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I am a longtime lurker and first time poster. A few years ago I heard (via a very well placed source - a girl I went to school with who is friends with my sister) that another girl I know of from school employed MOD’s former nanny, a young, sweet Spanish girl, who MOD had not paid minimum wage or given a contract. The nanny wanted more hours and agreed this with MOD, who wrote her a reference. When the nanny got a new job with the girl I know from school, who is in a top PR job so knows her employment law, she asked the nanny what her notice period with MOD was and when she found out she didn’t have a contract and wasn’t even being paid minimum wage she suggested that she start immediately. Apparently MOD went nuts and called her up to retract the positive reference she’d given the nanny. And she told MOD to piss off. I believe this is what triggered MOD’s vitriolic outburst in her IG stories about the nanny and this other person (the father of twins) defending her.
Well well well, it’s all coming out now, isn’t it. Maybe MOD thought the nanny had #gifted her services 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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Actually feel a little heartbroken seeing all that gorgeous work they ripped out of that house to make it into generic Pinterest mockups
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God he's so boring, is the most interesting thing that's happened to him this week is a Disney song playing on Spotify?

When he posts you can download from here and unloading to here, makes the threads better to read for when they expire
View attachment 59148
Why does he never post these in real time? I’d have a teeny tiny bit of respect for him if these things were actually genuine musings and not recorded and posted at ‘peak’ time. 🙄
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Gordon Bennet what a thunder cunt he is! I hate this story so much. Just twatting it out there.
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Confessions are coming in now. No rug for me although I did swipe up at it once to see the price. (It has puzzled me why this particular rug was hailed as the holy grail). I confess to (about two years ago) buying a Mama hoody from SM. Mama written in huge letters on the back. Overpriced. I was once about to head out in it with my other half and he said, “you’re not...going out in that...are you”. It is relegated to only wearing in the house when it’s cold as I stopped in my tracks and agreed. I wouldn’t wear it out. Overpriced. A hoody from a supermarket would have done the same bloody job. Why did I pay £50 for Mama to be printed on it? Also bought a bag Clemmie once advertised. Regret, zip bust after a few uses.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve found some nice decently items off instagram posts. But it’s certaining causing people (mainly women) to buy stuff they bloody don’t need. Especially mums up feeding at 3am. I have been known to get confirmation emails when I next wake up and then I genuinely have forgotten what I’ve ordered.

Tbh I think MOD will be in a bad place knowing that magazines are now doing articles. It’s all gone beyond the mileage now. That screenshot someone posted a few pages ago, with someone on Instagram saying that they had reported MOD. What on earth was that actually about?
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Omg totally!!! She's loaded we all know that, why can't she just buy her tickets and promote the gifted ones or do a competition!
There’s a saying, ‘money goes to money’... and this is how the rich stay rich!
I have a moderately wealthy minor-celeb friend who is gifted stuff all the time (eg a vi-spring bed and mattress. Not the most sexy but £££ all the same and they could well afford to buy it but who’s going to decline a new bed?) and they would think nothing of borrowing a fiver or tenner here and there from me when caught short... but NEVER remembering to pay it back. So I feel like a chump because who wants to be the type of person to ask for a fiver back... 😳

So don't lynch me, but despite everything, I would miss seeing FOD's posts if he left the gram.
So don't lynch me, but despite everything, I would miss seeing FOD's posts if he left the gram.
It’s okay. You’re in a safe place. You can speak freely.
It’s a well-known disease, easily contracted, called ‘hate-watching’. We all do it.
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Clones is exactly what they are. I get especially turned off when ok see they have art by Margo in Margate.... 😣
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View attachment 59275
Hi! I’m new here too (via the OD drama) but what a revelation!! Somewhere to vent instead of yelling at my phone (everyone does that right?!) Anyway THIS bloody gifted trip to Lapland UK Binky Felstead posted earlier is the exact bollocks that winds everyone up! She can bloody afford it anyway but still the “gift” word is so tiny it can barely be seen!!! Why not pay her way and maybe send a sick child instead?! Slightly off topic but generally the same point I hope? Don’t want to get KO’d before I’ve got started! 🤭
Omg I am loving this site!! 👍
Boils my blood tbh, one of mine has a lifelong health condition and is in and out of Hosp and we went here a couple of years ago (it cost us a lot!! But since I don’t go out anywhere for myself it was a good sacrifice to see his face when we got there! I feel the pressure to put magic into his life as anything could happen to him we don’t know whether we will get all the Christmases with him - and it was worth it. But seeing bloody Binky (who this is pennies to, had she reached into her own purse) get this for free? Disgusting. She should have insisted tickets got gifted to families of sick and disabled kids imo.

