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Well-known member
At what point do her sheep followers question why they’re actually following her?

They are literally just watching a person show off that they’re on constant holidays (which are funded by said sheep clicking her commission links etc)

If they were all to unfollow her would they wake up the next day and their lives feel changed or empty? No, they wouldn’t be missing a damn thing.

I’m all for following people who bring positivity to your life for healthy mindset and attitude tips, recipes etc or even travel bloggers who actually give you information and tips about their holidays! But Misha brings F all to Instagram.
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It shocks me that this person has the audacity to say her mind is always busy and she needs to slow down… when all she does with her day is workout? Shop, and go to a cafe 😂 yes Misha, how emotionally exhausting, you must really need a break 😂🤢🙄
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In what world does someone like HER deserve a FREE fucking trip….
I just never understand the demographic. she’s too old to go for herself (would never have gone either if she had to pay for it herself) and her viewers are most likely too young to have kids old enough to go?
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VIP Member
In what world does someone like HER deserve a FREE fucking trip….
She doesn't deserve it! They could if gifted it to someone who needed a holiday or someone who would have appreciated it more or those with kids!
To me she isn't an influencer she's just just a lazy beg who opted for the social media life because there isn't a job out there that she thinks is good enough for her!
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Chatty Member
It’s all coming a bit of a joke, there’s people in this country who are highly educated and better placed to have these discussion, yet we have Anastasia Kingsnorth at number 10 talking about loneliness as a young adult and Misha hosting a panel on grief 🥱 I’m not negating the fact that she’s experienced grief, but that doesn’t make her an appropriate person to discuss handling it…
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Please tell me she knows the difference between the dollar sign and the euro sign. Saying something in NY was 27€...girl 🥲
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What the absolute F is she wearing in the TikTok she just posted. I live in Paris & can guarantee this is NOT a fashionable outfit here (or anywhere for that matter). Even in summer you very rarely see girls here wearing short shorts, let alone in November when it’s cold & rainy almost every day!!! People live in Jeans & long coats here.. as usual, she’s attention seeking & has just got it totally wrong. Hope she’s absolutely nowhere in my vicinity the next few days 😂
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Well-known member
She tries to be so deep but because she's so shallow and vapid, it is just so so cringy. I really do not understand how Jake doesn't think she's an ick
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Nah man, her setting up her phone on the train to film herself yawning 🤣. If carlsberg made twats.. 😂🙄
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Is the molly girl the employed skivvy? Is it just me or do they all look exactly same?(bronte/kate/molly i cant tell them apart).

"I was a Disney princess in another life". She has all the grace of kermit the frog, far from a fucking princess 😂
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She said on IG that she doesn’t want to spend the money on tumble drying clothes so she’d rather have it hanging in her living room 😳
Everything in her life is gifted yet she wont spend a couple of quid a day to not have her house in a state?
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Chatty Member
Can someone in Misha’s life please explain to her that going to an event in which she try’s on shoes and has brunch is NOT work!

She is so out of touch. She’s never worked a day in her life and it shows. Complaining on stories that after her morning ‘work’ (brunch) she is so overwhelmed and just really wants time to chill. She’s worried she will run herself into the ground by going to events where she gets free stuff and free food 😢 My heart breaks for her.

Says she ‘can’t say no to opportunities’ but she really means she can’t say no to free stuff.
Sorry double post

but just to add, she’s also having a wee cry because making a reel is too difficult

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She just has no consistency. One minute she’s a reader (not like how she’s just enjoyed a book here and there), next minute she’s a runner- now she’s a mental health awareness spokesperson, then it’s run clubs, then fashion, then travel? She really needs to find her niche or these new followers from running will just unfollow her
I’ve just come to her tattle thread as this is exactly what’s happened to me 😂😂 I followed her during marathon training etc as I thought that was her lane and was willing to overlook how annoying and self obsessed she was but now there’s no running chat at all and she literally offers nothing I’m interested in. Final straw was this morning seeing the poor people sat behind her while she had her giant ring light on facing them too and was screaming along to Olivia Rodrigo but didn’t seem to even know all the words? She probably ruined the whole concert for them and it wouldn’t even cross her mind
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The fucking teddy in the security tray 🙄 How is jake not mortified, people must think he's her carer. Also the teddy is called Oakley which, unless that's some sort of old family name, tells me that its a relatively new one and not an old childhood toy with sentimental value (I have a teddy I have since I was a baby that I would be devastated if something happened it, but it lives in my room full time, I don't carry it around with me because I'm a grown up 😂) . She's trying to copy Molly mae who is equally pathetic but at least Ellie bellie is an actual sentimental childhood toy 😂
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She’s so entitled. She isn’t someone who came from a rough background/upbringing and it’s such a shock she’s got to where she is. She’s been privileged her whole life and part of the reason she’s in the place she is today is because of mummy and daddy’s money.
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