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He’s edited that post within the last 15 minutes and removed (as far as I can see) the ‘pile of bricks’ terminology.... still describing it as Georgian however. How dumb does he have to be to continually edit these blatant lies when the world of Tattle has the original screenshots to evidence his Pinocchio behaviour?
He has removed it! It was built in 1888 though so nowhere near Georgian. Maybe ‘finding papers from 1794’ during the ‘Reno’ has confused his tiny brain.
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Lmao the legacy of those burton jeans, I must confess when I first met my husband he had a drawer full of them that his mum had bought him over Christmases of yesteryear (bless her, it is his fault he needed the help he has never been that way inclined) so trust me I’m an experienced eye x I even found a crusty old distressed effect burton top (of early 00s) the other day and wondered how that had evaded detection & capture for 5 years 😳

This pivot to interiors is 100000% to grow their ever declining audience and maybe even wholly re position his #brand? Clearly the cringe content isn’t working anymore, kids are growing older and might start demanding workers rights or worse - reparations. I don’t know what the Erica Davies et al husbands are wearing but we need a personal stylist session with the new John Lewis lounges stat #ad #declaredadthistime #thanksjohn
I can’t thank you enough for the Burton jeans reference because I had a flash back of my 19 year old self going in to Burtons, to buy my, then boyfriend, some jeans for Christmas. I felt so grown up and confident making those style choices for my bf. I thought Fuck it let’s get him a lovely burtons top too! I gave them him Christmas Eve - I have never seen a face so full of anger and disappointment...he said “did you really get me jeans from Burtons?”
Quickly dumped that fkr and never went into Burtons again! 😂😂😂
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The Reno post has the wiff of Clemmie about it. If she is away, I wouldn’t put it past her to have pre-approved the content ready for Simon to put online
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Ps would love to know how many leads this generates for west one & how many of them actually convert after seeing ££. As many ppl here have pointed out, their audience are not for them so why they’ve done this is beyond me. Emperors new clothes tbh
Given that most of his followers live in trailers in the Deep South or are bots I’m guessing the London based bathroom specialists ain’t gonna be seeing any great returns on the FOD venture. Backed the wrong horse there fellas 🙄
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My grandfather lives in a 2 million pound home in London. The kitchen was the same for almost 30 years and only got done up after after the cupboards doors had already actually started falling off and even then he went to Homebase.
But does he live there because he bought it 50 years ago for £2.50?
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Yep, and that season ticket is what shocked me tbh at £7k it is a killer, he said recently he only wfhs 1 day a week (maybe Clem scheduled her day to use it on the other?) so he likely is paying close to that. We are very comfortable as a household but after growing up poor I am incredibly financially prudent / fearful and that side of their life has always filled me with horror. Although they’re from money so will likely always be okay, we have to remember there are adults out there still receiving allowances from parents, or who just get gifted properties. We are not all in the same boat sponcon or not 😂
We do also need to remember these two fkers have a huge chunk of money sat in their company account from previous soul selling ventures. Also if he’s not as daft as he looks and he earns £80k a year, (it wont be PAYE salaried right?) he’ll be, wherever possible, trying to keep himself under the higher tax threshold, his travel costs will be offset, his “home office” and everything that that entails from WiFi- gas will be offset and he’s probably also offsetting his Burton Jeans collection as work uniform! That alone probs takes his basic down to £52k 😜
But like you say, if they’ve got monied parents then they’ll be fine and dandy!

No shits given here 🙋‍♀️ for their speedy demise! 👋
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.. .

I listened to some of it. As I said in an earlier post, he mentions he has a closer relationship to all four girls because he spends the most time with them as he works from home and does the school runs, he‘s around more because Clemmie working and he’s the soft touch.

He also said something along the lines of - that for around a year when the twins were 2.5 yrs, one wanted to be called a he and dress in boys clothes or maybe it was trousers.

He’s not worried about the eldest girl getting older/meeting boys but the 9 yo will be different as she is very outgoing and FLIRTY. At the beginning of the podcast he mentioned being surrounded by vaginas. He also said he would have loved more children.
Gross. A dad saying they're surrounded by vaginas. Classy. You're not woke you just sound like a try hard.
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ahahahaha this is SCATHING! he’s been put in his place 😂

I can’t imagine the SODs put much emphasis on education at home as it’s not an #instagrammable #moment #fulloflols and #madness and I’ve never heard any of them talk about books / museums / anything along those lines...I know you don’t see everything on Instagram but if I know how much your bathroom sink is I think it’s safe to say we have a pretty holistic picture of the rest.
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so what do we think this all means for brand #SOD?

Theory: West one applying pressure to have their work showcased, SODs delayed in hope of Clemmie comeback content, had to do something and it ended up on Simon’s page to appease the vendors who likely covered workmen & wangled those sweet discounts?