I see some people hashtagging their kids from birth, the kids weren't given a choice but when they become older and perhaps decide they dont want their childhood on display to anyone thats potentially a lot of stuff to go through to remove the hashtags or all the photos which should be their entire right to do so!
I’ve seen that too - I have friends who hashtag their child’s name. Bizarre really.
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New grazia article (boy they’re milking it lol!) which basically says the instabeggers are bitches because “trolling and talking behind one another’s backs is commonplace”.


They also comment that instabegging is an unregulated industry and people “make it up as they go along”.

It’s a shame that those people are unprofessional gossiping mean girl types that would rather claw each other down than be successful lol!

Clemmie Hooper didn’t just turn her own world upside down when, earlier this month, she admitted to trolling fellow ‘mumfluencers’ under a pseudonym on the now infamous Tattle.Life website. For the Insta mums who Clemmie had taken digs at online, many of whom had considered her a friend, there was real hurt. For the rest of us it’s shone a spotlight on the darker side of a world that is all about aspiration, relatability and inclusivity.

The 35-year-old midwife, who goes by the name Mother of Daughters on her hugely popular Instagram account, rose to fame thanks to her honest updates about motherhood. Yet, after Clemmie’s admission about setting up a fake Tattle.Life profile, her followers have been left wondering what to believe.

In case you aren’t up to speed: Clemmie admitted to posting negative comments about other parenting influencers – even her own husband, Simon – after getting sucked into reading nasty threads about her family on the forum. Clemmie said she began commenting under the pseudonym Alice in Wanderlust because she believed ‘maybe I could change their opinions from the inside to defend my family and I’.

Other users started noticing that Alice’s geo-tag often matched the locations where Clemmie was sharing photographs of her family on Instagram, and that, she says, was when she started trying to cover it up. ‘It became all-consuming and it grew bigger than I knew how to handle,’ she4 wrote online. ‘When users started to suspect it was me, I made the mistake of commenting about others. I regret it all and am deeply sorry.’

'We have to reflect this sort of faux happiness to the world, and that becomes part of your brand. But behind the scenes, trolling and talking behind one another’s backs is commonplace.’
Despite her apology, the scandal showed no sign of dying down last week, spilling out beyond the confines of Instagram to generate headlines in national newspapers and even the New York Post. It puts the world of influencers and Instagram under fresh scrutiny, amid questions as to the authenticity of people’s relationships and personas on the site.

Perhaps most problematic among Clemmie’s anonymous comments were her remarks about black mumfluencer Candice Brathwaite, who she had hosted on her podcast but accused on Tattle.Life of being ‘aggressive’ and of using her ‘race as a weapon’. Her comments saw her accused of perpetuating racist stereotypes, prompting calls from fellow influencer Kelichi Okafor and many others that her future as a practising midwife be called into question by the NHS.

Kelechi’s Instagram was temporarily deleted after the app’s algorithms claimed she was ‘bullying and harassing’ Clemmie. She posted her concern about Hooper remaining a midwife when there are high mortality rates among black women during birth. She told Grazia, ‘I stated in my Instagram Stories, as someone who has suffered a miscarriage and was ignored by midwives and doctors about the level of pain I was in, it seemed clear to me that medical staff aren’t leaving their conscious and unconscious bias at home.’

Certainly, the future of Clemmie’s position at the top of the influencer world is certainly now in question. After the story broke, her following immediately began to fall (she now has 662k, 10,000 fewer than the previous week – although some of those deserting her may have been cancelled out by new followers intrigued by all the drama).

It is also believed that the future of her brand partnerships, which include adidas and Superga, could be in jeopardy. Marks & Spencer issued a statement on Twitter in response to a question about Clemmie’s future with the brand, writing: ‘Clemmie Hooper was included within our autumn campaign among a roster of diverse women. The autumn campaign has now come to an end, as we move into the winter season. Clemmie doesn’t feature in our winter campaign.’

