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I have a friend from uni who went to secondary school with her, apparently she’s vile in real life and nothing at all like how she tries to come across online. I mean we could all see that anyway. I don’t know why Dan is with her cos apparently he’s a nice lad, I know he’s cheated on her when they were younger but tbh she’s punching physically I don’t know what he sees in her, and he’s someone who actually has his head somewhat screwed on so fuck knows what he’s doing with her…
You can see the vileness seeping out her pores daily thats why she only has dan jodie and her nans 🤣
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I still can’t get my head around the layout of the downstairs in her house. As you walk through the front door you are met with a basically empty room with a sofa and two sets of book case shelves (such a bland, empty and waste of space!), walk past another shelf to your right to get to the lounge which is made up of one uncomfy looking sofa covered in dog hair and then through to the thin kitchen and only bathroom.

I can’t help but feel that she is not using the space in the best possible way. Everything is for “aesthetics” and nothing is practicality. Those poor dogs sleep on the sofa or in their bed. The second bedroom is a wardrobe room for her crap that she can’t even keep tidy.
I always thought that too. Her downstairs makes no sense at all. The front room has the tiniest little couch in it and like nothing else 🤣
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Not Jodie AGAIN failing to disclose PR. Covering up with “aff links” instead of disclosing she will receive money if you follow the sheep and buy the clothes she’s wearing.

why do these embarrassing brainless mugs insist on wearing sunglasses inside and calling everything she?
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Miss Mia is on her copying BS again. I watched somewhere she mentioned Sophiejaynemiller who is a YouTuber where I’m from. She has her own thread on here. She’s into books etc. Nek minit Mia’s uploaded a tik tok with the exact same hair do and at the book store like Sophie does LOOOL not an original thought in that brain of hers. Thick as shit
It’s embarrassing at this point. Infact, it’s beyond embarrassing.
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Is it time for a new thread guys this one’s getting long 👀 im looking forward to the new thread name they always make me laugh
Think it has to be 50 pages.

here is my suggestion

Mia’s gonna be a mum, but still drives badly cause she’s dumb
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She uploads quite a few videos a week and based off of YouTube Adsense and stuff she could earn anywhere between £500-£1500 a month for the amount of view they get depending on their cpm not to mention her TikTok accounts that make money on views alone (she has more followers on there) + any brand deals she has could again be between £500+ they generally have at least 1 ad a month along with their YouTube and TikTok.
I would guess Mia brings home at least £2000 a month, more if any TikTok’s went more viral or if she had more brand deals. I think their mortgage is around £900 based on the comments she made previously, bills would be around £300 (on the high end) and her cars like £99 a month. Dan does earn a decent wage, he’s self employed too so neither of the wage is exactly the same each month. But wouldn’t be shocked if he brought home £2k+ a month too. They could easily have £1000 left over each…
Wow you know alot of perosonal information of a stranger of the internet 🤣
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Jodie owns property and still lives at home.
I reckon Mia gets some kind of allowance off her dad as I can’t imagine she’s earns loads from social media if she is making loads then she should be declaring it.
Mia definitely doesn’t get an allowance from her dad. They’re not on talking terms since she moved out of his house! He used to pay for her cars etc and she mentioned that this is the first she’s had to pay for it herself
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If you’re going to buy more clothes than anyone could possibly ever need at least get clothes than look good.. cannot put into words how awful these look on her.
agreed.... not her best look. why does she buy all these clothes that look the exact same. im sure she already has some cut up jeans she's previously bought... jee whiz. each to their own everyone spends their money doing whatever they like but cmon dude
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Mia’s 2nd latest tiktok someone asked why she hadn’t bought a new washing machine yet and Mia said because she’s paying monthly insurance for it. Those that have insurance for white goods are usually not ‘better off’ like how she tries to portray. Not to offend anyone at all but she tries to pretend to be some luxe boss bitch girly when she’s really not at all 😅
I’m confused by this? (I’m Aussie) so no fucken idea what this means???? Monthly insurance for what? Wouldn’t the insurance get you a new one if it breaks?
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The difference between both of their boohoo hauls is funny because everything Jodie got was more fitted whereas Mia's was all huge. I already see Mia placing another order to get everything Jodie got.
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