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They ALL use their kids to promote their brands. Even holier than thou The Yes Mum’s feed is non-stop child and Steph DBHF although quite relatable, posts endless stuff of her toddler, endless!

I don’t quite see how they can justify it to themselves- i’d genuinely like to know how they feel this is ok.
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I feel like the real question is why she is seeking validation online from total strangers when to the rest of us it appears she has it all. Maybe her husband is a d'ck.

Bella mackie harps on about being kind and shes the most opinionated person on instagram. If you disagree with anything she says she basically tells you where to go.
Don’t know how much you know about Bella Mackie but she comes from a position of quite some privilege, her Dad was the incredibly high profile newspaper editor Alan Rusbridger, I think of the Observer or Guardian back in the day. She appears to be of the people, not sure she really is though...🧐🧐🧐
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Maybe it's turning into a big game 😂
That he’s losing!

I come here for a read and a laugh, turn my phone off and POOOF the instabeggers go away. He has to scramble to try and live up to what we post and he has live with himself and his “squares” 24 hours a day. Just imagine, he wakes up wondering what people have said, he’ll be grabbing his phone and frantically searching this site and his name. I suppose they all do that. It’s not my idea of a fun life.
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She’s built an extra bathroom and has a dressing room. Which she now won’t need as no one fucking cares what she wears as she has no brand deals and no events...
I watched her “Reno” 🙄🙄🙄 stories and seems that she’s basically ripped out the previous bathroom and dressing room to swap them around! More money than sense.

FOD’s turned the comments off on last nights post, obviously went down like a lead balloon.
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I don’t have identical twins but if I was MOD I would divorce him for publicly claiming to still not be able to tell which is which when they’re coming up to 4 years old.

Surely that’s not normal?
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I haven’t noticed her doing that much #ad #paidpartnership #freebie stuff. Admittedly I haven’t looked at her account much recently so I will look again and happy to be proven wrong.

I don’t see an issue in her selling her work online but I don’t know what the rules are for psychotherapists. I believe they aren’t as regulated as doctors for example but don’t have enough experience with psychotherapists.

My own experience is with another healthcare profession and they would be advised to keep their professional and personal online prescence separate. That’s not to say they can’t use it for work - they can and I think their governing body has quite purposefully not ruled it out as it is was a bit of an unknown entity before, not so much now as more in that profession are using things such as social media, Skype, e.t.c...for their work

I personally see no problem with Anna Mathur monetising her Instagram account providing it’s not going against her governing bodies code of conduct. After all, most psychotherapy is private in the UK and if anything, she is making it more affordable. But it does muddy the waters when you combine the two.

You might have an issue with someone selling healthcare services in general and that’s a separate matter. But when it can be bought privately offline (which most forms of healthcare can be), it can happen online and actually when it’s online it can make it cheaper. It’s about how it’s done that’s important.

As an aside as it isn’t traditional healthcare but I bought the Posotive Birth Company’s hypnobirthing digital pack before the birth of my second. It was the single best £30 I’ve spent. It made the world of difference to my labour where traditional pain relief had completely failed for the birth of my first. I wanted to do a face to face course but we would moving house at the time meaning practically and financially it wasn’t possible. The digital pack made it possible for me.
Hey Anna is that you?? My personal view is that selling mental health interventions online via Insta is shady practice. Often those purchasing these 'services' are vulnerable and without lengthy consultation how can any health care worker know if the service on sale will be appropriate. Surely the whole mod thing has made it clear that health care professionals need to be very very careful about offering services and advice online. Or profiting from their experience in a non regulated way.
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Off topic but I have bought a DBHF box, and my mum (mother’s day) absolutely loved it. TBH I don’t mind her or Gemma mutha.hood or any other shop owner advertising stuff to me because they’re running a business. If I follow a business account, I expect adverts. When it’s part time Midwife, full time influencer MOD is when it’s grating
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Ordinary folk think they are being gifted for being so wonderful but it's all instabegging.

Rude. I would never have the balls to ring up companies and beg for stuff.
it's not just the fact that they're brazenly contacting companies and begging for stuff, it's that they're begging for stuff they can obviously afford that makes it even more shameful! i literally don't know how they have the gall to do it. they genuinely believe that they deserve everything handed to them for free, simply because of who they are - which to anyone other than the MODFODs is absolute nobodies - and for some reason they see no shame in their behaviour.
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Chatty Member
Surely MOD has to speak up soon!
I think by staying quiet she might be rightfully putting her midwife career first and waiting for what they say (and that could take a long time from what people here have said). That would probably be the right decision and walk away from this social media stuff.
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Been watching “I’m a celebrity” and wondering why Ant can get found guilty of drunk driving and crashing into a car with a child in it and everyone stand by him. Yet MOD acts a bit bitchy behind her mates’ back and all her friends unfollow and disown her?
Are they really comparable? Nothing is that black and white. I’m not fan of Ant and Dec and don’t watch anything they present, but as far as I’m aware Ant went through a pretty public humiliation, through the courts and somehow has come through the other side presumably still well liked by the public.
MOD has been a bitch to her friends so they’ve unfollowed and is being investigated by her job after publicly embarrassing herself. None of us know how this will play out for her in the long run. She still has 660k followers. But clearly the true friends have been really hurt and have good reason to distance themselves and the others are using bitches.
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Imagine having to go back to your day job because your wife fucked up all the juicy freeloading you had going on so well! 😂 awks..

well back to the real world of earning your living the honest way bitches!
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, third..? My husband will be putting up the birthing pool in advance this time I think!

