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I think they must have realised what they could get from the Insta game around that time but they became so greedy and desperate for the top spot. Does anyone remember the blatant beg for a new washing machine and tumble dryer and then hey presto, a few days later the Miele #ad was up? Then it was all Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie an #ad after midnight!
Yep I remember this! Loads of influencers do it... can anyone recommend bla bla bla??! So blatant. All the replies they must get from their sheep who actually believe they care about their opinion when all they want are the free white goods! Mega cringe.
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He unfollowed 86 accounts on insta last night according to social blade... probs 86 brands he’s pitched to & aren’t interested in sending him freebies 😂
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He obviously reads here as does ‘Alice’ so why does he keep churning out these desperate attempts to get likes.
Go parent your 4 girls and stop with the ridiculously staged attempts to stay relevant.
You and Alice had your time. You used it/abused it and showed no humility.
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He’s probably on a high now he’s posted some #ad content, euphoric recall to the good old days where they didn’t have to pay for so much as an onion. Maybe he thinks this’ll attract new brands to offer freebies... try our loo roll / hand towels / etc etc.

I don’t feel bad for them at all tbh. I feel bad for my eyes having to see those tragic Burton jeans and slither of boxer shaking its way across my phone’s screen tho.
Haaaa! I did literally just wee a little bit!
“Burton Jeans” killed me 😂😂😂
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This thing where women pander to him like he’s some world renowned expert on ‘girls’ is so bloody odd. He’s a man who has girls like a lot of men. The mother barely seems to spend anytime with the kids and goes away at every opportunity. They dysfunctional on so many levels. Why is he on a podcast as an expert?! It’s the opposite of female empowerment. Getting a man do explain to two women how to bring up girls.
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I have been having a philosophical moment. I have been thinking about MOD and all that wonderful stuff that has been #gifted to her, and this insta friendly house she brought to show off in the grid and all the special clothes she brought to project a certain image of herself. She has all the stuff and is sat at home(probably) doing nothing...surrounded by all this stuff and no one to show it off to and no one to give her constant affirmations about it all.

How very sad. And the thing is I do not feel 1 ounce of sorrow for her. She is the architect of her own downfall. She knew exactly what she was doing. She was at it for a long time. Imagine being so stupid as to base your life around photographs. That really is bloody dumb!
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I'm not. Those bloody lilypad tiles are like shit in a field in all of the instarenohun's houses and all of them are #gifted. Makes me wonder if they ever actually sell any tiles. Also, what is the tax position on all of the free stuff? Presumably the businesses in question must have to account for it, but how does it work for the grifters on the receiving end?
Someone mentioned this earlier- I spoke to hubby about the tax stuff a few weeks ago (he’s an accountant but not one that does personal tax stuff) he said it’s not so straight forward but, if the insta huns are doing ADs, and getting the “item or items” for free, then the reality is, it is payment (in kind) and the whole value of the gifted item should be disclosed as income for tax purposes. What he didn’t know is what the rules are on the gifted stuff- he said, if someone just sends them stuff unsolicited then there’s no contract and if they (influencers) decide to mention it then it could be chalked up as a gift. However, if the gift comes with the request to mention it e.g. here’s some free burton jeans 👖 can you do a shout out on your page...then that is a contract “offer, acceptance and consideration” and therefore it’s payment for services. He said it’s probably a whole area of tax that’s isnt on HMRC radar and is only just evolving- he suggested tattlers should ask the question of HMRC AND mention Sly as an example 😜😂
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Financially it just seems like a dumb move to spend that much money on a newly renovated house just to drop even more on redoing stuff, however much stuff was discounted, gifted etc. A large value of that 700k was for all the work that had already been done. It's not like they will have added value, just swapped out style details surely?Not to mention environmentally/ethically problematic etc.

I also remember MOD even complained about the builders taking so long on their bathroom and having other jobs to do at the same time as theirs.
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He’s such a massive bellend. Zero integrity.

Astonishing to see how the house was absolutely fine before they moved in. Well suppose if companies are falling over themselves to gift you stuff or offer you massive discounts........Trotters up, snouts in the troff comes to mind.
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I just simply don’t understand who on earth they thought they were appealing to and inspiring by ad tagging and showing off that bathroom (and kitchen and other bathroom etc etc). Only seriously wealthy people can drop £25k+ on an EN-SUITE bathroom, and seriously wealthy people aren’t following her for inspo tips. How long can your average follower put up with and enjoy continually admiring decor that is outrageously beyond their reach? It doesn’t make sense to me who they were trying to reach? Were they (and I mean mod really) just well and truly showing off or just not caring as long as they got the money?
My grandfather lives in a 2 million pound home in London. The kitchen was the same for almost 30 years and only got done up after after the cupboards doors had already actually started falling off and even then he went to Homebase.
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They have family photos running up the stair case and the twins toys are in the kids room with the yellow sofa - a drawing board and boxes of stuff - and their bedroom.
This is what is so wrong - you shouldn't have that level of knowledge about their house as a stranger. I wouldn't be able to make such a detailed description of some of my friends houses. This is possible though because they've completely sold out on their privacy and that of their children.
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ASA complaint done re the brands and FOD. It's a faff, but has to be done. I don't mind seeing ads, or gifted or discounted, as can just scroll on by, but why can't everyone be honest about it, as #itiswhatitis so just own it! The brands are just as bad as the FODs for encouraging and enabling such falsities. Also, wish that the exact #pressdiscount had to be disclosed too.
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We’ve all heard of ‘be careful what you wish for’.

The Hoopers are a prime example of getting what they wished for and that wish has now poured a whole load of shite back on top of them.
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I looked at his account yesterday and the "baby biting" post and the exuberance shown for the topic on a lot of the replies ("I have always wanted to lick newborns", "im 18 and my dad still likes to do this every now & then", "We bite our 1 and 2 year old all the time") made me feel queasy. He knows what he's doing. He knows the photo and caption will appeal to a certain audience. This is just grim and MOD is as bad for giving this kind of thing her tacit approval.
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I really don't think the 30 hours free childcare will be a concern for them if he's on 100k plus?! For the one day a week max they both work! I managed to pay childcare when I was a student and know loads of people who manage multiple kids childcare costs on a fraction of their wages as I'm sure many people on here do!
Saying that I'm really enjoying the info from you guys, it's fascinating! Also love that there's clearly people here from a huge range of backgrounds and experiences all with a shared loathing bringing us all together ✊
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Just listened to some of that Podcast mentioned above. FOD says he probably has a closer relationship with all four girls than their Mum, probably because he’s a soft-touch, brings them to/from school and because he works from home is around much more than she is - she’s off working/doing her shift.

Thought that was interesting, I’d be hurt if I were Clemmie.
Wow! That is a very hurtful thing to say. So that begs the question… Is she working then? Where is Clemmie? Shall we get T-shirts on with #FindClemmie.??
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I messaged the writer of the Standard piece on Twitter. The deranged fan girls really fascinate me. I can never get over how ferociously they defend them. Talk about choosing the wrong hill to die on. I will defend the money grabbing fake scam artists until my last breath.
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