gagging for one going by these recent antics. The man is deranged
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Or, “I’m sorry this one wasn’t for you, but please do tune in again next week.” The desperation. Errr no thanks.
They appear to be pretty dim. Who listens to this stuff? I literally do not know a single person, friends or otherwise, that would tune in to listen to such banal witterings. I’m so bored and perplexed by these people trying to make some sort of celebrity career out of being a parent 😫
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I watched the fool around with my girlfriend or whatever it’s called last night. I skimmed most of it but.... 😱Not sure why I’ve missed it before but whoever said you get to truly understand MOD via this is so right. What an utter manipulative lying bitch. Granted this was probably 18 years ago and maybe parenthood has mellowed and matured her. 👀
But, will do anything for the ££ ✔
Bitchy to other girls ✔
Very good at lying ✔
Manipulative and selfish ✔
Wants to be queen bee ✔

I thought it was very telling that her boyfriend said that he knew she was a bitch but not that much of a bitch.
I can imagine her applying for Big Brother. Maybe she did. But she would’ve been one of the ones that was booed out for sure.
Can you imagine her family watching that or the girls. 😱 All for £5000 that she didn’t even win.
Incredibly telling isn’t it? I know people can change and various big events in your life can soften you, but for me that 20 year old Clemmie reflects every bit of the Clemmie of today. Lying, deceitful, manipulative, disloyal and fake.

I can’t imagine trying to explain to my kids how I behaved when I was younger (I was pretty bad ass - I’m ashamed to say) when it’s been my job since they were born to guide them down the right path and to show them how to be everything I wasn’t, considerate, respectful, mindful, hardworking and honest. Thank fuck social media and reality TV wasn’t around when I was younger or Id be fucked! My kids can’t really turn round to me and say...well you did that...because they will NEVER know the shit I got up to. Unfortunately, the Hooper girls will simply have to tap their mothers name into a computer and she’s there...straddling a stranger whilst her boyfriend and thousands of strangers look on. I feel so sorry for them.
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Breakdance Badass

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That Multidad is an utter tool too! His account is just family life, like we all fucking have. There is no USP (oh he has twins....err so does my cousin, so does my best friend and my Mum was USP!). I’ve barely enough time, especially now with Pip Schofield thread, to watch my own kids nevermind some boring arsed guy on t’interwebs
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Chatty Member
Spending so much time in the Schofieild threads but is Clemmie still Missing in action?
I reckon Slymon knocked her out ages ago with the brass effect knuckle duster style thing he gloated about in the last set of #reno rubbish and has hidden her body under the decking. Decking sounds a bit posher than patio I think and P
patio is quite 80s. If the next lot of #reno is for the garden, then hes defo buried her! That'd also explain why he's been such a loony tune for months.
Bit like cluedo - it was FOD in the Slate Grey Room with the brass knuckle duster.
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I think we can now be certain Clemmie isn't getting invited back on this morning now the Schofield thread has blown up 😆
No I think a scripted staged comeback a la PS would be great.

Hi Slymon and Gimme, you pair of absolute tits 👋🏼
If they were made and bought locally then I’m sure that small business would benefit from a shout out. Ooooh, but wait, they didn’t gift them or give them a discount...
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