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Wheeling out a baby pic to try and cling onto his followers... DESPERATE!
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She didn’t go on safari with her mummy, she met her in Zanzibar at a hotel.
Did I miss something did FOD post from Kenya ?

About eleven years ago, I worked for the one of the companies that merged to form the company FOD works at. I was in a mid level marketing role, not director level and was on £65k, plus bonus of 10% (sometimes uplifted due to company/regional performance) and every benefit (pension, healthcare, car allowance, etc), so I imagine that his basic salary is probably about, if not above £100k plus a higher bonus for director level.
But how the hell does he maintain that role and level , if he is there with being such a twat? He’s constantly acting like an infant, never professional, always jetting off, does stupid things that could easily breach any corporate’s social media policy, moans about work constantly on a public account , doesn’t show any leadership abilities , could you imagine him managing anyone ?! Worlds gone mad
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I blew raspberries on my kids as babies. As per the regs. Doesn’t everyone? But nibbling or biting?
What the actual fuck? I.....I....what is going on? Is this a thing? Someone make this septic turd stop.
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There was a tradesman who commented a few threads previously that the gave them discount when fitting their flooring (might have been something else) but it was just after Alice gate they were on the thread. I'm not sure if their company got a mention or not. Seemed so weird to me ! They already got the stuff for free , then discount installing it
No fucking way!! I’m split between that poor man and what a fucking mug! I know I keep saying ghastly but they are so very ghastly, there’s one thing accepting freebies from big corps TM but a self employed tradesman?! 🥴🤢 sorry but they’ve been dragged up the pair of them
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All that ‘hard work’ they’ve put into that house to make it so Instagram friendly ... most of the pictures are on MODs account so now no one can see. Makes me reet laff 😂😂
I suspect were going to see a lot more ‘reno’ posts on FODs account from now on.
Oh he’s already promised us more...I.can.not.fucking.wait! Said nobody ever! I’ll be gagging to see his burton clad fat arse dancing again after renovershare 🤮🙄
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Gigi, maybe. Luna is very common now, first heard on dog walks. I almost called my last dog Luna, but didn’t want the connotation with loony. Kit is uncommon. I do know someone who had a son in the Eighties and called him Kit. I also know a grownup man in his sixties called Kit.
Kit is super common since GOT - Kit Harrington - you know nothing Mustard Snow 😜
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Chatty Member
The poor twins in therapy later on in their life... it’s one thing to realize that your parents were not perfect and made mistake but it’s a whole other level realizing that they knew what they were doing, were even warned by strangers online and still sold your life for free bath and didn’t have your best interest in mind :(
You just have to wonder how they’ll ‘sell’ all this to the twins in the future, how they ‘sell’ it to the older 2 now:

“It’s okay to exploit you because you get private school!” “It’s okay to exploit you because we went to Disney World and had fun moaning about jet lag!” “It’s okay to exploit you because we had to have a £4000 sink.”
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This is completely dependent on area of the country and living costs. We have a joint income of £111k and, while I wouldn’t say we struggle on two kids, we most definitely could not afford a 3rd or 4th without some very heavy set backs.
Sure of course it is. My point is they managed before Instagram so I’m sure they will be fine loosing sponsors. And I will never feel sorry for him and Clemmie.
However, I do feel sorry for the kids, but that’s for many reasons.
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First time poster here! 👋🏻 I’m curious - does anyone know why the previous occupants of SOD Towers sold up? It seems like they spent a ton of money and time doing it up but moved on pretty quickly. Everyone has their reasons of course but if I’d invested so much in a place I’d never want to leave!
They made around 300k tax free from flipping it, I'd sell it for that kind of profit in two years!
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Hello! 🤗Longtime lurker, first time poster. Found this site following the clemmie hoo ha. Anyway looking at those photos of the ‘reno’, they were taken by a professional photographer and are obvs stylised. Screams magazine shoot to me.
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Wishing I hadn’t but just looked at the ear nibbling post and now I feel a bit sick.

While it definitely is a thing. Why would you feel the need to share that online to all the bloody ponces and weirdos to wank over!! (Commenters included) Grim.
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I just fell down an INPO hole. Wow. All the ads. I can’t figure what she’s about.

Was she somehow wronged by MOD? I just scrolled down to a post in Nov “I’ve had to learn that not everyone will like you and that’s ok”.....
MOD slagged her off on here, without provocation btw, called her a cringy social climber.
What really highlights MOD’s character is I can also remember Inpo life driving all the way to Ramsgate to do a run with MOD and the pair of them gramming the crap out of it some months prior.
I can’t fathom, since Alicegate, how Gimmie has managed to hang on to any friends at all (e.g the Paris trip). Ugh. She’s repugnant.
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I dont want to defend the OD's.. but they were allowed to reno it. They brought it. They can do whatever they fucking well like.

Regardless of if the previous owners had just done a reno. The previous owners are now being shady on Instagram? (If I've been reading right). That's petty. That's life. You sold it, you dont get a say anymore.

The new reno is lovely. But soulless. It doesn't look like a home. It doesnt look like children live there. And itll date poorly.

And he needs to be fucking honest about #ad and all that. Highly doubt he just forgot. Theyve done enough sponsored shit to know the rules.

Dont be sneaky sysy. The internet is watching.
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Chatty Member
I'm listening .. I'm still listening to these two women chatter on about shite it's not enjoyable ..

He still thinks he has 1million followers 😂 he just said that!
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I love Dudewithsign. He’s always 👌🏼
Only problem is one of the creators behind the account is the owner of JerryMedia/fuckjerry who have been known to steal other people’s content and pass it off as their own. He also did the marketing for Fyre Festival.

He is just as shady as the Hoopers!!
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VIP Member
The poor twins in therapy later on in their life... it’s one thing to realize that your parents were not perfect and made mistake but it’s a whole other level realizing that they knew what they were doing, were even warned by strangers online and still sold your life for free bath and didn’t have your best interest in mind :(
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