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I think this whole you don’t read if it’s not a book is privileged, you’re not considering people who can’t read or find it difficult to read. Or can’t read because they’re too busy and have the ability to listen (aka on a commute driving)
It might be personal bias but we all need to consider the wider impact of this attitude, also mik did read fiction last month, the midnight library is fiction….

but if we all read the same books the world would be very boring and it’s not like she’s pulling in loads of views
But she can read, can't she? And she has the time to do so doesn't she? She's the one who's decided to do a book club but not read a book. So I'm not gonna lump everyone else's personal circumstances, and valid reasons for opting for audio over paper, in with my opinion on her. I'm judging her and her alone as someone who has decided to chair a book club without touching a book. My personal bias is that I have an English Literature degree and to me written word and spoken word are very different to review. No one is ever going to argue there's no place for audio books. If you enjoy them continue!

The new 17 brand relaunched two months ago, she's a bit behind. Not sure why she's talking about older people being more interested and teenagers wanting more. The brand is targeted at teens, I expect they've done their research and I doubt all teenagers wear full on drag makeup every day for school. Maybe the 'older' people were glad to see another affordable makeup line, considering what's currently going on in the UK.

I lost interest 3 minutes in but 'Blosh for a soft and floshed lock' absolutely sent me.
Surely it's a sentimental/nostalgic thing for the "older" people. I bought loads of 17 in the late 90s/early 00s. I'd be tempted to purchase for that reason alone.
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Someone please tell me they have seen the video she has just uploaded on Insta of her dancing… It’s hilarious but probably not for the reason she thinks it is.

Edited to include the video because firstly you deserve to see this and secondly, I am certain it will be deleted once she wakes up.
Wow. So that's how she made the "progress", jumping up and down, flailing her arms around like a tantruming 3 year old with worms. Sexy.

You just know she thought everyone filming was laughing WITH her....

Why does she behave so embarrassingly when with other people. It's not even attention seeking, it's more attention stealing
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im sure her kids would enjoy that more than traipsing around new york department stores bc her mum thinks she's SJP
According to mik she says that her children would say they only wanted to go to Vegas on holiday 🙄 this is likely because they’ve never actually experienced a kid friendly holiday
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She didn’t get milo help when he was obsessively washing his hands so much he gave himself sores so is she really going to help milo? Instead Google is the doctor and she will medicate him with ginger biscuits and throws all over the living room
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Waking op a cople of hours earlier than she needed to ….. to play on her switch
funny isn’t it?! Her productivity hack - get up early to play a kids computer?? (Sorry - for computer game players here!). Seriously you wouldn’t think she has kids!
On a side note, is this how easy parenting is when they’re her kids’ age?! Maybe I’m just jealous!!
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The ‘progress’ photo on Instagram is confusing. If I wore black gym leggings and a black sports bra i’d look slimmer too.
Yep and it’s a horrid angle and a super dark photograph. There’s absolutely nothing showing ‘progress’. You can’t even really see the area she’s self conscious of. Also it’s been less than a week since she said she wanted to lose weight. There’ll be no ‘progress’ yet. It doesn’t exactly work that fast mik 🙄
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the unbrushed hair makes me feel gross. thats literally what my hair is like right before i get into the shower and the feel of it is disgusting lol and it feels so unclean, she must go through so much dry shampoo i could never go out with my hair like that
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She's deffo not got the income she makes out. Otherwise they'd have had a new kitchen by now
I don’t think she like spending ‘big’ though, whatever it is.

Like won’t buy that Dior lipgloss, wouldn’t buy a reasonable curling wand, chose a £16 one on Amazon, mostly only buying Primark clothes, 8 B&M tables through her living room rather than one nice piece, 15 eBay white dresses rather than finding one amazing one for the same price.

I think she enjoys buying things and one spendy thing for her is less fon than 10 pieces of tat.
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Why is she storing all her skincare on her bedside table. Is she actually getting into bed then applying it? Why would you not just apply it after washing your face in the bathroom?
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Delia Smith

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An entry level Cartier ring is going to be v.poor quality. Probably gold coated at best. You’re just paying for the label.
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i cant believe after manically painting the kitchen walls blue and talking about how much she loved it and how it looked like a hamptons kitchen (lol ok) shes changed her mind and put sloppy tile all over it
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Came here for this. Urgh, she was leaping about dancing so surely got sweaty on her night out! Most normal people world surely have showered and washed their hair the next day. Minging!
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She cannot be serious when she says that this is a ‘c section pouch’. 1. It’s higher and wider than her section scar it’s more her stomach area 2. It’s bigger than a ‘pouch’ would be from a section 3. She had her c section 10+ years ago 🙄

It’s literally just fat, it’s common for women to hold weight in their stomachs mik and with a diet as horrific as hers of course she’s gaining weight in her stomach. She’s lucky she’s as slim as she is for how bad she eats and how much she drinks.


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Jumping on this thread!

Used to watch her years and years ago in the miss budget beauty days and liked her... but jesus can't believe she's still going and hanging by a thread!

Just watched her recent video, and wow... what a bore.

Does she not work now?
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Nothing pisses me off more than that interfering in her brother and sister in laws baby business. We had all that before, told her, she got all shirty about it, threw some toys out the pram, and here she is again.. awful.

It is NOT your baby mik, it’s not even just your brothers! If you have any decency, ask the baby’s mum - yes your sister in law - first. And don’t frame it manipulatively so she feels pressured or bullied, just suggest, lightly, your opinions, and LEAVE IT up to them how they want to raise their child in their family.

Her behaviour to me surrounding this new niece, and her sense of entitlement to take over and impose on her brother and sister in law screams to me that she was the spolit child at home and no one dare tells her no. And the real victim here is the sister in law.

I know from experience here - I had to stand up to my in law bullies and put my foot down from interfering - not easy, but remember her sister in law in now married and living overseas within close proximity to her husbands family. I feel for her…

And using a baby for engagement and views?! Mad cow..

Putting someone else's baby in for thombnail of her video as well. Wow. Even of her brother is genuinely OK with that can you imagine asking 'please can I use your baby in the thumbnail for my new video about absolutely nothing?'. Also talking about how she thinks her niece needs a walker when they're now discouraged because they're dangerous. Hopefully she realises this herself before findng one and doesn't kick off when someone inevitably mentions it in the comments.
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I noticed she was pratting around bare food again in the IG stories with her friends in her shed . One day she’s gona get a nasty cut/splinter whatever doing that all the time
Probably what she’s aiming for so she has another ‘bincident’ type story she can tell in 10 videos…
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