They must know Clem can’t come back with something so gaudy, she has to repent for her sins so will probs do some white saviouring abroad and come back to share about her self discovery??? Then look for sponcon, obvs x

Ps would love to know how many leads this generates for west one & how many of them actually convert after seeing ££. As many ppl here have pointed out, their audience are not for them so why they’ve done this is beyond me. Emperors new clothes tbh
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Unpopular opinion but I preferred Alice to MOD, tbf. She fit right in here (apart from her defence of herself, of course ‘her passion for midwifery shone through’ LMAO. How the fuck did she think she’d get away with that?). You could tell MOD always had an underlying contempt for all the other Instamums. It’s just a shame that she couldn’t be herself on her Insta and tried to play the game when she didn’t really need to. I despise all these instacliques. You can tell a mile off that they’re all trying to scramble to be Queen Bee and for all the ‘I’m so sad and feel betrayed’ posts, they’d all stab each other in the back without a minutes thought. Just look how much of a deal they all made out of MODs downfall (Hungermama, I’m looking at you).
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The original house owner has liked all the snarky comments about the ‘reno’ on their actual before and after photos so they obviously are pissed off.
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These ‘mammas’ are so basic bloody hell. Names don’t normally set me off, but Axel and Gigi? They say “like” every two seconds and are laughing like Beavis and Butthead constantly. Ok so Anya is a flirt!!! That is actually fucking disgusting. She apparently flirts with people, holds their gaze... Jesus H Christ I’ve heard it ALL!!! He’s revolting.
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I’m still not over him talking about Anya like she’s some kind of flirtatious minx, how indescribably vile. I’d love to do a case study on him and his disgusting, daughter selling ways.
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Chatty Member
It’s appealing to zero potential customers, surely?? Like who is going to take their average budget for a bathroom refit and go ‘nah fuck it let’s spend the job lot (and some) on a bath’
Seeing someone getting it for free (plus a small slice of their soul being sold on Insta) means I'd never consider it. Maybe I'm petty but why should I shell out tens of thousands when the instagrammer hasn't and will happily rip it all out for new content when the next freebie comes.

Edited to make up for shocking typos 🙈
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I said this on the last thread bit I assume there were tax implications for all involved and they needed to complete the contract (is shoring off the gifted stuff) within the tax year. Hence it being done very randomly before 31 Jan apropos of nothing else related on his feed.

I’m now predicting a valentines return for Clemmie. Tagged on to love as a theme. Love Si for support love people who’ve reached out blah blah.
Given that she first called her husband a ‘twat’ on Valentine’s Day last year, I highly doubt that there will be a V Day return, this year!


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Did I miss something did FOD post from Kenya ?

But how the hell does he maintain that role and level , if he is there with being such a twat? He’s constantly acting like an infant, never professional, always jetting off, does stupid things that could easily breach any corporate’s social media policy, moans about work constantly on a public account , doesn’t show any leadership abilities , could you imagine him managing anyone ?! Worlds gone mad
Exactly this! Imagine looking online to find out about him professionally and coming across his IG account which is the first return when you Google him... unless you’re running a failing circus (and you want it to do even worse) then why on earth would you engage with this twit? All he does is prat about wasting time. Plus he cannot spell, his grammar is appalling, he is not a good writer at all in terms of how he constructs he crappy little stories, he does not come across as having any gravitas - there is nothing about his online presence which could possibly sell him in a business sense. And I don’t think he could argue IG is just for Lolzzzzz because IG shows him exactly as he is - a massive self-obsessed bell end!
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Chatty Member
Marnie is 8 or 9. You cannot call a kid that young flirty!!

also - these women that did the podcast have apparently been trying to pin him down for a year - a year ago he would have been too busy with #gifted holidays / red carpets etc!!!

Now that's all dried up he is as free as a bird!!
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It is strange, that he hasn't been called out about it. My contract back then, and that was before social media and side-projects were big things, was worded that carrying out personal work, even un job-related was forbidden, unless permission was given from HR/Board. The company must be aware and watching...perhaps FOD isn't getting that performance bonus this year😁 Plus the company is all about professionalism and reputation. If he was my member of staff, he would be on disciplinary/sacked.
I’ve thought about this before. A lot. Can you imagine turning up to an important meeting and that tosser being sat there. There is no way you could take him seriously in business if you were familiar with his Instagram. If I were his boss, that would be a worry for me.

The time he must waste when he could be working, spending quality time with his kids. Volunteering for a charity!!

One of the crazy girl fans said “I bet you wouldn’t say that to his face!” Actually I spend too much of my spare time fantasising about the possibility of bumping into FOD and telling him exactly what I think of him and his wife right to his smug face.
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