OK, I’m actually a little nervous! I feel I should prepare my husband for it just being him delivering the baby! 😂 Lets hope it happens at night so he doesn’t have t juggle that with dealing with the older two.
Don’t joke. My husband delivered our third at rapid speed. By the time the midwife got there placenta was delivered, baby was fed and asleep and I was on my second cup of tea 🤣
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Is that you Anna?

Not sure she stays in the psychotherapy role with her hash tag ads for Elemis and the like.

Also not too sure on the ethics of working in a psychotherapeutic role and sharing your life on social media.
This. It's insidious how one minute you're in someone's kitchen watching them cook dinner, you're listening to them really about leggings and being tired and then bham! They're telling your about a fab set of empowerment cards they've designed and to swipe up to purchase. Anna mathur has a very cleverly curated feed which focuses on mental health. The ads, free events, free leggings, tops, jumpers, trips to jo Malone are kept on stories only and disappear pretty quick. It's insidious and the subtle interplay of motherhood with mental health and profit often crosses the line. As it did with mod. Anna started off with a few hundred followers and using the standard mlm scheme rules she soon joined the in crowd of Insta mums and is always photographed with them at events.
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I was just looking at FODS feed and saw a photo 12 weeks ago, MOD was heavily involved in comments. FOD was moaning about twin in his bed, and someone said ‘oh for god’s sake etc’ the comments went mental but in there was this
View attachment 58815View attachment 58816View attachment 58817View attachment 58818View attachment 58819
So it looks like she was reported to NMC and another board back then. I’d imagine at some point the blurred lines between her professional role and online presence will be one a problem.
The thing is, through traditional media you get medical professionals who make a name for themselves. Dr Christian is a prime example. But with that they have their standard indemnity, as well as additional insurance and they are so, so careful to seek advice on matters than could undermine their profession.

Social media is a new form of media used by people in a different way from how we’ve used media before. It’s all so new and MOD has fallen victim to that.

You get people like Anna Mathur who does it so well. She’s a psychotherapist but stays firmly in the psychotherapy role. I think by mixing midwifery and fashion/homes, MOD has muddied the waters and got into difficulties. It was only a matter of time, especially as some people will be out to get her because she is ‘famous’.

I can see how it has happened. It started off as the gas and air blog, she then got invited some places and offered some things and took them, then it got bigger and bigger, her husband got in on the act too and then they both got things. At some point her account became less midwifery and more generic influencer stuff and I think that’s where the tide has turned and things have become misaligned. Instead of a focus on midwifery with influencer stuff being a side show, it’s swapped round. Midwifery has become the side show, influencing has become the bigger part and with that has come more risk, ultimately leading to the situation where we are up to now. For most midwives, slagging off your mates online anonymously and making a comment which could be perceived as racist wouldn’t matter. No one would know who it was and no one would be interested in finding out. But MOD’s influencer status made her a target.
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I think I can trump the La R rug, ‘scamp & dude’ jumpers and ‘Tiba & Marl’ clobber .....

I bought those pointless “Yes mum” cards 🙈🙋‍♀️🤫
Same. 2 sets actually....! And I bought MOD’s book, back in the day (why, I have no idea). And far too many strong girls club pieces. And a mother like no other t shirt - nearly got someone a DBHF gift package but thankfully stopped myself!
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Can't imagine that is going to last but you never know. Maybe the impact of this whole thing on the girls has made them open their eyes to the many other repercussions of using your kids on social media. Could they be waiting to hear back from their sponsors, FOD's in particular, as to whether any current or planned AD's can go ahead if the kids aren't the main focus anymore. I honestly think he doesn't care if they are in the shots or not, he just wants to be that Dad on social media with a million besotted followers, hanging on his every pathetic word and praising every thing he does and says
it won't last. the twins are what bring FOD the besotted followers he craves. he'll be well aware that if he quits exploiting his daughters, his follower count will start to fall, and dropping below that magic million will destroy him. his current "comedic" content is just crap to fill the gap until the current outcry about using your kids on social media dies down, then they will undoubtedly begin to creep back into his posts. he's jumped on the no-longer-exploiting-my-kids bandwagon, because it's such a relevant topic right now, and in a desperate bid to keep his followers by being perceived as a good father and "doing the right thing" to protect his daughters, and no longer endanger the twins. but FOD isn't actually bothered about the potential repercussions on his kids when he exploits them online, or the risks he's exposing them to - he cares about his followers and that magic million, and he knows perfectly well that without his daughters, he's nothing. he can't even do ads or sponsored content without featuring the girls. FOD without his daughters is just an F. a massively cringey FAILURE with no decent content.

MOD & Fod #16 Slymon is being penetrated in the ears, whilst Gimmie is still hiding from her Peers!
fingers in the ears whilst his hair is being washed... i can only imagine that Slymon's barber felt his ears needed a clean and decided to help him out! 🤣

MOD & FOD #16 since Slymon quit exploiting his daughters on the gram, MOD and FOD are just MoFos posting spam..."
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I don't see how Simon is going to keep this up... the content is just dry. It seems that without being the "clueless Dad" complete with footage of the children, his posts just come across as bizarre and trying really hard. Too hard.
His videos are made well, but maybe he should pursue a career in editing and advertising behind the scenes and just leave the OD brand to rest.
I'm sure Clemmie is planning her next move, but I'm not sure what she could do on her MOD or Gas and Air platforms now.
No one wants to view her positively in a HCP light
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I once read something by a hotelier saying how fed up they were with influencers calling them and asking for a free night’s stay in return for a review.
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