A fellow mumfluencer, who asked not to be named, tells Grazia that this incident has offered a rare insight into the darker side of influencer life, which is normally impenetrably idealised. ‘We have to reflect this sort of faux happiness to the world, and that becomes part of your brand. But behind the scenes, trolling and talking behind one another’s backs is commonplace.’

Grazia’s source says that competitiveness over securing lucrative partnerships and sponsorships is responsible for an increase in rivalry thanks, in part, to the steady influx of new mumfluencers and micro-influencers who arrive on the scene on a daily basis. ‘The market has become pretty saturated with influencers, and that doesn’t help because it means everyone is far more competitive. The budgets are smaller now and harder to get because there are so many of us. Before there were a handful of people, now there are hundreds of people wanting to get that job.’

This is, in turn, responsible for the exaggerated account of the ‘perfect life’ that we see on the grid. ‘We have to put out into the world an interpretation of ourselves that is very tailored, what we think brands want and what we think our followers want,’ said the source. ‘The more tailored you are to brands, the more work you’ll get and the more money you’ll make. This drama is actually exposing the cut-throat playing field that this kind of work has become.’

'At one party we were given different wrist bands according to the number of followers we had. I noticed people’s eyes skimming over my wrist before coming to talk with me.'
While it made headlines, the rivalry suggested by Clemmie in her comments on Tattle.Life is actually not unusual within the influencer community, explained the source. ‘It’s certainly not the first time that an influencer has adopted a fake persona to try and have an effect on a fellow influencer. I’ve definitely heard of others who set up troll accounts to leave negative comments, or even to contact brands and question why they would partner with a certain influencer. Clemmie is just the first person to get caught.’

Georgina Fuller, a journalist who found herself part of the influencer world after a piece she wrote about being a mum without a mum went viral, told Grazia that her short-lived experience was far from pleasant. ‘Behind the glamorous, carefully curated posts and the seemingly candid confessions, I found the world of mumfluencers to be a little cold and calculating at times. At one party we were given different wrist bands according to the number of followers we had. I noticed people’s eyes skimming over my wrist before coming to talk with me.’

A scandal such as Clemmie’s can certainly be career suicide for an influencer – maintaining a squeaky-clean reputation is vital when you are committing to work with what are often big international brands for six-figure sums. Grazia’s source adds, ‘If there’s any sign of controversy, you’ll get dropped by brands instantly – no brand wants to go anywhere near you. People are so hyper-sensitive. You also stand a good chance of being dropped by your management because they just won’t be able to book jobs for you. You can quickly become toxic in the eyes of the brand.’

While at the time of going to press Clemmie had yet to speak out further on the incident, her husband Simon – known as Father of Daughters on Instagram – said he was feeling ‘angry & a bit sad’ in a statement posted to his one million followers. He said he knew nothing of his wife’s actions, adding, ‘I can’t condone or fully understand why Clemmie did what she did.’

But perhaps it was only a matter of time before an influencer spiralled under the pressure. After all, living your life online isn’t a normal world to inhabit. ‘There are so many positives about this life: you are able to connect with people who might find it hard to reach out otherwise, and you can make a difference to people. And anyone who says the money isn’t good is lying,’ said Grazia’s source. ‘But it’s a weird world to inhabit. There are no real rules, no guidelines – we’re making it up as we go along.
Spiralled under the pressure- from what? Oodles of money, trips here there and everywhere, press discounts for major work in your massive home, a home that Instagram has probably paid for, a jewellery line, prancing about in clothes from big brands, being a brand ambassador, new teeth, the list is endless. Let’s face it ( just me guessing) she probably came on here looked at the comments then thought “hmmm I might say a few crappy things about people I actually know as I’m anonymous” these comments went on for months, she was found out, no one died, there has been fuss but that’s to be expected when you preach one thing and do another. I think I’ll keep my sympathy for people who are skint, ill and really suffering not a couple of middle class twits who have the combined conscience of a peanut, if it all goes tits up they will manage.
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Went to FODs account (unfollowed him) then get caught down my own rabbit hole...but this genuinely seems so sad and tainted things have changed in such a small space of time...View attachment 59419
She did not write that blog to normalise all kinds of births, neither did she help so many pregnant women with her blog. She simple made money off other people’s birth stories, money in the hundreds of thousands which none of those women providing these stories gained anything from financially. She stole from them in my opinion. She’s a horrendous woman and helped no one with anything she’s done except her 1 days a week job where by the looks of it she spends more time on her phone than ‘catching babies’
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Stefan Michalak talks about MOD in their latest vlog, around 5 minutes in if anyone cares to watch 😆
Stef Michalak is an arrogant prick. He’s just bitter that he failed at finding fame and fortune in London and is now living in a hipster Pinterest decorated house that is so gloomy it’s more like a mausoleum. He was quite keen on fame and courting the press when he was falling out of night-clubs attached to Cheska from Made In Chelsea and thinking he was the big I Am for working at Heat Magazine.

