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FOD posted a slow mo clip of the tyre swing banging his head. In the split seconds before it hits his head you can see he’s bracing for it, so no it wasn’t unexpected, it’s clearly a set up. #fakenews
Of course it’s staged, he had the phone up ready to video it. There’s something manic about his carry on, he’s all over the place the last week. Clemmie is probably now in Tananzia with her family, he’s home alone with the children having to fulfill her contractual obligations to the bathroom company knowing full well that most of his family and friends and colleagues are commenting on his bath and wash-hand basins that have cost thousands of pounds and becoming more removed and isolated from them. He appears to be depending on his popularity on social media for feelings of self worth.

The reality is he’s not naturally funny, everything Is staged, his twins have lost their cuteness. If he’d cajoled the twins into performing the dance routine he instagrammed this week, a year or two ago, it would have been cute. Now they’re four, it’s just what it is two four year old girls instructed by their Dad to copy his naff dance routine.

He’ll still keep his followers though cos we’re addicted to his nonsense.
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That’s his right hand on top. You can’t see his left ring finger.
Honest to god @Cupcake we are going to have to send you back to spy school, making school boy errors like that! I’m going to have to ask you to hand back your deerstalker and spyglass 🕵️‍♀️ until you’re competent!
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...we should just call him Alan from now on. If he started an IG story tomorrow with AHA! I’d die laughing!
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One person earning £80k (ish) will be taxed much more than two people on £75k. Half of his salary is being taxed at the higher rate and he’s still having to pay a commuter fare, albeit only one day a week. His income won’t be taking them to the Maldives again any time soon!
Nope. Still don’t feel sorry for him!!!
I do get your point about the tax. But I will say that for many years we lived off my salary when my husband wasn’t working. It’s doable, you just have to make sacrifices. Holidays abroad was one thing that we didn’t do. There are so many gorgeous places in this country you can go to for half the price. They won’t be hard done by if they don’t get the money from advertising and so forth. They will just have to make a Economies in different areas, just like the rest of us

After all Alice said they’d only managed a holiday in a caravan in I see no reason why they can’t actually do that!!!! 😂😂
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I think they will split up - Clemmie will end up with a younger guy and knobface will end up with a super fan.
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So I listened to the podcast...

"I'm heavily outnumbered by vaginas but that's okay" wtf.

"Parenthood is a journey of mistakes..." Going to be the next philosopher?

"I probably have a closer relationship to my girls than Clemmie." Seriously? To all of them? I hardly believe that and even if it was true..he should be more respectful to Clemmie and not boast about it.

Then he was talking about how well M can flirt (unintentionally). It was awkward. I am sure they discussed questions/topics before the podcast was recorded. He could've talked about how successful Marnie is at sports or whatever. But he has to talk about his girls getting boyfriends soon and their flirting skills? Right.... Twat
Haven’t listened to the podcast, but was he talking specifically about his girls and boyfriends? How about Sly, you utter dullard, if their first boyfriend is a girlfriend?
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I loved them in their old house then I started to feel a bit blurgh then they got gifted that really expensive holiday to Portugal i think it was about £10,000 as week or something ridiculous like that and I went off them then because the penny dropped they really were not just an average family at all
I remember this holiday. I remember thinking we work so ffing hard and can’t seem to have a decent holiday how are they doing it when she’s just a midwife and he has an okay job. If I remember they were going away a fair bit the girls were dressed in Boden living close to London. More fool me they was paying for sweet fuck all.
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Ahhh that’s the jizz question - ok I’m going in
Stay safe out there, watch out for the Huns! Just mentally prepare yourself, his harem of huns will call you jealous, a creep (for pointing out he’s creepy), and sad and having no life for being on Instagram (without a hint of irony, obvs)! Before I got blocked I was called evil, a cunt, twisted, and “probably a secret weirdo”. 🤣
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Friends References..... read back a few months and apart from the one with the kids on his shoulder... there's nothing.

