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VIP Member
I wonder how long CT’s Labour was? Mine was 2.5 hours for my daughter. Midwife one got there with 20 mins to go. Midwife two and student midwife were surprised they made it at all but got there with five minutes to go. I wonder if this is quite common with home births.
Third babies can be very speedy.
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Chatty Member
Surprised nobody has commented on the "some of the best things in life are free" captions on his stories..
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Chatty Member
Omg have I missed something?! How does Tattle know where they live? Or are we talking just general Ramsgate? Also how do we know about the big girls schools? This tea is PIPING hot someone please pour me a cup!!
In one of the threads there was a link to a magazine that had an article about their house (and the previous renovation). Can't remember where. But the house also has a name and it's really easy to find on google.. Don't know about the girls' schools though. I tried googling the nursery (I was just interested if I could find it knowing how the uniform looks like) but had no luck.. Whatever don't really care (not a creep!)
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I watched her “Reno” 🙄🙄🙄 stories and seems that she’s basically ripped out the previous bathroom and dressing room to swap them around! More money than sense.

FOD’s turned the comments off on last nights post, obviously went down like a lead balloon.
I can still comment? I’ve just checked. Unless he’s turned them back on.

He actually replied to this comment!!


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So he's posted vids of himself dancing like he's dropped an E, referred to the dog as his 'son', jumped off buildings in broad daylight quite possibly recorded by one of the daughters, shown great concern regarding mass hairband disappeance - I'm beginning to wonder whether Clammie really isn't laying low in general and that she's in fact laying low under the patio. The man has gone potty 😂
Oh isn’t that his normal postings?

We new people don’t know. I’ve only looked at his posts since the “troll” news to see what he is saying about it. I think there has been four posts. He is too crude for me to look back over previous weeks.
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Chatty Member
I’m just reading his latest post and he’s engaged in the last 10mins with a fair few people who’ve commented.. and funnily enough, with 16likes, the is your wife still under the bus comment is still there 😂😂
I think he might wait a bit longer and then block all people who have liked this comment (I just did with one of my insta accounts - well I only have 2- to see if he blocks me.)
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Chatty Member
Now he’s taken the stats out of his original post (not the infomatic, the words he wrote) but left the part up about masterbating on the sofa.

I am truly at a loss to how this man has so many followers.
Oh there are lots of nitwits on Instagram who have loads of followers it’s amazing what rubbish people lap up
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Off topic but I have bought a DBHF box, and my mum (mother’s day) absolutely loved it. TBH I don’t mind her or Gemma mutha.hood or any other shop owner advertising stuff to me because they’re running a business. If I follow a business account, I expect adverts. When it’s part time Midwife, full time influencer MOD is when it’s grating
Totally agree with this, there are some very talented women who happen to be mums who sell those things on SM and I'm happy to follow and support. I know what I signed up for by following them and enjoy when they work together with other small businesses, swapping items of clothing and tagging each other etc. I don't feel lied to.
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*however it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that he did know. “Yeah, you gotta make it believable, so stick something in there about me being a twat”.
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Ouch...the story cycle is in full swing still and this one is “promoted” this story isn’t going away any time soon! Popped up in time line 5mins ago... (I recognise the story is from the 13th Nov but they’re still paying for it to be promoted which means it must be performing well)

!View attachment 59404
See, I genuinely don’t know why this has still got mileage. In The Times now? Jees. A few posts on Tattle, I still wonder what else she did to warrant such an uproar from the other influbeggars. I re-read TMS post (rabbit one) and from that anyone would assume MOD had done worse. CT unfollowed MOD despite nowt having been said about her by MOD. But then again CT must think by association MOD may disrupt her “career” on Insta 🤷🏼‍♀️

I often wonder this about Steph DBHF. I really like how relatable she is BUT it is endless videos of Frank and she doesn’t seem to receive any kind of back lash for it? I can’t understand the mentality behind it.
I quite like watching Steph’s stories although I have little interest in Frank destroying her kitchen utensils so I skip through them now. He is cute but I don’t know why she stories so much on him toddling about. She should maybe have a private account for that. She is quite likeable and relatable in terms of juggling motherhood with three kids - I started following her about two years after she established her business so maybe she was businesswoman first rather than the others which seem to be a waste of space begging.
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Every time i look on MODs account she has unfollowed more people so not doing herself any favours for a comeback unless people are removing her from their followed list (done it myself so its possible), noticed the count has dropped to 659k, not sure what it was before this?
I think she had 667 before Alice
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Bella Mackie is only known by virtue of being Alan Rusbridger’s daughter, surely?

A sort of poor man’s Scarlett Curtis/Honey Kinny/Campbell child? (sorry don’t know her name - the one that shows off about not shaving her armpits/having a famous (not in a good way) dad?
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Sorry to sound really dense... just listening to Loose Lips podcast (Luisa zissman and Anna williamson) where they talk about mod/tattle, Luisa said that ultimate girl gang was the one who outed her!! Is this true? I only became aware until her apology but would love to know what made her do so.. UGG has been relatively quiet during all this. Can anyone provide insight to this!
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