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I know there was some speculation about this last week but I really think it would make sense for Clemmie to be a guest on the High Low this week to talk about things from her side. She's been on before so will be relatively comfortable around Dolly and Pandora, they're under the same management so unlikely to slate her but normally offer a fairly balanced argument on whatever topic, it'll giver her a chance to say yes I was a dick and got carried away but this is all out of proportion.

Considering the press coverage I thought their silence on it last week was obviously because they'd been told not to talk about it by management but they must have had people writing in about it, not sure they can avoid this week especially considering the glee with which they jumped on the Colleen Rooney/Rebekah Vardy narrative!

Edited to add it will inevitably bump their ratings up... the amount of people who don't normally listen who will tune in to hear Clemmie's side of the story will be huge!
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I still follow them both, now more out of morbid curiosity than anything else because this instamummy drama completely passed me by, but fuck me does he have to write a sermon on every post?
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The unmumsy mum has just posted about unposed photos meaning so much which, to me, is completely relatable. Shows the huge gap between a genuine account and a mean girl mum in my opinion
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Re previous chat about clemmie doing an interview - i think we have all just seen what happens when a self righteous, arrogant pompous buffoon goes on the record to “tell their side”. Clemmie would not be up to presenting herself sympathetically. I’ve said it many times before. The woman is not intelligent enough. She is tone deaf, she is a loose cannon. Independent Talent must know this. Allow her loose in front of a camera or a mic & she will bomb.
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I’ve said on previous threads but I fell hook line and sinker for all the instamum crap when my son was born. I have three Mama tops, my boyfriend has a Papa t shirt I bought, Tiba and marl nappy bag (which the zip has ripped the lining of), sleepyhead my child hated etc etc. I nearly bought that rug too
The zips on Tiba and Marl bags are total crap mine pulled off too. So much money for a poorly made bag. This was before #AD and thought they all had these bags because they were good 🙄
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I know some midwives at Kings. I can’t imagine any of them giving a shiny shit about the whole thing, beyond a bit of idle workplace gossip about how bonkers the whole thing is. I haven’t asked them about it though.
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I could be completely wrong but the cynical side of me thinks none of them are friends. Yes MOD delivered CT’s baby, but I reckon she asked her because it was a good PR move not because they’re besties.
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When the scandal broke, I went back to MoD’s first posts here, and started from there, but I have only just registered!
Some screenshots - from my weeks of reading!!

Firstly, I just *love* how she first called her husband a ‘twat’ on Valentine’s Day (there were other instances, too!):

When the Valentine’s Day affection had passed, she went on to call him a ‘twerp’:

Note that she said that he is a ‘management consultant’, which she later forgot:

Interesting comment regarding the grandparents and the daughters’ school fees...

She liked this comment; I get the feeling that she *definitely* has an issue with FoD’s extreme over-sharing of the girls:

Finally, a shout-out to @keeprowing (Guest/Instamum?) and @Pollyponsonby, who, as far as I could see, were the very first, here, to call her out/realise who ‘Alice’ really was:

Just some observations, particularly, for newer members, who can’t be bothered to scroll back!
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Plus, if I am an average non instagrammer, and these brands are unknown outside the influencer world, owning/wearing this stuff immediately labels you as someone who was influenced!

Not a good look!
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Just had a nose at their house pre MOD/FOD ‘reno’. It was soooo beautiful. What a monumental waste of money ‘renovating’ it. I mean each to their own I guess but it makes me wince to see how they ripped such a beautiful and freshly renovated house back to the bones 😱.
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I think it appeals to people who want to portray the sentiment of the label/wording but can’t. So they write it on themselves.
I get what you’re saying but I’ve been through some horrific things in my time and I’ve come out stronger, sometimes I need a bit of a reminder and a T-shirt does the trick, a bit like a suit of armour on my bad days.

I probably sound like an instadick but I’m quite nice and normal 😂
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I had twins in 2017 and was directed to them there, sadly one of my twins died at birth at 37 weeks so I unfollowed from there, simply bc it was too painful for me to see twins and especially identical twin girls as mine were. I never really had anything ‘against’ the ODs I found tattle after the whole thing and mainly went on to unfollow a lot of the super salesy Instagrammers I used to like (CT, SM, inpo etc). So the whole thing really changed how I look at Instagram and how it was making me feel (shit) also how you can have so much that others might love to have (ods) and still not be happy. It made me look into my own shit - working on being grateful for all I have rather than jealous I’m not in a girl gang or have 30k followers 😂 xx
I’m sorry about the loss of your daughter. 💕

If LaplandUK stopped gifting to wealthy scroungers their tickets might be more affordable (and more available - nearly completely sold out) to ordinary folk who will appreciate the experience so much more.
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What is interesting is when will fod post an Ad next? I would put money on something in the next week. Must be killing him to miss out on some of the Xmas marketing money
They must be shitting themselves...everyone else is making a start on their Christmas shopping, meanwhile all they can do is sit and wait it out and pray that all the show off GIFTED presents they'd planned on giving the girls will still materialise. They probably don't even remember what it's like to go into a shop and have to pay for things, I mean who would when all you have to do is drop hints on your instagram page and they'll be handed to you for free
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I can’t get over how photoshopped that M&S picture is!
Yes it is very heavily photoshopped. Her head has been photoshopped onto the neck, you can easily tell because the neck is too long and the head is at an unnatural angle. Looks very odd. I showed it to a colleague who is a graphic designer and they confirmed it was photoshopped, in their expert opinion, and they wanted to contact M&S and offer their services because the graphic designers they're using are properly shit.
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Chatty Member
thread suggestion:
Father of daughters keeps posting his shit, with no hide or hair of the Mother, but lo and behold she goes and pops up on a podcast by Kate from Big Brother!
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I’m sure you’re right unfortunately and that is the most pathetic, desperate move I’ve seen from all of them. But again they have zero respect for their kids privacy so might as well profit from their birth as well 🤮
It's the ready made insta baby, delivered and shared by a big account. So while in recovery they can refresh how many likes they get and start emailing brands about ads.

I'm being slightly hyperbolic, but I don't think it's that far away from the truth.
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She got away with so much for so long, the worst things she posted directly on her own account and should have been questioned a long time ago.

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We're all consumers @Apricotflangebucket influenced one way or another, if you're on instagram it's hard to avoid this kind of influencer marketing. Even if you're aware of the phycology behind it it's still easy to be affected by these influencers with their seemingly perfect lives, all the clothes, all the gifts, lovely homes, luxury holidays, lavish events and beautiful families. It doesn't matter who you are and what you have it leaves you feeling like shit sometimes because it's unobtainable. If you're working so hard it does suck when you see these influencers getting so much for free. They're not spending a penny and selling all these products to us, but it's not the products we're buying, we're being suckered (conned) into aspiring to be like them whilst spending our hard earned cash to the brands that are funding them. "if you want to be as (insert aspiration here, great/happy/successful etc) as me buy this, that or the other." I'm telling you that swipe up feature is dangerous! It's not just mums either, I can't imagine how it feels to be a teenager/young person right now.[/B]
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