I've only been on here a few months, but I am CONVINCED they are on her reading and the small coincidences are digs to Tattlers bevause they don't know that we know they know we know.... 😏

Wouldn't be surprised if they are working on something/with someone (Stacey Dooley) - a fly on the wall docu something about how difficult their lives are....
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We do also need to remember these two fkers have a huge chunk of money sat in their company account from previous soul selling ventures. Also if he’s not as daft as he looks and he earns £80k a year, (it wont be PAYE salaried right?) he’ll be, wherever possible, trying to keep himself under the higher tax threshold, his travel costs will be offset, his “home office” and everything that that entails from WiFi- gas will be offset and he’s probably also offsetting his Burton Jeans collection as work uniform! That alone probs takes his basic down to £52k 😜
But like you say, if they’ve got monied parents then they’ll be fine and dandy!

No shits given here 🙋‍♀️ for their speedy demise! 👋
Lmaooo Burton jeans!

I think for his main job he’ll almost certainly be PAYE, and the £80k is the uppermost limit of what he could hope to be on. I’d guess it’s more like 50-65k based upon friends in similar operational roles, although theirs are more client facing so possibly pay more tbh. Where he’s in a large company so would have good benefits (pensions, maybe priv health care, etc) it’ll be more about package and less about take home, however he isn’t in a technical discipline which are the only ones yielding decent pay these days.

“Director” is really deceiving especially agency side, basically agencies bill out individuals at different hourly rates - if you label mid weight or junior management staff as a director you can apply a higher per hour cost on them. Clients want to believe they’re paying for expertise and experience, when they’re not tbh they’re paying for midweights & juniors to complete 90% of the deliverable and have some boarding school posho sprinkle some “strategy“ on top and call it a day. I digress! A friend’s bf is a director of advertising at a publicis agency (huge agency network) on £35k, for example. The big consultancies pay less as they’re less risky, less demanding roles anyway when compared to startups or other companies attracting the genuinely bright & experienced hires. I’ve only worked consultancy side for a year but I would honestly say I’ve never worked with so many thickos, it’s the most uninspiring shitty environment full of dullards who couldn’t get jobs at google or amazon. That’s the most Alice I’ll get hopefully 😂

I doubt he’s been contracting as they’re all getting shafted by IR35 now anyway and he’s not bemoaned that (he’s definitely a Tory) so guessing it’s not applicable to him?
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You can just imagine him having a lightbulb moment - plasters, yep they will make a story - grabs a box, opens a few and scatters around The floor, grab a twin, stick a plaster in their hand. Grabs a phone and film, then writes a pile of garbage that no-one will read from beginning to end. Posts at the optimal time and sits back waiting for the fans to say how cute/ my kids do the same/you’re a great dad/where’s clemmie and hopes that this post won’t bring about more drop in followers.
The way he is going on you’d think they were £20 quid a box 🙄 oh and him saying they got a box of plasters each in their Christmas stocking 🤨 and his tone is so aggressive

I know it’s been said before but honestly watching his stories I feel like I’m now watching a desperate man in the midst of a colossal breakdown. I’m sure I originally followed him because I found him funny and because his twins are the same age as my daughter I thought he might be relatable - and I followed him before clemmie.

I did raise my eyebrows a few times at the cost of some of their things (initially those cots — they aren’t cheap and they had two). Then when the mod ‘scandal’ broke I came over here and learnt about #ads and *gifted and was horrified. All that expensive stuff and they gloss over it like it’s nothing.

