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New member
Her hatred of men is strange to me, I’m with the father of my baby so maybe I don’t understand but, I honestly think she enjoys the look of a single struggling mother, that and I think she enjoys being the only parent in Mabels life, that way Mabel can’t love someone more than her.
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She deleted that comment to lol
I thought she would no slightly helpful or negative comments stays for long
It feels like we’re watching a career spiralling if she just listened and stopped deleting almost every comment she wouldn’t be in this mess

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again
Her tiktok content and comments is her biggest problem right now if she keeps posting the lies and the copying and all of that she’ll lose the rest of her audience
Many older fans like I was last year have gone because they don’t wanna see constant negativity and attention seeking and victim blaming and now only the younger more impressionable person remain sadly
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Chatty Member
She should have done the series on Mabel's room renovations/decorating in July, in August have a back to school series, September focus on start of college/new routine and tips videos, October could be a first year overview series, November could be whatever and December Christmas.

If she forward planned instead of filming her talking recapping her day/week aka her 'vlogs' her channel might not have died
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New member
So , long term lurker here . I don’t agree with a lot of Mias parenting but that’s her business however I can’t help but comment on the lack of accountability she is taking for how much her own mental health can impact Mabel ! I really don’t understand why nobody is looking out to help Mia ( and in turn Mabel ).
I believe her and her family are possibly burying their heads in the sand.I had my daughter 8 days before Mia had Mabel. I live in my own home with her and my partner ( her father ofc) we have a stable happy relationship but I have had an eating disorder since I was very young which resurfaced during my post natal period.
At my worst , my partner and I were told if he couldn’t get time off work ( during peak covid in April ) they had no choice but to contact social services , luckily he got time off and all is good but why is nobody stepping in to stop things getting worse for Mia and mabel ! If she is serious about moving out in the near future with Mabel on her own , she needs to get help ASAP before things escalate. I really think even having someone to talk to would help her massively , someone who isn’t going to just tell her she’s perfect ( like her 16 y/o viewers do )
I don’t think she is a bad mum and I think she clearly loves Mabel , but I do think she needs to take responsibility of her mental health for her little girl. I know what it’s like to not be able to see that, but the fact she is openly posting online about it yet isn’t taking any steps to get help suggests she’s aware of it , but just unwilling to do anything about it and that is what needs to change.
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I love how she says when she has her next baby will depend on her finances and college, rather than whether she can even find anyone to have a baby with her.

I wonder whether her mum’s sat down and had a serious conversation with her about moving out and money? Suddenly she’s realised she can’t buy a house. I’m not convinced this year has really been about saving money based on all the junk she buys.

I find it so sad that when she’s looking at courses and deciding what she wants to do with her life, she’s choosing based on whether it will interfere with her plan to get pregnant again.

And she’s still convinced she’ll be able to use a donor 😂 Like we’ve said before, it will be a backdoor deal or she’ll trick a stranger into thinking she’s on the pill.
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Chatty Member
Another social blade check in:

Only 400 subscribers in the last 30 days, and 0 this week (yikes).

Also income is down to a maximum of £1.1k - £17.7k, and bare in mind most youtubers have stated their pay is usually around the middle of SB figures

I have thought recently that she's been less "braggy" about her YouTube, but I also think if it continues like this she's not going to carry on with it.

It's obvious she's only in it for the clout and fame/wants to be a massive influencer, meanwhile she spends most of her time moaning about it and how much it affects her mental health, and she puts off filming and editing to the last minute so she doesn't even seem to enjoy it as a hobby.
Because all of these so-called influencers are dumb and don’t understand strategy to gain longevity. She has damaged her own sustainability all by herself. Mia deletes comments from followers Which are Actually giving valuable feedback, if she had any brains she would read Them, leave them on there and adjust her content accordingly to keep her followers Interested and gain more. Instead when she deletes them people unsubscribe and check out. Why should people kiss her ass? Do you get appraisals And feedback in your job? Me too. If you demanded only positive feedback and refused to act on any feedback given would you expect your employers to keep you on? Of course they wouldn’t. The youtubers who make Genuine content for Their followers are the long term ones. Those like Mia who just want 12 year olds to fawn over their fake lives will never survive, and nor should they. The time beckons ever closer for Main to get a real job, I’m sure she’s quaking in her boots at the thought of actual work lol. Or she can always claim the child maintenance benefit without working until her child is 2 😉
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Chatty Member
Wonder if Jude will actually follow her back when they get married and have 4 babies xxx

she probs only likes him Cos he’s got a tan, “ I never knew there was real life peaky blinders” bore off my towns full of boys who dress like that
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Well-known member
Copying that Kiera’s video now 😂

