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Ok so I don’t want to hate on Mia but I think it’s just shocking how she thinks she can go to a clinic and just get pregnant when there’s other desperate couples that could be in her place. I genuinely believe the clinic is a facade and she is just finding one off Facebook
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Mia's potential apology video...

First is a thumbnail of Mia looking upset with Mabel. The video title will be along the lines of:

Why I haven't uploaded... | Single teen mum

Single teen mum has to appear. It's a must. But Mabel won't be in it - she'll probably be palmed off to nursery.

Mia will say Mabel's at nursery because she has been upset and doesn't want Mabel picking up on it...a dressed up way to say she's been a sulking teenager wanting to avoid her responsibilities. Because she'll say she's been upset, her room hasn't been cleaned and inserts a montage of her picking up rubbish and putting clothes in the wash.

Next is the apology, but little to no accountability and saying sorry. And all about her. It'll be the same thing said over and over again, like:

"I've been getting a lot of stick recently for advice I left on a girls TikTok. I thought I was helping, but after thinking recently, I was wrong. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely thought I was helping this girl out, but I've been getting hate from these like 12-year-olds who don't have a clue. I've not been feeling great and I sent Mabel to nursery because I don't want her to be affected by the negativity towards me."

She'll milk the apology and situation and say to expect a "glow up" video. She'll give Mabel her millionth McDonalds for a treat as she can't face cooking AKA whacking something in the microwave.
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This whole thing shows how stupid and immature she is...the fact shes responsible for a whole humans life is terrifying.
What if in 16 years Mabel came to her and told Mia she was pregnant and didn't want to keep the baby...would she suggest mugwort? if yes then she shouldn't be in control of a whole human, if not then she knows what she said was wrong.
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Active member
now this is the prime example of her immaturity level and why she is so blasé about getting pregnant again. She thinks it’s as easy as ‘want a baby’ ‘get a baby’ or ‘don’t want baby’ ‘get rid of baby’ she is a child and hasn’t lived in the real world whatsoever.
In completely pro choice - so point the poor girl in the right direction of a safe clinic where she can talk to someone and get the help she needs. Mia grow up
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Mugwort is not just a cup of tea you absolute dick!!!! It was famous for inducing labour through contracting the uterus! It’s very dangerous to use whilst pregnant because it cause miscarriage! You’d be in serious danger drinking it whilst pregnant.
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it’s the fact she’s gone on to compare it to BODY LOTION??? something completely unrelated that can’t cause miscarriages???? this girl needs a serious reality check, she’s so ignorant.
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She is a vile person, I suffered a misscarriage and to this day still pains me, I have bad anxiety about it and developed ocd when my first son was born, obviously wanting to wrap him in cotton wool because of what happened.
And for her to say something like this is only going to make people hate her more.
Misscarriage is traumatising. Trying to kill your own unborn baby is something completely different, and in my opinion makes you scum, if you're in such a bad situation or really can't bring a baby into the world for whatever reason, go about it the right way, ask for advice from professionals, go to a clinic, get help. DO NOT DO WHAT SHE HAS SAID!! It could cause some serious complications for the mother, if anything were to go wrong. Not to mention it not even working and just making the mother really unwell.
I hope that she moves out and gets pregnant with, then her YouTube fails, college kicks her out and she is left with no one.
Don't say I'm being harsh because I don't think I am, she deserves it from everything she has done, and all she has put that poor baby through, enough is enough
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i have made a tik tok about it. Everybody like it so it will be boosted and seen by more people. It already has 4 likes
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Tbh I hope she doesn’t come back to quickly because her staying away for longer means she’s not offending anyone with her disrespectful attitude, she’s not showing her neglect towards Mabel for thousands to see, not giving out dangerous advice, not exploiting Mabel for views and not acting the victim. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would much rather Mia stay off social media for a few months if it means Mabel will be getting the attention and care she needs and deserves from her mother rather than her constantly being second best to mias obsession with social media.
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can we please make sure that this does not go unnoticed. message teen mum instagrams with the picture, message mia jeal lies... is the girl who made the callout videos on here still? if not she needs to be contacted too!

Did someone say she’s just partnered with a reusable nappy brand? Don’t think they’ll want to be associated with anyone endorsing DIY miscarriages.
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VIP Member
Very good summary, however hate to be that person but you say Mia is at uni in the bit about her PowerPoint ,but she’s at college. Might be worth changing because we all know Mia isn’t going to uni as she earns a ✨hella✨ Nice wage of YouTube why would she need to x
My bad 🤣I did mean college. She said once she would never go to uni and that makes her the family disappointment! Always the victim.
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I preferred her SO much more when she was pregnant, she seemed like such a different girl. But it could of just been an act & now she’s shown her true bitchy colours
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Chatty Member
Not sure what I’m more excited for - June 21st or when she finally uploads & this thread comes back to life!
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What I find really strange is the email she replied to a few pages back, she ended it with ‘Just because I’m ready for a baby doesn’t mean everyone else is’, or something along those lines... what has her wanting another baby got to do with what she’s done? She’s actually that obsessed that she can turn anything into ‘I’m having another baby!!’.
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Chatty Member
Tiktok unsafe link the fact that keira is younger and more mature than fantasy mia who wants sperm donor babies and refuses to have kids with even her future husband.
you might wanna check on the keira thread- earlier today she posted a tiktok saying she’s gonna have another baby soon before uni “whether she’s with a partner of not” ! she’s literally becoming mia!

looks like she wants to get facebook sperm too. and also prioritise having an unnecessary baby at 17 years old over getting a decent education. priorities !?!?!
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