It’s raking over old ground I know (and I’m sorry!) but I still feel really hard done by with regard to his handling of and clemmies behaviour but with his current behaviour it seems like he’s been left to his own devices by her and their management and is floundering. I mean, are their management even watching his content? Dreadful.
I don’t know mental health is a serious issue is he having a break down? Really? Do I know the signs - no..... my own non medical opinion is he is struggling for content as those kids are getting older and are not the hapless toddlers he’s flogged, his wife has royally cocked everything up so he’s fucked with regard to getting any juicy deals, his British audience keep having an opinion that he needs to delete. Perhaps he needs to step away from Instagram get on with his real job and be a normal father? Oh but that won’t happen cos he’s a greedy money orientated twerp I have a few hashtags of my own #moaningabout plastersreally? #plasterscostlessthanatriptojapan #whatsafourgrandsinkcomparedtoplasters #plastersarelesshasslethanareno #stopbeingamoaningfucker
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MOD slagged her off on here, without provocation btw, called her a cringy social climber.
What really highlights MOD’s character is I can also remember Inpo life driving all the way to Ramsgate to do a run with MOD and the pair of them gramming the crap out of it some months prior.
I can’t fathom, since Alicegate, how Gimmie has managed to hang on to any friends at all (e.g the Paris trip). Ugh. She’s repugnant.
Oh dear, these instahuns were all so desperate to join the “Clemmie Clan” it makes me vomit 🤢 Like she was the Brown Owl of the flipping Brownies!
All the rubbish hashtags women supporting women, strong women etc...and then slagging each other off! ☹ takes me back to my very wise mum, who always used the expression “There’s no honour among thieves” 😂
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Oh he’s off again on his stories about the whole ‘if you know’ things... so down with the kids.
Too much time on his hands.
So it’s Tik Tok I’ve seen other huns jumping on this shite - but hey buggered up your insta brand? Why not give Tik Tok a go 🤦‍♀️
Also I see the twins are back on chance of anyone imposing the EU working time directive on those poor kids after tonight! It will be work work work
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Awwww, I too have just been down memory lane visiting Alices comments and now have the rage all over again.

Just to recap then:

1. She came here not to “defend her family”, but to trash Cash Carraway, before trashing her actual mates. Charming.
2. She completely recognised a year ago the concerns over selling her kids...yet here we are with that fucktard continuing to plaster them all over the gram.
3. She recognised the impact of influencers portraying an unattainable lifestyle on regular people, calling out others for skiing trips and pretending she couldn’t really afford after school club for her “son”. But continued in real life to take the freebies.

She is truly a disgusting person.
She is such a massive liar and hypocrite. She must cringe from her cashmere beanie to her chunky boot when she thinks about all this!
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Best title ever !! Also Slymon you need to speak to a doctor hun - you have a wild look about the eyes and you are positively barking !!!
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Do you think MOD would have gained so many followers if her interiors had not been so Pinterest perfect and so high-end aspirational? When did she gain the bulk of her followers? Was if before or after the Ramsgate move? Before I think ...
I think they kind of don’t understand their audience and that they’ve been badly advised in terms of the direction they’ve taken their accounts - I know a lot of this Instagram malarkey is about making hay while the sunshines but if they gained their popularity from being a relatively normal, young family who were documenting the highs and lows of parenting with humour and living fairly modestly (at one point) then they created the monsters they became themselves by thinking that they were on track to becoming celebrities and acting like they already were! There is something so... distasteful about them, I can’t quite explain what it is. They just seem so gauche and braggy to me.

MOD slagged her off on here, without provocation btw, called her a cringy social climber.
What really highlights MOD’s character is I can also remember Inpo life driving all the way to Ramsgate to do a run with MOD and the pair of them gramming the crap out of it some months prior.
I can’t fathom, since Alicegate, how Gimmie has managed to hang on to any friends at all (e.g the Paris trip). Ugh. She’s repugnant.
That’s awful! I don’t know much about Inpo but she seems very honest about her mental health struggles - for Gimme to behave so disingenuously and so uncompassionately is disgraceful. Whatever Inpo is or isn’t, she didn’t deserve that. I’m sure it was in their mutual interest to ‘gram themselves out running 🥱 but I bet Inpo thought they had some sort of real life friendship. It’s so clear that Alice was an outlet for Gimmie’s real thoughts and feelings, including the ones she posted about FOD!
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