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New member
Sooooooo we are expected to believe that this man child who squeals when his "friends" send him gift cards.... doesn't care about the haters......... Yeahhhhhhh I don't think that's true. Michael is in a classic tail spin and I wouldn't be surprised if we saw him posting more responses and editing old videos to take out any times he is unmasked and shouldn't be.
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It's funny because I saw him in a video for USC RAs (he was an RA) on conflict resolution or something like that. He acted completely normal.

I've seen pics awhile back off someone's FB page (affiliated with USC) of him smiling, looking normal, with girls flanking him (like friends in his same program). He absolutely looked and seemed to act normal; if anything, perhaps a bit shy or introverted (and obviously obsessed w/ gaming) but he nevertheless seemed to have friends at USC.

When he used to be in the background of MK's vlogs, he acted normal. Just a nod here or there, a smile, etc. Honestly, I used to think he was the normal one and felt bad for him sometimes. 🤣

But then after he became a FlOriDa ReSiDEnt, that all changed (and I no longer felt sorry for him haha)

It seems like it was then that he tried to mimic MK with the Disney vlogs and food critiques, etc., he somehow developed this strange over-the-top personality with exaggerated facial expressions, repetitive phrases, useless phrases, talking in circles, etc.

I think that he wants SO badly to rise to the level of his bigger bro - who, for all his faults, he clearly idolizes to a certain extent for the free shit people throw at him, that he's created a persona that is NOT really authentic to him.

(and I don't know what the hell to make of Gem and Havoc and the Squirrel music video outside of pointing to my prior stated belief that Mommy always told him everything he did was perfect and wonderful... )
It's sad that he wants to be on the same level of Mikey popularity and YouTube famous wise when Mikey really isn't that popular or successful compared to other Disney vloggers.
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Chatty Member
Prediction: nothing will happen to them. Nobody was "influenced" by them lying about vaccination status because nobody knew about it until the cruise video.

If Michael would have simply manned up and explained his thinking I'd respect that but nope instead is trying to cover things up and delete any "haters" comments. Oh wait that is exactly what you'd expect a man-child to do.
This is, unfortunately, very true. They have people on the media lists who have shown themselves to be racist, sexist, heck they have TWO known people on their media lists who stole from the company prior to being "influencers". at the end of the day, unless a video of Michael shows up with him drowning a child in the Poly hot tub, he's here to stay on Disney's D-List media influencers.
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I was thinking the same about the behind the scenes downward spiral. I figured that was worth the $5 for admission into the Patreon world. 😂😂

I SO have wanted to do that for so long but I dunno, just can't even part with $5 for that asswipe.
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Chatty Member
Today's Video that I didn't watch.
What to Expect on October 1, 2021 at Magic Kingdom!
I am sure we will see a lot of Mikey's mug in the middle of the camera frame as he aimlessly wanders around Magic Kingdom.
Maybe it's just me, but whenever he goes on this speculation bull, it makes me even more irrationally angry at him. There is a way to discuss rumors OR what you'd like to see. He does neither. He talks as if THIS is what it will be. THIS is how it's going to go. He has no idea of what it will be like that day. Chances are he'll be invited media (barf) so it doesn't matter anyway. He'll be stuffing his face with yesterdays egg rolls and screaming at characters.
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I usually try not to watch Dave videos, but broke down and watched today’s “unexpected beach day” video. Dave looks and sounds sick in it, and he normally behaves like a sugar high 3 year old.

Who the hell wears a towel on their head on a hot beach? There are plenty of places to buy hats on the ship and at Castaway Cay.

Dave also noted he listened to “some soft tennis” to fall asleep. What?

It also appears he doesn’t have any stans deleting comments on the video, because I found this comment 😂


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Chatty Member
It's possible. It's also possible the other option is that he is trying to expand his brand, and really does want to be Central Florida's Guy Fieri. So, it was a little bit you scratch my back, I scratch yours.

Duffy's get the "exposure" from MK's viewers, MK gets the experience and builds his Guy Fieri portfolio a little maybe a few bucks on the MVP card.
Here's the thing though, at this point Mikey's core audience are the people who fly into MCO, get on ME/Lyft/Uber, go STRAIGHT to their Disney hotel, and never do anything other than Disney. No shade to those who do that (I get it), but what person is going to realistically drive from WDW to Lake Mary for run of the mill burgers? It's just a weird move on Duffy's part to invite him. Maybe someone's mom suggested to bring him in?