Also didn’t she say that her videos were meant to be exciting this week...but they’re more boring than ever 😂
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she constantly bangs on about not having any friends (for attention) but she literally does have friends- she has caitlyn and the other girl who had a baby etc and it baffles me that they’re even still friends with her considering she only ever mentions that she has ‘no friends’
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i think mia has some weird hang up about money. she talks a lot about it, when idgaf how much or little somebody earns. she just seems to gloat about how 'rich' she is. i don't want to be watching somebody talking about that, plus many of her 12 year old fans aren't gonna be interested in benefits, taxes, earnings. i know i didnt when i was 12 i didn't even understand what half of it was 😂

even now at 21 i have no clue how the links work, or ads on youtube. maybe im just dumb 😂
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Chatty Member
I was shocked when she started shaving when sharing the bath. Mabel might be different but when my daughter is in the bath she is constantly trying to drink the water and suck it out of her sponge etc. The thought of her doing that when there is hair and old tan in the water worries me
Yeah in one clip Mabel had the sponge in her mouth that was in the water completely vile 🤢🤢🤮🤮

I already have and they weren’t impressed with her I’ve showed them loads of her clips of what I feel could put Mabel in danger from birth to now and that where very shocked but they said that if Mia lived close that Mabel would be taken into foster care due to neglect and Mia would need to have parenting assessments via supervised contact I do honestly hope they get involved before anything bad happens to that poor baby I hope they find where she lives and takes Mabel so she can learn how to properly care for her

Actually there has been loads of things

There’s no way they would ever say something like that to you - that’s breaking confidentiality and data protection. Do you really think social services go round telling random people they would take people’s children away?

The threshold is way, way higher than anything Mia has shown for social services involvement, let alone to actually have Mabel removed.

And you know different areas can communicate with each other right? So they could still make a referral to another area. Otherwise anyone with social services involvement could just move areas.

If this is true (which I doubt) then you’ve WAY overstepped the mark. And whether or not it’s true you’re just going to make us look like butters and justify the nonsense Mia says about this forum.

Bear in mind this whole forum was started because of the Ingram family - the dad is a literal predator and is creepy af to his kids and step daughter. It was in the news a fair bit and nothing happened with the kids. You really think they’d be interested in Mia :ROFLMAO:
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VIP Member
LOL funny how she cant delete comments from someone elses video (that jude guy) so she actually has to reply to “hate” which isnt really hate btw just people who try to tell her to slow down basically🤣 im embarrassed for mia that guy is probably 21 or something he wouldnt even want to date a 17 year old especially if she has a child
She’s acting up because she knows that Jude can potentially see it, she wants to come across like she can hold her own when in reality she’d 100% have deleted that if it was on her own page.She’s far from planning baby number 2 because her mum said no 😆 , she’s far from moving out and buying a property without a credit score and her YouTube career is drying up already because all her supporters are 12 years old and have moved on to the next flavour of their month on the YouTube binges.
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Well-known member
I feel like I’m back watching Acacia Brinley with all the “I love my earthy tones” malarkey. Mabel would literally suit anything, she’s a baby, and an adorable one at that. I hope she stops going on about how tiny and petite Mabel is when she’s old enough to understand. My mum was constantly trying to lose weight when I was growing up and massively begrudged me for my smaller frame. It gave me major self esteem issues. Also the “Mabel can’t really pull frills off”. Mia, listen to yourself
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Chatty Member
Maybe but she's a UK/English/British YouTuber ,should she not stick to words used where she is from?I personally find people American-ising themselves very annoying
No I get u 100% it’s annoying as fk🤣expecially the “hella hella”🥴
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Well-known member
Just watching the intro and I couldn’t help but notice Mia’s tongue looks kinda discoloured... bit of a random comment lol

Maybe it’s just the lighting
it’s probably because she drinks those fizzy shitty drinks every morning, it’s basically her breakfast

Wonder if Jude will actually follow her back when they get married and have 4 babies xxx

she probs only likes him Cos he’s got a tan, “ I never knew there was real life peaky blinders” bore off my towns full of boys who dress like that

such a good role model for Mabel... looks like he’s wearing a table cloth 🤔 I’m surprised mia likes someone that doesn’t dress in only brown and sage green, he won’t look good on her instagram or in her bedroom.
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Thanks for the recap, wasn't sure if I could be bothered to give it a watch with it being almost 20 minutes long.
I wouldn't really say she's stable like the title suggests, its not like the brand deals rolling in are a constant thing, especially with her views going down. Maybe some people might disagree but I would say 'stable' would be having a predictable income, because you never know, she could go months without receiving any brand deals, its all a bit unpredictable.
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