Snivelling little man. Ugh.
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And a zen room. Don’t the forget the zen room.
She’s built an extra bathroom and has a dressing room. Which she now won’t need as no one fucking cares what she wears as she has no brand deals and no events...
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Chatty Member
I deliberately didn't buy a pixel phone as he kept being gifted them. Avoided buying a Webber bbq also, although it was only a cheap one (thanks mod for chiming in on his ad to tell people webber do cheaper bbqs for lesser people :LOL: ) not the 2k bbq he was gifted and paid to promote.

I do want the nest home, but I'll wait for an offer after seeing so many gifted it.

It's quite good actually, it's stopping me spending money with their negative influencing. I'm trying to get rid of clutter and reduce my impact and anything with a huge marketing budget leaves a bitter taste.
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Over 300 followers lost yesterday, he'll be celebrating new year with 999k followers at this rate
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I think he learnt to say ‘I’m fine’ from his father not masterbation skills, technique and location. And whilst it is really strangely worded I honestly don’t think he means wanking.
He definitely doesn’t mean masterbation. He might mean mastURbation... since that’s how it’s spelt.

Right, glad I got that off my chest. After seeing so much masterbating and masterbation from two of you I had to have a wee lie down on the sofa myself.
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non binary coat

Chatty Member
His videos are made well, but maybe he should pursue a career in editing and advertising behind the scenes and just leave the OD brand to rest.
I'm struggling to see how they are well made? It's just rough and ready phone video using the auto settings, chopped together with an app and some text and music put on top. All piss easy unskilled stuff that anyone can do. My 9 year old does similar with the iPad.

I can't see any advertising skills either, his only asset is being gifted cute twins.

Clemmie was totally right that he's got nothing to offer without the children.
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Has FOD totally lost the plot? He isn't even remotely funny. He's just mega cringe. It's like he is desperately trying for interesting content but it's coming over as contrived, un original and embarrassing. I'm sure all his fans will love it though.
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Do you know what I like about UGG? She actually buys stuff! She often gets gifted things, but mostly after she’s bought from them already (and shouted about them). There’s something to be said for rich ‘influencers’ - they don't need, or necessarily want, the free stuff. I like her, she tells it how it is. More power to her
So much more refreshing and pleasing to watch than an instagurner who posts at stupid set times for max exposure and throws his kids around with no respect for lols and cash, and disrespects his wife TO THE NATION.
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I do blame them. Simply because they could just go about their daily life showing a glimpse of their child rearing and offering support but they don’t they flog stuff and they make lots and lots of money from carefully cultivating their followers, sometimes it’s so subtle other times it’s like a sledge hammer and EVEN if you don’t buy something on their subtle suggestion there is the affiliated links hoo har, look at Mrs Hinch in cohoots with EBay getting a % every time someone just looks at the link so yeah they are immoral money grabbers and a large percentage of them are already quite financially well off 😠
For me it's the sheer AMOUNT of stuff some of them sell under the guise of it being a "recommendation". Even now they are having to #AD it, which some of them do very well, there's still that feeling like they are doing you a favour by bringing the thing to your attention! It's very Barbara at the water cooler telling you about this great stuff she found for bringing her carpets up really nice, AND it's on offer in Tesco! There is an awful lot of stuff I'd never have known about if it wasn't for Instagram- not all bad, I've found some great small brands this way but they are definitely outweighed by unnecessary crap.
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