So, like others have mentioned, it's very very bizarre that they don't show him actually eating the food. Add to that that the burgers themselves don't look touched. He even didn't take the flags out of them, which you would expect someone to do when eating a burger. But, none of any of it makes sense because...MK isn't shy about eating things. Free food seems right up his alley.
So some "inside baseball" here: chances are those were made before he got there and were for display/show. Hence why he never touched them. I'm guessing that they made him some to try off camera, but he could have literally mentioned something like,"Oh I tried these the other day and WOW are they good!"

Also, it sounds to me like this might not have been 100% Mikey. It seems like Duffy's basically said, "Here is how we are doing this" and because he's a whore for burgers, just went along with it.

The best part? He will NEVER mention them again.
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Oh no! Just looking at the thumbnail! 🤢 🤢 🤢 He's trying to be shirtless Kyle Pallo now! I'm afraid to watch!
I saw the thumbnail and immediately rolled my eyes. I just can't with his interpretive underwater dance/synchronized swimming practice sessions either and I am barely into the video. And of course, he continues to brag about the lack of people onboard while zooming in on himself in a 'relax pose' with his hairy chest and armpits.

Then off to get ice cream while he has the camera on a young girl in a bikini for a decent amount of time and she even looks at him weirdly, but he is yet again clueless and makes no attempt to blur or edit her out.

I am also noticing a lot of the cruise videos where they are wearing the same mask for days. That is gross. Theme Park Express seemed to wear his Spiderman one all four days. Not starting a mask debate - just grossed out that they are not changing them out daily.

I love Disney cruises so much and knew that these videos would get a ton of views from the first vloggers to sail, but I am really struggling to get through it. He is not a good person.
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Active member
How do you have your first girlfriend at 30 years old! By that age you should have a couple relationships you didn't even want to be a part of that you found yourself in by accident! He went to USC for Christ sakes. You could slip and fall in the quad and get laid on your way down at that school!

To be fair, I didn't have my first bf till age 35. And the guy had never had a gf either, at age 30.

But...growing up, I was not very pretty. And, very shy/introverted (so what I lacked in looks, I didn't make up for in personality....seems like you have to have one or the other, and unfortunately, I had/have neither).

But, Dave is a decent looking dude. Gosh, he's a weirdo. But, decent looking. It surprises me that some air-headed bimbo didn't go for it, at least.
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Finishing a 5k is not hard for anyone who doesn't have a disability. Literally he could walk the 3.14 miles in about an hour. He probably walks that much in a typical day at the parks anyway. Wouldn't even have to train. But I suspect his ego is such that he doesn't want to do it unless he is actually running it and not walking. But since he doesn't train he can't run so he keeps kicking the can down the road, gaining more weight, making it harder to be able to run, and continue the cycle.
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VIP Member
Mikey describing that one drink from Auntie Gravities "It's a fruit, but a different kind of fruit flavor"

Giving Dim Tracker a run for his money with his descriptive abilities.

I like to believe when Mikey is squealing about all the free space around him, it's not because of limited crowds, but people actively avoiding being near him.
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Today's sad video of Mike wandering Castaway Cay by himself while Dave does who knows what (I refuse to watch his crappy video to find out). He acts like the snorkeling there is the greatest in the world. It is actually pretty bad. No coral, a few fish and only statues of Mickey and Minnie. Oh wait, that's why he loves it, statues of those two. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

In other news, I woke up this morning to see a refund of my Patreon money!! Mike must be sick or something. I figured that $5 was long gone.
Dave was "relaxing" in the room, but if you watch his video, he is totally sick with something.
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Chatty Member
Wife asked a very interesting question. I NEED everyone’s opinion. Does Michael always sleep on the pull out and go to bed early so he feels like a kid on vacation again? I’m sure he spent many nights on a pull out couch as a kid in Disney and just enjoys it. Or is he being nice letting Dave sleep in the bed? He doesn’t seem to have a genuine bone in his body anymore.
There has been evidence that they share the same bed.

Michael Kay preparing a cup o'mornin' joe:
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